Part 1: Chapter 8

"Called it!" Kaminari pointed at the screen with a grin.

"How did you know?" Ochako asked. Midoriya answered, however: "The story was oddly focused on Jirou and Yaoyorozu. And we knew Radio Rebel was a woman."

"Plus, music is involved. So it has to be Jirou!" Kaminari added.

He looked quite proud of himself, "I'm smart."

"You just watch too many movies," Sero said.

"Let me have my moment!"

"Sure, sure."

"Oh." Momo smiled. She shrugged with a few nods, seemingly happy to hear her friend finally speak up.

She chuckled.

"I don't believe you."

"That was a whole one-eighty turn."

"Don't you mean three-sixty?"

"No, that would mean going back to the same place. Three-sixty positive!"

"Can you not! I can't math!"

"They do seem like different people. Jirou is so shy here and Radio Rebel is supposed to be this confident person, voicing out other people's opinions," Shoji commented, deciding to ignore the bickering.

"Yeah, still. Would your friend lie to you-- wait don't answer that."

The screen's image slid away into another scene where Jirou and Momo were in Jirou's room.

Jirou spoke into a small mic, while Momo had one of the headphone's earcups close to her ear.

"If you're like me who thinks that music can change the world one track at a time, you're going to love this track from my new favorite band." As she spoke, Momo heard a confident - completely different - voice belonging to Radio Rebel.

Her mouth went agape.

Her best friend's soft, shy and - if you listen closely - cool voice was saying the same things as the contrasting cheery-confident 'Radio Rebel voice' she heard for years.

She was completely shocked, but everything made sense now.

Jirou looked at her expectantly, but a part of her was nervous too.

"So she was using something to change her voice. That would come in handy for Shin--"

"Wait, no Midoriya, we're not in that arc yet." Ochako stopped him.

"Wait, what--"

"Uraraka not you too!" Sero exclaimed.

Momo on the other hand was radiating visible excitement even as she tried to form a sentence. "Wow! I can't believe she's you...? You're her...?"

She got a grip of everything quickly, however.

Jirou smiled, finding her reaction slightly funny.

"I mean," she paused, "you're the last person I'd expect to be Radio Rebel, Jirou."

Kaminari glanced at Jirou. She was oddly more quiet than she usually was.

Wasn't she going to say anything?

In Class 1A's perspective, it wasn't too unbelievable to think she was this Radio Rebel. Albeit, for the Momo on screen, it was unexpected since she was close to that Jirou. That was what Class 1A was thinking.

But what was Jirou thinking? She was just watching the screen with her usual expression.

Jirou fidgeted with the bracelet on her wrist; her cheeks were a light pink that blended with her skin.

"I wanted to tell you, but you know how I am. SMASH wants to keep it a secret and so do I. But still, I know, I should've told you."

"Why are you so cute?" Mina squealed, while the others laughed, "And you didn't need to tell her! If you don't feel comfortable with something then you don't need to force yourself!"

Jirou's earphone jacks touched each other.

Should I be saying 'thank you'?

"No, no, it's fine Jirou!" Momo objected. She put her hands on Jirou's shoulders, "I am a bit sad you didn't tell me, but I understand."

"Yaomomo is understandable even in other universes," Kaminari said in a daze and the same for other students.

"Why are you acting like a proud parent?" Shoji asked no-one in particular.

"I'm more excited that my best-friend-for-totally-like-forever is Radio Rebel."

Momo brought her closer for a hug. "I'm so proud of you!" She squealed, moving Jirou side-to-side in their hug.

"Yes, I am and would be," Momo said. A smile formed on her face, which was quite contagious. Soon Jirou - who'd been out of it - smiled too and so did many others.

"But, 'best-friend-for-like-forever'." Sero chuckled, "Never thought I'd hear that from the elegant high-educated Yaoyorozu."

"You forgot the 'totally'!"

Laughs were heard throughout the last scene, so many did not catch what was said absentmindedly.

Jirou laughed both happy and amused by her best friend's antics.

"Your smile's pretty."

Jirou snapped her head towards Kaminari. "What?" She barely said.

The blond flinched out of his daze. "Huh?" The first thing he noticed was her surprised expression combined with pink covering her cheeks. He realized then: "Did I say that out loud?"

