Chapter 2 Still. Not. Bitten

2549 words

The injured girl woke up to two voices arguing. Her eyes slowly fluttered open to see she was being carried by the same man she saw before she blacked out. She groaned in pain. "Hey, you're awake." The man smiled down at her, his calm voice blocking out the argument in the background. Clem stayed silent, letting their footsteps fill her ears. "I'm Luke." The man said. Luke looked up from Clementine "Louis, you shouldn't have rushed in like that! what would your brother do if you got bit!" An older man frowned at a dreadlocked boy. "Pete, I can handle myself!" The dread head snarled. "that's Pete and Louis." Luke sighed. Pete sighed and mumbled, "you can tell he's a troubled youth." Pete whispered to himself. Louis caught up to Luke and Clementine. "Hey" Louis tried to start. "Hey," Clem said back. Luke chuckled. "So, are you gonna tell us your name?" Luke raised a brow, still carrying the girl. "Clementine." She answered. "Well, Clementine we are taking you back to our place. It's a little cabin in the woods, we have a group there too." Luke smiled.

Pete then caught up to the three. There was a silence then Clementine spoke. "I can walk you know, my leg isn't broken." Clementine raised a brow "No, it's fine, Clem you need to keep your strength up." Clementine rolled her eyes. Clementine looked over to Louis who was holding a chair leg. " What is that?" Clem laughed. Louis turned his head to see that she was Looking at his signature weapon. "Oh, this? it's a chair leg I call it Chairles." Louis smiled confidently. "I had to mutilate one of the chairs back at the cabin... My brother wasn't that happy about it." Clem rolled her eyes but in reality, she wanted to chuckle.

after a little while, The four were still walking through the woods. the sky was now turning darker as the mud caved in beneath their feet. "So Clem-" Luke stopped himself before widening his eyes. "Holy shit" He screamed as he dropped Clem, letting her fall with a thud. "Luke, what's wrong!?" Pete questioned. Louis's eyes widened when Luke suddenly dropped her. "S-she's bitten!" Luke shuddered. "Look at her forearm." he pointed. Then he started pacing. "What are we gonna do?" Louis looked sympathetic. "It was a dog, I got bit by a dog!" Clem said. "We didn't see no dogs back there Clementine." Pete sighed. "There were lurkers all around you." Luke breathed, facepalming. "I believe her." Louis smiled, Chairles still hoisted on his shoulder. Pete and Luke look toward The dread head with raised eyebrows. "Where was the dog!?" Luke suddenly shot to Clem. "I killed it!" Clem snarled. Luke and Louis widened their eyes. "You killed a dog!" Luke shook his head. "What the hell would you do!?" Pete pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't know! just... you don't kill dogs...?" Luke softened his voice. Clementine stood up. She was holding her blood-covered arm with her healthy arm. "I'm fine you can..." Clementine stopped herself, her eyes started to feel heavy and she mumbled something unidentifiable. Clementine then collapsed onto the ground as Luke reached out for the girl.

She woke up to arguing, lots of arguing. she could faintly hear multiple people snarling directly over her. The subtle breeze swayed a blade of grass, tickling her nose. her eyes slowly sprawled open. She saw Luke, Pete, and someone she thought was Louis. He was considerably taller than the younger boy and most of the same features as The dread head. The only differences were that his hair was slightly shorter and curly, he had no freckles and his skin tone was slightly lighter. He also wore a tattered trench coat. as her eyes were still adjusting she looked around to see the others. Standing over her was a man that looked a bit younger than Luke, had stubble and a reddish cap with a C on it, he was armed with a rifle. There was a black pregnant lady who was doing most of the shouting, a close second being the guy with the cap. What looked like the pregnant lady's husband was standing right behind her. He was a larger fellow with soft eyes behind a pair of brown glasses.

