Chapter 7 yet another problem

3361 words

The two kids looked over to the sound of Walter's voice. He was setting plates down with the help of Carlos. There were two long tables... It reminded both Clementine, and Louis of school... before the dead walked. It was weird, they both have vivid memories of hating school, but it seemed like they would give anything to go back...

How much do I hate cafeteria food? a lot... a whole lot. Louis was stood in line with other Kids his age, ready to get their childish hands on some random slop they call "lasagna." He was stood behind Lamar, who was kind of a bully, That kid has some problems... Although that's not saying much when this is a boarding school for troubled youth, Everyone here has some problems. The line moved reasonably fast, who figured placing some slop on a trey doesn't take much time. When Louis came up to the front of the line, he was met with the Lunch lady he got familiar with over the last year of attending this school, When she plopped some food on his trey, he grimaced. He wont get used to the texture though.

As soon as he left the kitchen and into the Cafeteria, he dumped his serving into the bin and ushered to the far left side of the room, where him and his friends usually sat. "Hey dude!" Marlon greeted as Louis sat. "Where's your food? Mitch furrowed his brows. "I threw it away." Louis chuckled in response. "I would've eaten it! " Mitch countered. "That shit?" Louis rolled his eyes. "Did you just swear?!" Aasim looked up from his "history book" in shock. "Bro, don't tell Mrs. Calhoun, she'll kill me!" Louis whisper shouted with wide eyes. The boys heard a soft chuckle from the back of the table. "You're scared of Mrs. Calhoun?" Violet had a tiny grin resting on her face. "uh...No, No I'm not." Louis crossed his arms in an attempt to look cool. "You should really be scared of Mr. Sanders."

No one else really talked after her, The kids ate their food and threw it away. Suddenly The bell rang and Violet was the first one to leave. Marlon and Louis chatted behind everyone. "Dude, I Like Like Vi." Marlon whispered. "So That's what the whole, Meet me after lunch thing was?" Louis chuckled. Marlon nodded in embarrassment. 'isn't she like.. Lesbian?" Louis scratched the back of his neck. "What does that mean?" Marlon furrowed his blond brows. "I think its like, when a girl only likes girls." Louis responded. Marlon frowned at that. "Isn't that like Illegal?" Marlon asked. 'I don't know man, ask Mrs. Calhoun."

The rest of the group sat at the two tables, Pete, Luke, Nick, Carlos, and Sarah, sit at the first, and Kenny, Sarita, Alvin, Rebbecca and Keith sat at the other. "Hey, Clem!" Both Kenny and Luke's voice shone at the same time. Clementine decided to sit with Kenny, and Louis followed, Keith sitting at that table and all. Luke looked disappointed and ate a spoonful of soup. Kenny smiled at Clementine's choice. "Peaches and beans, great on the way in, not so great on the way out I'll tell you that!" Kenny laughed at his own joke, Walter joined in. After a short pause, Walter spoke up. "How's the food?" He asked. "Its surprisingly great, I cant remember that last time I had a hot meal." Clementine beamed "Didn't you have one at the cabin?" Louis raised a brow. Clementine responded with a elbow to his side.

Keith chuckled at their little interaction and went back to his food. "So what made you guys come up here?" Kenny tried to start a conversation. Keith and Louis, exchanged looks. "So, we're on the run, from this asshole that runs a camp... I've been told he's not nice." Keith admits lowly. Kenny doesn't respond to this. Instead giving a judging look. Walter opened his mouth, but before he could speak, He was interrupted by Luke, Pete and Nick. "Swap seats?" Luke offered. "Sure, I'd Like to get to know your friends better." Walter nodded and walked to the other table. "I'd rather sit here, man." Louis objected. "Stop it with your little crush, and lets go." Keith said firmly and practically dragged Louis to the other table. "That was... odd" Luke sighed.

"I like the beard." Clementine randomly mentioned. "Its great, but you should've seen it when Sarita found me." Kenny boasted. "I used to have a beard like that." Pete chimed in. "probably longer." Pete bragged back. "I see you two are making friends." Luke chuckles. Some time passes by and Kenny speaks up again. "You ever heard of a place called Wellington?" Kenny asked. Pete, Luke, and Nick shook their heads, but Clementine's face lit up. "Yeah, Christa wanted to go there when I was still with her!" Clementine beamed. "It's up far North of here, Huge walls, and cold ass winters so the Walkers get slow." Kenny reminded.

