DING DONG? who's on the door?


hobi:what happened to jungkook?
joon:is it because of taehyung?
suga:I dunno
lia:nah.. he's lazy. just lazy
jm:how do you know? are you in same house or what? lol.
jin:w.. what?
lia:yeah vrooh.
jm:wh-what? how?
jen:didn't yall know that his house got in a fire?
sug:yea he told usm
Taehyung turned to Jennie.
jen:at that time he was in our house and asked whether he can spend night there.
jin:what about today?
lia:he's might stay. there's 99.9% chance
jm: *curiosily* where did he sleep? (in a dirty, flirty tone)
jen:in the couch
lia:yeaa and in midnight he was cold and slept beside jen-
tae: *loudly, louder than bombs*whatt?
everyone turned to him.
hobi:what Tae?
tae:nn..nothing a.. a plot twist. yea a plot twist on the book I was reading.
jm:oh.i thought you were jealous of jungkook.
taehyung didn't mind. he didn't even had a book on his bench to read a plot twist. jealous lier.

we three were at home. jungkook haven't bath so on our way back frm school we bought him a pair of dress. it was almost 7pm.
jungkook was in his phone. I just finished my notes and lia was on TV.
lia:found something interesting! can we all together watch it now?
jungkook nodded.
me:yea! great mood
we put some snacks on the table and sat in the couch. movie played. time went. it was almost the last scene. the climax. it was 9.50.
we were eagerly watching and *ding donggg* doorbell rang. who the heck is it now. I went and opened the door.
me:w.. wait! why are you here????