"Where am-" Clementine tried to speak over the aguing but when she did, a loud boom echoed through her ears. there was now dirt sprinkled onto her face as her ear made a constant high-pitched screech. she looked to the left to see there was a hole right next to her ear. She then looked back to see the whole group was staring at her. Pete groaned and took a step toward the guy with the cap and rifle. He looked the most surprised. "finger off the trigger son." Pete snarled, taking the weapon from his reach. "I'm not your son" he replied. "Jesus, Nick just shut the fuck up! you almost took this kid's face off for christ's sake!" The Louis look-alike snapped. "Not to mention you probably attracted every lurker in a mile radius." The pregnant lady mumbled. Clementine furrowed her eyes and groaned. "Luke? Pete? What's happening." Clementine croaked. "Hey Clem, it's okay, we have a doctor inside he's gonna help you." Luke smiled. Clementine then stood back up. "Luke, She. Is. Bitten, it's obvious she's just trying to stop the inevitable." The pregnant lady snarled. "Just give her a chance Rebecca." Pete frowned.

Then a door creaked open. Clementine was too busy comprehending all the new faces that she didn't even take the time to admire her surroundings, something she finds herself doing somewhat often, due to always moving. She stood in front of an old, wooden cabin. It was surprisingly well kept, with no greenery overtaking the foundation. It's only been two years but some buildings have already shown signs of decay. this building had a small shed a couple of yards to the left. The shed was also made from wood but was not as well kept, with vines hanging and attaching from the top. this whole property was surrounded by thick, green woods. Out of the door came a man wearing a flannel shirt. His footsteps were slow and heavy as he made his way up to Clementine. Clem cautiously took a step back, resting her weight on her left leg. "It's ok he's a doctor," Luke assured. The doctor kneeled down to her level. "I'm Carlos Ill do what I can to help you." soon after the words left his mouth, the door, which was still slightly open cracked a little farther. "Who's that?" the taller girl with red glassed asked. "Sarah, I told you to stay inside." Carlos politely requested. Then Louis tugged her arm and they closed the door.

most of the group was asking various questions, Like "What is it?" or "is it a lurker bite?" most of the questions came from Nick, the guy with the hat. As Carlos prodded at her injured arm, Clem winced. "Whatever it was, it got you good." Carlos concluded, "I don't know what it is, let me think for a second." Carlos warned. "How hard could it be, you're a fucking doctor, Carlos!" the curly-haired Louis snarled. Carlos just rolled his eyes at the boy. "For the meantime, we lock her in the shed, I don't want to take the risk. If she is still alive when we wake up, she isn't lying." "But my wound needs to be cleaned and stitched, it's gonna get infected!" Clementine snapped. "So what?" Rebbeca commented. Luke and the Louis look-alike escorted her to the shed. " My name is Keith, I'm Louis's older brother I'm sorry bout all that stuff, it's stupid." Keith scoffed "Can you get me stuff for my arm?" Clem asked, directing to both Luke and Keith. "I wish, but the others wouldn't take that too well maybe besides Pete." Luke sighed. Keith opened the door and Clementine walked into the old wooden shed.

it had been a few hours now, the talking had faded and had been replaced with the light thuds of rain accompanied by claps of thunder. Clementine sighed, holding her arm when she heard a firm knock at the shed. "Who is it?" She shuddered The door opened to reveal a dread head, around her age. 'Louis." Clem smiled. "Hey, The others don't know I'm out here, I brought you some bandages but I couldn't find much else. The group is doing a meeting so know would be your best bet to go searching." Louis informed"Clementine smiled. "Oh, and here's a juice box" Louis smirked while rummaging through his pockets. he gave the box to her and left. Clementine walked out of the old shed and into the sprinkle of rain. The front door was locked and the outside of the house had no other easy entrances. She settled for a hole under the porch. She crawled underneath the sound of debate. and found a hatch that led into the first floor. She pulled out the pocket knife that she had got from the walker back at that little camp. She began to pry at it. eventually, it opened free at the expense of her knife. It was now in two halves on the ground. Clementine slowly climbed up and found herself in a living space. She could hear talking in the room next to her behind a white door that had some paint peeling from it.

