*Jennies pov*

me:w.whhy the heck are you here?
I was shocked seeing taehyung in front of me. he removed his shoes and ruffled his hair. then fixed his coat.
tae:I don't trust jungkook. don't want him to sleep with me again. ryt?
lia was eating popcorn. they didn't pause the movie when Jennie was gone. jungkook put his hand in the popcorn. lias eyes went to him.
lia:put it back
jk:I'm hungry too
lia:then eat something else
jk:nope. i want this *he puts the popcorn to his mouth*
lia put the popcorn to her other side so jk won't reach it. but jungkook leaned to her lap to reach the popcorn. he was glued to the TV screen so she didn't mind. just then Taehyung and Jennie entered the room.
what were they doing?
lia:yea Jen... *she saw jungkook on her lap and pushed his head to the other side.*
"ouch!! selfish popcorn brat huh" jungkook murmured.
lia:theif! popcorn theif
lia turned to us.
jungkook opened his mouth wide in surprise.
me:sit there Tae!
he sat beside jungkook.
tae:what were u doing?
lia:us? watching movie
jk:lost my mood. I'm going
lia:where the heck?
jk:to sleep
lia:dinner? you shouldn't skip
tae:why are you caring abt him so much?
she fake smiled lyk she was teasing Tae.
jk:im not having an appetite.
saying so he went to a room and closed the door.
lia:so shall we eat?
we all ate and sat in the couch with a full tummy..
lia:next year where are you gonna do ur University?
tae:niang itself I guess.
lia:I wish I get there too
tae:Jen? you?
lia:I wish the same. but shud study hard.
tae:yeaa but yall gonna study?
lia:we need to. we're not a  rich bitch lyk you Mr Taehyung
he laughed, so did us.
tae:where should I sleep??
me:ask lia
lia:on the floor with jungkook.
Taehyung wasn't interested in it but he got no other option.
I went and knocked the door.

jk:*inside the room*yea?
me:come out. we gotta sleep
he opened the door and gave Taehyung a death glare.
lia and I made a bed on the floor.
lia: here you go
taehyung gave me a should-i-really-sleep-with-him look. Jungkook layed down and put a blanket over him
tae:only one blanket?
me:ofcourse yeaa
Taehyung layed down and pulled the blanket. Jungkook pulled it from the other side.Tae didn't give up neither do jungkook. after the blanket pulling competition they made a equ half and slept.
after 3-4 hours lia woke me up.
me:*morning grunge voice*what?
I opened my eye and yawned. lia told me to go behind her. and I did.
lia:look this *she pointed to the floor*
whaaaa!! I cud see the most awkward and butiful view!