She nodded slowly; she looked more relaxed now.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I... mean it." His usual confidence came back, so he acted the way he usually did. "Yeah, you look pretty smiling. You should smile more."

Now, those words seemed more casual to her. It might have been written off as a joke if she didn't hear it the first time. The way he said it.

She looked away. "Thanks, I guess."

After the screen turned black, Re-ika appeared. Her friendly smile was still present as always and her voice as clear as a broken radio could be.

"Thank you for watching. You reached the necessary amount to unlock 'Remote'," she informed.

Majority of Class 1A were fascinated and excited about the new feature they would be able to use. They haven't used most of what they had 'unlocked', but hopefully this would be something even more convenient.

"Oh," Kaminari said, eyes seeming to sparkle. "What does this do?"

"Is it like an actual TV remote?" Ochako mumbled.

"'Remote' allows the viewers to pause and play the screen," she explained and at that very moment something manifested in front of Kaminari. It was floating, while glowing.

He didn't reach for it immediately - startled. However, once the glowing subsided and a rectangular object was visible, Kaminari extended his hand.

His fingers slowly wrapped around it, which triggered the object to shape into a remote. Others surrounded him to observe the remote. There were multiple buttons, but only two had images on them.

Play and Pause.

It was most likely those two options.

"For easy access to this option and more in the future, an object of your imagination has manifested to pause and play universes on screen."

"Wow, that's really is convenient," Midoriya said, scrutinizing best he could the remote. But as always, he had more to say about this new tool they'd been granted. "So when you paused earlier, you had control over this pause feature. But now, we have control over this?"

Izuku waited for a response. He wasn't sure if she was hesitating or processing his question.

"Yes," she simply said.

There was something off about her voice.

"Actually, I've noticed that we get to see these tools and features before being granted usage. Is this on purpose as a preview?" Momo asked.

"Oh, I never took note of that before!" Mina said, glancing at her nearby friends.

"Me neither."

Re-ika answered after pausing, "Yes. It was a preview."

"I see." Yaoyorozu shared a look with Midoriya.

The silence was an awkward one, and Re-ika's abrupt goodbye made this unspoken awkwardness more apparent. Simultaneously, the way she spoke only added to their suspicions. "Then, I will shut down if there are no questions. I will see you next time."

The projection went off in a blink of the eye; no-one was able to respond.

Bakugou was the first to stand up and Todoroki the second to do so.

"Where are you going?" Eijiro asked them.

"It's done, right? I don't have any other reason to be here," he had answered before leaving.

"I have to go too," Shoto said and greeted them.

"Okay, good afternoon Todoroki!"

"See you!"

That left the remaining students. "Guess, we can finish our homework now."

And so, begrudgingly or unenthusiastically, they got their homework. Luckily, they were helping each other out.

They'd made their own groups, separated by subjects. Some finished early and left, but some students stayed behind to lend a helping hand. The top students couldn't be the only ones to explain, after all. Poor Yaoyorozu had been crowded and flooded with questions.

But they did eventually reached the end of their study session, which was the time they began relaxing.

That meaning: chattering and slowing their pace.

"You know, that was a really... what's the word," Sato said, looking for the right choice of words.



"Less stressful."

"I guess that's a few things to describe that universe."

"But, I'm guessing only the people who appeared in this universe would know what 'lesson' needed to be learned," Tokoyami said.

Everyone's eyes were on the several people who appeared in the recent universe.

Jirou avoided and ignored the stares unlike the others who responded in agreement. Kaminari was unintentionally keeping a close eye on her - be it because he was seated next to her or something entirely different. Whatever the case, he was inwardly perplexed by her silence.

Something was on her mind, no doubt.

"Well, honestly, yeah. I don't know how Midoriya could deal with this so much. It's super weird and sort of... frustrating seeing yourself be someone else you don't like," Kirishima explained with a far back look on his face. It was as if he was still trying to figure out how to express his feelings.

"I get it," Mina said. She pouted and instead of looking at anyone, she fiddled around with her pen. "That me that was on the screen felt so off. I didn't like that version of myself at all."

Iida and Midoriya nodded.

Kaminari, on the other hand, shrugged. "I think Jirou and I got the same feeling too. But probably for different reasons. You know, like certain people saying my counterpart is better than me," he said - almost sassily.

