It was another free period. jungkook turned back and smiled.
jk: *bit loudly*did you enjoy last night?
jk:I guess you don't remember. should I say what all we did?

taehyung looked annoyed but was minding his business.
lia:why did you stay all night with him? you knew, I was alone.
me:what? (I got to know they started the prank) oh yea!
     I'm sorry about that liaa
lia:so, now Tae knows that you both are dating so shouldn't you make it official?
me:why do we nee--
jk:off, we'll go on to a spl place today maybe a party?
yeri:*shouting from back*heyy jungkook and jennie
       is dating? what have I heard?

that bitch has been listening to us all this long. and now she's gonna make it obvious.
lia:yeah. jungkook jeon and Jennie kim are dating *a bit more louder*

yeri was shocked. Taehyung rolled his eyes and layed on his desk. the whole class were looking at us.
classmate 1:is it true?
classmate2:no way! this is silly
classmate1:they're a perfect match though
classmate3:yup. our new class couple
classmate4:yeah. partyyy
classmate2:we are the one who should treat them

suddenly Taehyung got up from his bench making the whole class shut.
v:please stop this, could you?
lia:why should we? we didn't tell anything abt u
jm:what's the matter Tae? are you upset bcuz of kookkie?
lia:is it? or jealous of Jennie?
Taehyung threw his chair down and left the class harshly.

the class murmured something, definitely abt us.
lia:look. our prank is working
me:I guess it was a bit harsh
jk:it's not. this is what we wanted. right lia
both jk and Lia gave each other high-five
I started out on the way Tae left.
we tried out best to act as a couple and everyone believed us. Thus, Tae got more angry.

I was standing on the line to buy food. I saw Taehyung staring at me but I didn't gave him a look. Jungkook came and grabbed place of my hand.
jk:sit there I'll buy
me:it's fine
jk:he's looking girl
I gave him my plate and sat on a table.
5 Min late Jungkook came and placed my food on the table. he was dragging a chair for him to sit but Taehyung came and threw my food down.
V:you should buy your own
me: but wh-
jk:pick it up and put in the trash
me:uh okay
jk not you. Kim Taehyung, pick it up.
V:who the heck do u think you are
jk:I'm her boyfriend? u didn't knew?
V:so what? duhh
he walked away.
jk:that jerk..
jungkook went near him and grabbed his collar. Tae tried to take his hand away but couldn't.
v:aren't you being too obvious?
jk:what if I am? not ur business
v:hha. she doesn't even care about you.
jk:do you know?
v:yea I kn--
I went near and pulled jungkook hand away from tae's collar. 'come baby, it's a waste of time' I said.
We could see Taehyung fuming out of anger.
me:y'all took the prank too far. should we end it?
jk:if you want
me:then let us. tell everyone
jk:but why
me:what if Taehyung gets the wrong idea?
jk:hmm. *ruffling my hair*your so adorable while eating
me:haha. thanks but..
me:he's not here and we ended the prank
me:then why are you like this?
jk:like what? haha. I enjoyed this prank very much.
     or else I wouldn't have seen this side of you
me:whar do you mean?
jk:what else? I like it. I mean you.
saying so he got up and left the caffeine.