"Sounds Like bullshit." Nick muttered from the other side of the table. Kenny groaned before speaking again "Listen Vanilla Ice, You're free to up and leave if you want!" Kenny shot back with his familiar pissed off expression. After a few seconds, Kenny sighed. "Pass me that can, Duck." It was almost instant. Kenny seized up, Clementine threw on a surprised expression as well. "Duck? who's Duck?" Luke's confused face showed his ignorant side. "Duck was his son..."

It's weird how someone can be full with so much energy one second... and so dead the next. Katja's body lay next to her broken husband, Blood splattered the floor, Fall season leaves coated in crimson. But the worst part? The child lay motionless, expressionless, and against a tree... And a bite mark on his waist. The only way you could tell he was alive were the shallow breaths that left his nose.

Kenny Picked up the gun from the floor... the one that lay next to Katja's blood covered hand. Lee loomed over Duck, as Kenny's tears fell from his cheeks. "Give me the gun... you shouldn't have to do this... No father should." Lee's assertive voice was so quiet. Kenny nodded as he shook and Handed the man the firearm. Lee looked at the weapon for a second. Then he sighed, aimed the gun at Ducks pale face... And pulled the trigger.

Luke widened his eyes in shock and stayed silent. The rest of the meal was silent.

After everyone finished their food, they all placed their dishes on the counter next to the sink. "Hey Clementine, You wanna loop around the lodge to make sure nothing creeps up on us?" Kenny asked, Grabbing his rifle from the bench next to the front door. "I'll come too." Walter smiled. "Yeah, I'll come." Clementine nodded her head.

"People say this is the end of the world, but its not, If anything its just the start, people are just now finding out how to regain their humanity and survive at the same time." Walter's words were informed, pleasing to hear at the very least. "What the hell are you babbling on about now Walt?" Kenny chuckled from behind the the other two. "Politics, Kenny." Walter joked. "If there's one thing I like about living in the apocalypses its not having to deal with that shit no more." Kenny admitted.

"Mathew is great with Politics, once he comes back, I'm sure he'll babble on more than I will, that's for sure." Walter informed. "I don't know what I'd do without Mathew." As soon as the words left Walters lips, the three stopped in their tracks. "Madam?" Walter called out. There was a woman, ginger haired who was peering into the lodge. She jumped at this, instantly looking up towards the three. "I'm hungry... I have a family, just down that way." she pointed North East. "I didn't mean to intrude." Kenny tightened his grip on his rifle... just in case. Walter took a deep breath before speaking. "stay right here, I'll bring you something." Walter slimed and walked away.

Tension filled the air as the duo fought a silent battle with the stranger. Kenny even double checked to see if his gun was loaded, which it was. "I have a little girl around your age." The woman bent down "How old are you sweetie?" The woman pried. "She ain't telling you shit." Kenny snarled. The woman quickly stood back up and stayed silent.

After a few more minutes, Walter returned with a large box filled with cans. Kenny widened his eyes before groaning at what the man held. "Oh, This is too much. I cant take this" The woman sighed. "I insist." Walter smiled and handed her the box. "Thank you so much, anyone else would've just shot me." The woman smiled and started walking off.

Kenny fought the urge to yell at the man for giving that much food. Once the three returned Clementine walked over to where Keith and Louis were sat. "Hey Clementine, Louis here was just telling me how badass you are, is that the right word? Badass?" Keith looked over to Louis with a knowing grin. "Mhm, I know I couldn't do what she did in that shed." Louis said matter of factly. "Well, I cou-" Keith was soon interrupted by Louis's voice.

"Oh shut up, You have the finesse of a dying turtle." Louis Insulted. Keith put a hand over his heart "Ow, I take my ankle breaking skills very seriously I'll have you know." Keith joked. "Remember when you challenged me to a one on one and I caught over your head with one hand?" Keith reminded. "oh, Fuck you, The only reason you can do that is because your tall as hell, plus I'm like 13!"

