Chapter 9: The Last Hope

Kiibo and Iibidashi got into their car. "Shuichi is a nice boy. i'd totally let you date him." 

Kiibo turned red. "..Really..?" They said as they put their seatbelt on. "Yeah, but, does he know about you being nonbinary..?" Iibidashi sounded serious as he said this, pulling out of the driveway.

"He knows, but Shimesu doesn't." Kiibo turned their head to look out the window.

"Do you want me to tell him?" Iibidashi started driving back home. "..when all of this is done, yes."

Iibidashi smiled. "I'm so proud of you, my kid." Kiibo smiled again. "Thank you.." Kiibo looked out the window once again.

(tiny time skip)

They soon were home. Kiibo unbuckled their seatbelt and got out, and Iibidashi followed.

Kiibo silently went inside. The outside of the house looked like a normal house, but inside, it looked like a lab.

Iibidashi closed the door behind them, walking to the room where he had the gun and the jetpack. "Here we are. You don't need to go on standby to put these on." 

Kiibo sat on the operating table, took off their shirt to reveal their armor, and looked at them. they looked heavy, but they were light. "How do you put them on, then?"

"You can put on the laser gun by yourself, but I need to help you with the jetpack.."

Iibidashi walked up to them and they grabbed their right arm. "Just.. this might hurt a bit, but this is supposed to happen.." Iibidashi pressed two buttons on Kiibos armor and then pulled their arm off.

"..! I didn't know those did that.." Kiibo jumped slightly at the sudden tug and loss of weight. 

"Then you just.." Iibidashi picked up the laser gun and snapped it in place in their elbow socket.

"Seems easy enough," Kiibo said and tested moving it.

"Be careful, if you put too much power into it, it will shoot," Iibidashi warned them.

Kiibo aimed it away from him as soon as he said that. "..sorry, I didn't know."

Iibidashi chuckled. "You don't have to be so tight around me, y'know, loosen up a little!" Iibidashi ruffled Kiibo's hair.

"I'm just nervous..are you sure I'll be okay?" Kiibo frowned while asking him.

"Of course! you're made by me after all. I always put my heart and soul into my inventions, you especially." Iibidashi reassured them.

"If you say so." Kiibo smiled again and hopped down from the operating table.

"What battery percent are you on? they take up quite a lot of power." Iibidashi asked, keeping Kiibo's right arm in a box labeled 'K1-B0 spare parts'

"87%..I charged last night. will that be enough?" Kiibo checked and looked back up.

"That will be enough. but, Just in case.." Iibidashi fitted a small power bank inside Kiibo's back pocket on their pants and plugged them in. 

"Thanks." Kiibo turned their head around.

"But, I don't know if your shirt would fit. would you sit on the operating table again?" 

Kiibo did as listened.

Iibidashi fetched Kiibos' right arm and removed the laser gun and fit their arm back on.

"Put your shirt back on, now" Iibidashi handed them their shirt, and Kiibo put it on.

"Can you try and put the laser gun on?"

"I can try." Kiibo reached for the buttons on their right arm and pressed it in, the armor and inner workings coming loose.

"Good, now fit the laser gun on until it clicks." 

Kiibo placed their right arm next to them and tried to hold the laser gun with one hand. luckily it had a good grip, so it was easy to click on.

"This good?" Kiibo gently rotated their arm while facing it away from him. "That's perfect." Iibidashi smiled at them. "Aah, you grew up so fast.." Iibidashi mumbled and went to place Kiibo’s arm in the box of spare parts again. 

"I think the shirt would work with putting it on too." Kiibo made sure the gun was fastened.

"Yeah, i need to put the jetpack on you anyway. it has strong magnets, so you wont need your shirt off anyways.." 

"Will magnets interfere with my electric signals?"

"No, i made these magnets special, so they won't."

Kiibo trusted him and got off the bench. 

"This one is kind of heavy, so be careful not to fall when you fly." Iibidashi grabbed the jetpack.

"You ready?" Iibidashi warned them.

Kiibo nodded.

Iibidashi stuck the jetpack on them, the lights glowing blue just like the laser gun.

"are you okay?" Iibidashi asked them.

"Yeah, it's actually not that heavy for me." 

"It's like 20kg." Iibidashi informed them.

"You can start it by just putting power into it as well, and you turn by leaning. put less power to slow down and stop."

Kiibo felt kind of sci-fi-ish with all of this equipment.

Suddenly, a ringtone echoed through the room.
