Chapter 1 A Lone soul

2379 words

The gunshot echoed through the faded bathroom causing Clementine's eyes to widen. Omid clutched his blood-soaked chest, looking at the unnamed women who shot him with wide eyes. crimson blood trickled down Omid's mouth as he dropped to the ground creating an eerie thud. Clementine covered her mouth as tears threatened to escape her golden eyes.

"I-I, oh god." The woman still had the pistol in her loose grasp, her eyes widened with fear. Christa busted the cracked open door down, looking for the source of the gunshot. The unnamed woman quickly dropped the weapon and threw her hands up. "I didn't mean to I didn't mean-" She was interrupted by the bullet that entered her stomach. Her blood splattered against the wall as she yelped in pain, her body colliding with the now crimson-colored wall. Christa dropped her weapon and got down onto her knees. "Omid... Omid, can you hear me? Omid... Omid." The pregnant woman sobbed. Christa looked over to the young girl and down to The woman's pistol, that pistol was Clementines.

16 months later

The cold drops of water rained down onto the two lone survivors. Water trickled down Clementine's face as she spectated Christa struggling to get a fire going. An eerie silence filled the air as horrible memories filled Clementine's thoughts. "I miss Lee," Clementine muttered randomly. Christa looked up from the poor excuse for a fire and the skinned mammal that was impaled on a stick over it. Christa paused leaving nothing but the trickling rain to fill Clemenetines ears. "I'm sure you do, Clementine." Christa frowned and went back to work. "You should be doing this, not me, tending a fire and cooking a meal. This is something you have to do, Clementine." Clementine gave back nothing but silence and a depressed face. Clementine shivered in the cold. "You think this is cold? wait till we get to wellington this rain is gonna turn into snow." Christa warned, "I'm gonna look for more wood." Christa stood up.

Clementine inhaled a shaky breath, she could see her breath travel into the air and disappearing, Like another soul dying to this harsh world. Clementine sighed and stood up. She looked into the air, water drops narrowly avoiding her eyes and landing on her cheeks. The sky was murky and gray. the air was filled with rain clouds, blocking the moonlight. There was only a small peek hole so that some light could crack through the clouds and make the land around Clementine slightly visible. her pink backpack was fading of color but was still easily spotted by the child. Clementine knelt down next to her backpack. The wet soil was caved in from the weight of Clementine's leg, causing a wet spot to emerge into her knee. she zipped her backpack open and rummaged around.

She saw a drawing she made from crayons. It was of Duck, Katjaa, and Kenny holding hands like a family. She remembered showing Kenny the drawing back when they still were in the motel. They aren't a family anymore. her thoughts lingered in her mind. Duck got bit escaping the motel when the bandits attacked. Katjaa ended her own life when she was faced with putting down her son. And Kenny, Kenny went missing trying to save the kid he hated, the kid who was indirectly responsible for his wife and ten-year-old son's death. Tears threatened to join the rainfall on her face as the memories hit her like a ton of bricks. she put the drawing down and continued to look through her bag.

The next thing she found was a picture, not just any picture though it was an image of her now-dead father figure, Lee Everett. She thought back to when he climbed over her fence while just escaping the decaying grasp of the dead. she contemplated dropping a hammer on his head, which made her chuckle. When She saved him from the walker Sandra by giving him a hammer. When she was saved by Lee at the drug store, twice. When They got to the motel, then the Saint johns and Larry getting killed. The raid on the motel, Carley getting shot. The train, learning to shoot. and everything up to Lee's demise, A bite, Clem had to put him out of his misery.

She put the picture back and rummaged some more. She found a pink lighter, it matched her backpack. "Now I need to find something to burn." The girl thought out loud. She walked around the perimeter of their temporary camp, each step causing a sloshing sound in the mud. There was a license plate resting on the squishy mud. Clementine searched some more to find a small log. When she went to grab it, it was uncomfortably wet. "Nope, too wet."The girl told herself. she groaned in frustration. She then went back to her backpack to see if she missed anything. she kneeled down again and squinted to try and see better. She smiled lightly when she found a couple of crumpled pieces of paper. she took them out and strolled back to the "fire".

It took a couple of attempts to get the lighter to light. When it did she put the small, glowing flame against the paper, causing the fire to slowly spread. she calmly put the flaming paper to the pile of wet sticks and the fire spread a little bit. She repeated this twice and now she had a somewhat well-lit fire. Her smile was soon turned into a frown of concern when she heard a voice. "Where is your group!" it was a deep, angry yell. Clementine stood up to investigate. Clementine crept through the soggy forest while the yells of what sounded like three or four different men rushed to The girl's ears. "Cut the shit lady! Where is the rest of your group!" a dark, hooded man snarled. "I'm alone, I swear!" As Clementine feared, Christa was being held at gunpoint. Clementine scanned the wet ground with panic-filled eyes. she grabbed a sizable rock and took a breath. with all her power the stone flew through the air and collided with the man's skull. The man fell to the ground with a thud, the mud splashed onto the other men's boots as they looked for where the rock came from.

Christa took this opportunity to run. Clementine ran as fast as her small legs could take her. She heard Christa yell and a gunshot. her Mind didn't care, all she could do was run. "you can't hide little girl!" One of the men yelled out. Clementine was behind a thick tree, her heart beating fast as she took off to find an escape route. The man jolted his head toward the rushed footsteps and chased after them. "Stop running you sonofabitch!" The men's shouts just attracted The flesh-craving dead. Eventually, the man caught up to the girl and charged her. Clementine let out a fearful yell as she dove out of the way, landing in the mud. she stood up and scanned the ground, she saw a sharp-looking stick and swiftly jabbed at the man's chest. The stick penetrated his skin and he let out a scream. The man reached out for Clementine and successfully got a firm grip on the girl. Clementine bit down on his thumb causing more of the crimson fluid to ooze from his hand. "Goddamnit!" The man then lunged at Clementine, tackling her to the ground.