"12." Keith corrected. "No, I'm 13." Louis shot back. "Do you even keep track of the time?" Keith raised a brow. "yea, I have a calendar." Louis told. "Well your keeping track wrong then." Keith chuckled. Louis just sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Wasn't this conversation supposed to be about how you have a crush on Clem?" Keith threw his train of torment onto Louis yet again. "Do not! besides, I've known her for like... a week at most." Louis argued. Before the conversation of the century could be continued, Luke came up behind Clementine. He looked worried... way too Worried for comfort. "I need to tell you something, Clementine." Luke guided Clementine to an area of the lodge that no one else seemed to be at. "So promise you wont freak out." Luke whispered. Clementine nodded slowly. "What is it?" she whispered back. Luke took a deep breath before speaking. "That... That guy on the bridge, the one that offered us food?" Luke started. "What about him?" Clem ushered the man.

"He was Mathew... The guy Walter keeps talking about." Luke told before showing the picture he had in his hand... It was of Walter and Mathew, The guy on the bridge. They were at some mountain. Clementine widened her eyes at this. "We have to tell Nick" Clementine said. "No, No we d-" Luke was interrupted by a voice coming from behind the two. "What don't you have to tell me?" The duo turned around to see Nick standing worried. Clementine snatched the picture from Luke's hands and showed Nick in one swift movement.

"Oh god... oh no... Fuck, Is that.. the- the guy on the bridge?" Nick started to panic. Then he thought. "Wait... That knife, get it before he sees!" Nick whisper shouted. Clementine nodded in understanding and rushed off to the front door in search for her newly acquired blade. She looked on the bench to see that the knife was the only weapon not there, then she searched her back pack, nothing... She started to panic, then she saw something in the corner of her eye... a man, menacingly twiddling a knife in his hands. Walter was outside the front door, holding the very knife Clementine was searching for.

Clementine gulped, and stood, and opened the door to talk. "Walter?" Clementine said in a scared tone. "I always Liked this knife...I gave it to Mathew what all this started... I know he's dead." Walter said, taking the cigarette from his mouth and throwing to the ground. "who did it? was it that kid? what's his name, Nick?" heard him talking earlier, something about shooting a man." Walter paused again, letting the distant rain fill Clementine's ears. "I could see it... It could see it on his face. Wasn't sure then, but now..." Walter talked to himself practically.

"It was us... It was our fault." Clementine said, a low tone replacing her usually confident one. "Jesus... I uh... I don't feel good." Walter said, Letting one hand off the knife. "Nick shot him..." Clementine sighed. With those three words, Walter tightened his grip on the knife. "Is uh... Is Nick a good man? or is he like everybody else?" The last sentence sounded a bit quieter. "Is he just one of those uh, fuckers that don't give a shit about anyone but themselves?"

"He is... he's a good guy, Walter." Clementine reminded, head hung low as to not make eye contact. That's when Nick opened the door with wide eyes.
"He would always go out alone, Told him not to but he would never listen, told his something like this would happen. No, Matt always knew best..." Walter finished. "What's going on?" Nick whispered to Clementine. "You need to tell him." Clementine whispered back. "Tell him what?" Nick urgently asked. "About what happened on the bridge." After she said that Nick went quiet, thinking.

Walter turned around gripping his knife while looking towards Nick with furrowed brows. His face morphed from Anger to Despair. "Tell me what you did. Just tell me son, What happened." Walter voice sounded desperate, that was a rarity. "From a distance it looked like anyone. I... I thought he was gonna shoot my friends, and I-" Nick stopped himself when he looked over to The knife that was clenched tightly in Walters hands. "I shot Mathew. But it happened real fast. I didn't I didn't know if I hit him. But it did. " Nick stuttered, franticly trying to form sentences. Walter took a step forward.

"I didn't mean to..." Nick finished. Walter looked almost surprised "Do you know what you've done to me?" Do you have ANY idea?" Walter spat. "I didn't mean to...I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry Walter." Nick apologized. Walter looked down at the knife Contemplating it's use. as the clouds above head seemed to darken. The windmill spinning created ambiance in the background. The man flung the knife to the ground with a quick move of the hand. noticing The windmill getting faster and faster until it was spinning out of control.

Kenny, Carlos, Sarita, Louis and Keith ran outside onto the patio. "Walt, What's going on?" Kenny asked. "that thing is going real fucking fast." Keith added. "that storms got it spinnin' outta control. That sounds gonna draw walkers. We gotta shut it down now!" Kenny yelled orders to the group. "Nick, Help me carry the guns." Carlos demanded. 'Hey, Mr. PHD, Isn't that gonna draw more?!" Keith insulted. Carlos Ignored him, as usual. "Guns?" Sarita questioned. Walter stood in the corner, still mourning the loss of Mathew.

