Chapter 5: I Will Prove Myself To You

Kiibo was waiting for Shuichi in front of school again. last night they had agreed that Shuichi would meet Kiibo every day before school, so he should be here soon.

Suddenly, Kiibo felt a tap on their shoulder, and turned their head around and saw Shuichi, smiling down at them. “Geez..! don't do that, you're taller than me and it's scary..” Kiibo shivered and turned around, looking up at him. “Sorry.” Shuichi chuckled. “Should we go to class then?” Shuichi suggested, and fixed his hat. Kiibo nodded and walked with him to class, not caring what other people thought.

Like yesterday, The Teacher came late and opened the classroom door, and everyone sat down, The teacher took the register, and then they could do anything they wanted. Kokichi was working.

Shuichi was thinking about how he could prove himself that he would be a good boyfriend, so he went up to Kokichi.

“Hey Kokichi.” Shuichi smiled down at him, and Kokichi looked up, expecting another classmate to hit him, but it was just Shuichi. “oh, hi Shuichi…” Kokichi said softly. “Please let me help you stop people from bullying you, i'm starting to feel bad..” What Shuichi told was the truth, not just for Kiibo to like him more. Kokichi stayed silent and looked down. “ parents or the teachers listen to me..and if i try and tell anyone about it, the others will just beat me up more..” Shuichi thought about something. 

“Kokichi, I'll tell a teacher for you, and if the others find out, here is my phone number so you can call me when you're about to get beaten up, and me, and maybe Kiibo, will come and help you fight.” Shuichi slipped a note with his phone number to the other boy, and gently patted him on the head. Kokichi didn't like to be treated like a child, so he removed Shuichi's hand. “..stop..please-” Shuichi chuckled. “Sorry..” 

“I’ll add you.” Kokichi agreed. “Good! now, i'll tell a teacher about it later.” Shuichi flashed him a smile before leaving him alone.

Kiibo was listening the whole time while pretending to be on their phone. ‘God, he is so nice. I know he was doing that not just for me, either.’ Kiibo thought and covered their mouth when they smiled.

Shuichi gently nudged Kiibo, to make sure they heard. “I heard, I heard. don't worry. you're nicer than i thought, Shuichi.” Kiibo darted their eyes up to them. Shuichi sat back down and gently fidgeted with his hands on his lap, thinking about what he should do now. Kiibo saw that he was thinking and put their hand on his.

Shuichi looked up at Kiibo and softly smiled, holding their hand under the table. Everyone was too busy talking to notice it. They stared into eachothers eyes.. Kiibo soon noticed and broke the gaze, sending shivers down their spine. Shuichi gently exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding and gently caressed Kiibos hand with his thumb, trying not to make their already half broken hand even more broken. Shuichi was used to the feeling of his hand being held by now to not act like he did before.

“What do we do now..?” Kiibo asked Shuichi, not sure what to do. “Class is going to be over in like 5 minutes, after we can go and do something.” Kiibo gently smiled from his statement. “ ‘Something’?” “You know what i mean, Kiibo..” Shuichi turned red again and hid his face.

They held hands for a bit more, but to Kiibo that 5 minutes felt like 2 seconds for some reason. 

The bell soon rang, and instead of darting out, Shuichi took his time and actually waited for Kiibo to get up, and then they walked out of the classroom together. “Thanks for waiting, Shuichi. I’ll give you extra credit for that.” Kiibo chuckled softly while leaving, looking at Shuichi with a slight smile.

“Just for that..?” Shuichi looked surprised. Kiibo nodded and then covered his mouth, realizing that they were smiling. “Kiibo, your smile is beautiful, don't do that.” Shuichi complimented them and then remembered the favor he had.

"Ah, I have to do what I promised to Kokichi." Just then, a teacher walked past, and Shuichi told them what was happening with him, and the teacher said they will sort it out.

Shuichi nodded and then ran back up to Kiibo. Shuichi looked like he wanted to be praised, for some reason. Kiibo sighed and smiled. "Good job." They said and gently patted him on the shoulder. Shuichi smiled back and suddenly hugged them when no one was around.

"..your lucky no one is here, Shuichi." Kiibo wrapped their arms around them as well.