"That's not what we meant and you know it!" Tooru rebuked.

"I don't know what you mean," Denki said, checking his fingernails as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

From beside him, he heard a chuckle. He had to admit he was taken aback, but nonetheless, he was relieved to see she was smiling. He really wondered what was on her mind, but he would ask when the time was right.

She was fine at the moment; that's all that mattered.

Finally, their homework and assignments were complete. They were more knowledgeable too - thanks to their classmate's help.

Thay all could agree their brains needed to rest now, so they greeted and left to their rooms.

On the way to his room, Mina had stopped him.

"Hey, Kaminari! I want to talk to you for a second."

He looked over his shoulder. What would Ashido want to talk about with him? They did talk often, because they studied together with Momo. He'd been through some team-ups with her too. After all that, they just clicked; they were simply similar to each other.

But for her to personally seek him out?

He wondered what it was about.

Definitely not school work, that's for sure.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"I'm curious about something." Mina's smile grew. He wasn't sure if he would be able to answer.

He swallowed. "What--"

"Do you," she looked around and then leaned closer to him to whisper the rest, "have a crush on Jirou? Like, have a thing for her?"

Denki took a while to process the question.

Suddenly, he felt overly conscious about his body language. He felt slightly hot; he didn't know how to move. His shoulders were stiff.

What's with that?

"Where did that question come from?" He asked, barely stopping himself from stumbling over his words.

Mina hummed, watching him carefully. She was fully aware of his reaction.

Her smile was replaced with a grin. "I don't know. I just got the hint from that universe that there was some romance between your counterparts and I was curious if it was the same here? You know, research?"

Kaminari seemed to calm down. He was in the right mind to give a sarcastic remark: "Sure, research. Definitely. Has nothing to do with your own curiosity on people's love-lives."

"Fine, you got me." Mina shamelessly shrugged and stuck her tongue out. "I just want to know if you're into her. Interested, maybe?"

Kaminari pursed his lips and looked away. Then, he looked back at the persistent girl. Giving in, he spoke. "I don't know."

Mina's eyebrows raised. "You don't know?"

"I never thought about it until now. And right now, I'm not sure if you would call this a crush or not."

"What do you mean?" She crossed her arms, shifting her weight on one leg.

"Well, you know how I'm bold enough to ask girl's on dates or flirt with them? Honestly, I'm half-joking. Girls don't really say yes, so I just do these things on a whim. But other than the time I flirted with Uraraka, I kept some kind of line between all the girl's in our class."

Mina only nodded.

"I can't see myself dating you or any of the other girls - not even Yaoyorozu. Or carelessly flirting like some playboy with any of you."

"And Jirou?" She asked.

"Especially not her, which is weird. Doing that to Jirou feels so wrong - to lead her on or flirt with her on a whim. You know, the way I usually do things."

Mina tried to process what he told her. To think he had such complicated feelings to process himself.

Then, she roughly got an idea.

"Do you think it might be because you would rather date her with genuine feelings?" She prompted.

Kaminari blinked a few times; his cheeks went red again.


"So that's it. You're not used to having a genuine pure-wholesome crush on someone you actually see everyday! Is it a crush or liking her though? There's a difference." Mina went into her own train of thoughts.

That left a flushed Kaminari who was rethinking everything. This epiphany had a lot to explain, but it felt like it came out if nowhere.

Come to think of it. I've only ever had celebrity crushes or I was just interested in someone for their looks.

He started walking slowly.

It's like Mina says. I've never thought about doing those play-boy moves.

And the reason why I didn't like the thought - especially with Jirou...

"I'm... just going to go to my room," he mumbled.

... I guess, I do have a small crush on her.


I have a crush on Jirou.

"Hey, Midoriya!"

"Uh, hello!"

"You know that thing you asked me, right? I asked my classmates and some other seniors I know, but they all have something different to say."

"Really? What did they say?"

"Some say they used the machine before, but other's say they don't remember anything like that. Strange, right?"

"It is. What could this mean?"

"Something sure is fishy about this. Maybe you should talk to the teachers about it."

"Yes, that might be a good idea. Thanks for helping, Mirio-senpai."

"No problem!"

Welp, guess the long chapters are back.

Anyway, that was enough Kamijiro for you all! And for myself - t'was difficult to write even if they're my OTP!

Now onto something else!