Carlos and Nick came back with weapons. Carlos handed Sarita a rifle and Nick gave Clementine a pistol. "That things a damn dinner bell!" Kenny Reminded before running off. towards The windmill. The rest of the people outside followed quickly, Nick trailing slightly behind. They heard something from the Lodge go off, Then the lights went out. "The hell was that?" Keith questioned. "Dammit, Transformer musta gone." Kenny muttered. 'Gotta check it, I could use a pair of hands." Kenny suggested. "I'll go with you." Keith suggested. "I'll go too." Sarita said with a look of determination. "No! Its too dangerous." Kenny rejected.

The rest of you, Get this thing shut down." Kenny demanded before running off with Keith. Sarita opened the hatch to the Windmill to be met with a key, a bunch of buttons and a key hole. "Does anyone know how to do this?" Carlos sighed. "Looks pretty easy" Said Louis, before grabbing the key, putting in the hole and pressing the 'off' button. "Was it that hard?" Everyone else was silent in embarrassment. The Windmill started to stop moving instantly. "lets scan the trees". Louis already had Chairles on resting on his shoulders ready to go.

"Something isn't right..." Nick muttered quietly. "yeah." Clementine agreed. That's when they noticed Walkers were pouring out from the trees. "We don't have much ammunition." Carlos said, pulling up his pistol. 'We gotta get back to the Lodge, Come on slowpokes!" Keith said before sprinting towards the building. "They're behind us!" Nick shouted, as he turned around to be greeted by the shuffling footsteps of the dead. Nick pointed his weapon at one, Shooting it in the head, It fell over with a thud, letting the maggots and worms at its corpse. more and more gunshots began to ring out, as Clementine and Louis Looked on.

Clementine brought her pistol out, taking cover behind a stump. "Hey Mrm smelly!" Louis shouted out before cracking its head with his makeshift bat. Then struck the walker twice more once it hit the ground. He flung his dreads back and got ready for another. Clementine fired, missed some but hit others in the head. She noticed Nick booking it back to the Lodge as she rushed behind a large rock. Looking up, she found six walkers shuffling and groaning, reaching out to their prey. The one all the way in the back fell from the swing of a chair leg. That swapped one other walkers attention to the dread headed boy. Leaving four for Clementine.

by the time she had killed two, she pulled her trigger to be met with no bullet... "I'm out of ammo!" Clementine Shouted to Louis. The boy perked his head up and nodded. He knocked the knee out of one but didn't realize how close the other was. The standing walker fell onto Louis. Clementine came to his aid grabbing Chairles from next to him, Killing the monster. When The other stood up, The kids looked on in horror, stepping back. With a bang, the walker fell. They looked over to see Carlos, gun in hand.

"Run, go!" Carlos ordered before a walker threw it self at his back, He was faster though, stepping back and shooting before it could sink its teeth. He shot another time before yelling out. "Keep moving! get to the Lodge!" Carlos demanded and ran. A walker got in between Clementine and Louis's path with a smack or two from Chairles, they kept moving.

"Somebody help me!" Nicks strained voice yelled out. Clementine and Louis stood in shock as Nick had a walker tussling with him. Walter came up from the front door of the lodge, pointing with weapon at the Nick and The walker... after a few seconds, The walker fell to the ground a bullet coming from Walters pistol and into the Walkers head.

Nick looked over to Walter. "Thank you." Nick smiled before Walter ran off. The three ran off with him, spotting Carlos firing his weapon. The others joined him. two seconds of silence before Carlos turned around. "Get inside, quick!" Carlos yelled before another burst of gunfire came from their pistols. Clementine and Louis rushed into the Lodge as quick as their legs could take them.

"Clementine, Louis are you okay?" Rebbecca, Alvin and Pete both asked at the same time. Another burst of gunfire rang out, different from the pistols the group used "What the hell?" Alvin questioned before running with everyone else looking out the window. Automatic rifle fire came from the trees, seemingly surrounding the Lodge. Walkers fell like flies from the high tier weaponry.

And then to everyone's Horror, Four people came from the tree line. Two men who were unknown. That woman Walter gave food to... and William Carver.

This is the longest chapter yet! Finally were getting some action, stay tuned!