"Stop fucking squirming!" The man shouted. Clementine heard an aggressive groan coming from the left of the two. She used all of her might to tip the man over and into the groaning. As expected, that groaning was a walker, the man soon had teeth in his neck. Clementine kept running. Her running was put to a halt when she reached a cliff. The girl looked down to see that the bottom is filled with aggressive rapids. she looked back to see the uneven footsteps of the dead. she grabbed a rock from the ground and threw it at one of the walkers. The rock collided with the walker's foot, not doing much. Clem took a step behind but lost her footing when her foot hit a stone. She lost her balance and swiftly fell into the rapids.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open as she groaned. she lifted herself to look at her surroundings. she was laying on the sand and her bottom half was still resting in the now calm water. She saw that her drenched hat lay in front of her. When she stood up, water and sand trickled down her body. Clementine leaned down and grabbed her hat, placing it comfortably on her brown locks. She stretched her arms and yawned. The sky had cleared and it was not raining, The rays from the sun brightening the earth. Clementine walked down the little beach to see a kayak, this kayak was upside down and unusable. Clementine sighed and continued her stroll. Clementine was at a dead end but there was a scalable side. The girl jumped up, pulling herself up the edge. She continued her walk now being in the quiet woods. Silence filled the air as she walked past a dead walker. It somehow found a way to get a sign in its skull.

The girl suddenly stopped when she heard bushes rustling nearby. Please don't be a walker She thought. She took cautious footsteps until she saw what was causing the noise. She saw a dog that had a blue-collar that had the name Sam on it. Clementine gasped when it whipped around and growled. "Woah there, boy. It's okay boy" Clementine comforted. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen a dog. The dog seemed to calm down and walked away. Clementine followed. The dog stopped at a little abandoned camp. a couple of ripped tents lay in the dirt. There was a garbage can in front of it and a broken grill next to that. "Let's find some food, Sam." Clementine smiled. The girl looked through the first tent. it was red and had a box of random, non-edible items. Clem continued to rummage through the box only seeing a bunch of toys and a picture of a family, probably dead. Clementine sighed and exited the tent. Nothing was in the other tent.

Outside of the Green tent, next to the red one with the box, was a dirty, yellow Frisbee. Clementine picked it up. "Hey sam, wanna play, wanna play fetch?" Clementine offered. The dog wagged its tail. Clementine threw the frisbee and Sam went after it. Sam Rushed back over to Clem and put the frisbee under her feet, silently asking to go again. They repeated this a couple of times before Clem accidentally overthrew and it got lost in the trees and bushes. "Well, it was fun while it lasted." Clem frowned. Clem went over to the trashcan. it reeked of old tuna and spoiled milk. Clementine scrunched up her nose and hesitantly lifted the lid. She searched through it and through the disgusting filth she found a perfectly good can of beans. Clementine was just about to show her new companion her discovery when she heard Sam bark. "Hey, don't be loud, it'll-" She interrupted herself when she saw what Sam was barking at. It was a walker that was tied up to a tree. It had a pocked knife stuck into its chest. Clementine frowned at the sight.

She walked over to it and it started to reach for her, its attempts were unsuccessful due to its restraints. The knife was inserted just around a bite mark. "He tried to cut it out, that never works." Clem thought out loud. The brunet looked down to see a slightly wet, large stick She picked it up. "Sam, they're dumb, we aren't. We just have to stay out of reach and they can't get us." Clem said, mostly talking to herself. She swung the stick when it landed on its skull it snapped in half. she used one half to stab the walker in the brain. "I like to think that If they were alive they would want to help." Clementine smiled while ripping the knife from The walker's chest.

Clementine whiped the blood from the red pocket knife and grabbed the beans that she dug up from the vile garbage can. Clementine tore the lid open with the knife. "Good, they're good." Clementine smiled before grabbing a handful and eating. The dog looked up at the girl. Clementine caved in to the guilt and handed the food to the dog. Sam aggressively tore the can from her hands and started devouring them. "Sam no, you can't eat all of them!" Clem yelled, grabbing the can. Out of nowhere Sam lunged its jaw at Clementine's forearm and brought her down. Clementine snarled in pain and started to strike the dog with her free hand. when that didn't work, she kicked him. The dog whined in pain. Clementine looked at her arm to see a horrible bite wound that was bleeding profusely. She stood up, holding her forearm.

Clementine found that Sam was impaled by tent spikes and was squirming and whining. Clementine frowned at the sight. With her pocket knife, she put the dog out of his misery. She continued to move through the woods. Clementine's vision was getting blurry as she sat down leaning against a rock. Clementine closed her eyes but jolted them open again when she heard a familiar groaning sound. She lazily got up and started walking away at a sluggish pace. A walker took notice of her and started to chase her down. It eventually caught up to her and right before it put a hand on her it got knocked down by something. "Now that's what we call a home run." A boyish voice cheered behind her. Clementine fell down on her own feet. "Damnit Louis, You can't just rush in like that!" An older-sounding man shouted from behind. "Luke, pick her up, I'm out!" the same voice demanded. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was a man in his late twenties, wearing an orange shirt and a machete sheath on his back towering over her.

Hey guys! I know that this was exactly the same as the game besides Louis's name being mentioned but I needed to start somewhere, don't worry though the differences will come in chapter two. :)