Her steps were quiet as she snuck up to the second story one of the boards cracked under her weight, she hesitated before continuing. She found herself in a hallway. There were two doors at the end of it. The one to the left was slightly open, she peeked in to confirm no one was there. she walked inside and saw that she was inside a bathroom. There was a bathtub in front of her and to her right, there was a small closet. to her left was the sink. The mirror over the faucet doubled as a cabinet. Clementine opened the cabinet to reveal a little sewn tomato and a needle. Soon after she put the needle in her pocket, She heard slow footsteps coming in her direction.

Clementine swiftly hid in the closet, which was thankfully empty, and waited. Soon the pregnant lady, Rebecca walked in while facepalming. "Please let it be his, Please let it be Alvin's." Clementine assumed that Alvin was the one behind her when they were arguing over her. Rebecca lingered for a while and left. When Clementine was certain Rebecca was gone, she stepped out of the closet and went back into the hallway. She slowly creaked open the other door and to her surprise, she saw that girl that peeked through the front door, the one with red glasses. The girl turned her head to the door, away from her book. "Who are you? you aren't supposed to be here." The girl softly inquired. "I know, I just need something for my arm, peroxide." Clementine whispered back The girl let Clementine in. "My name is Sarah, what's yours?" Sarah greeted. "Clementine." Clem put simply. "We can be like best friends, I haven't seen a girl my age in a long time." Sarah smiled. "I um... yeah... I guess." Clementine replied awkwardly. the reality was that Sarah was fifteen and Clementine was only eleven or twelve. "Pinky promise?" Sarah pointed her pinky out. "Pinky promise," Clementine replied, doing the gesture.

"Okay, I think I have the thing in my cabinet," Sarah whispered while looking through her room. "Here it is, the peroxide thing." She said, handing Clementine the bottle. Clementine thanked her and left the cabin the was she came in. When she was in the shed she placed everything down on a table but then remembered she didn't have the actual stitches. She rummaged around the shed and found a good substitute. "This is going to suck." Clementine reminded herself, placing her arm on the wooden table.

She took a sip of her apple juice she got from Louis to prepare herself for what she was going to do. She put the thread through the needle and now she was ready. she unscrewed the cap to the peroxide and braced herself. she poured a little into her wound but she was met with an instant shock of udder pain, a weird tingly feeling like something was crawling around in her skin. She let out a horrid scream as she tried to stop herself. she dropped the bottle on accident and the liquid started to leak out. She grabbed it and braced again this time holding the horrible feeling back better. She took another sip from the juice box. "Now this is the fun part," Clementine mumbled.

She aligned the needle next to her wound and braced. she impaled her skin and it stitched up a small part of the wound. her reaction was a loud scream and a bang of her fist on the table. At this point tears of pain were starting to well up in her eyes. she continued this action at least five more times. Each reaction was different. "FUUUUCK!!!" was the final one. she could barely feel her arm at this point. She was able to bandage the mess up with a sigh. not too soon after she heard a muffled groan. her immediate reaction was to look for a weapon. she found a hammer sitting on a shelf that was too high for her to reach. The groaning changed to growling and slashing at a weak point in one of the walls. she was able to get a box to reach the hammer. she stood on top of the box and that's when she saw it, a decaying arm peaking through a hole at the bottom of the wall. Clementine reached for the hammer but she just couldn't get it. at this point now the walker's head had come through the wall. Clementine in a panic jumped onto the shelf. The shelf collapsed under her weight and she fell down right next to the walker's hand. she widened her eyes when it grabbed her by the forearm and tried to take a chunk out of her arm. she yanked her arm free but now the walker was freely able to crawl into the Shed. She looked around to see a pitchfork resting on one of the walls.

She rushed over to it and the Deadhead stood up. Clementine charged and the pitchfork impaled the walker and dug into the wall, making the walker immobile. She grabbed the hammer from the ground and swung it at its head. The walker was now dead with a hammer caving its head in. Clementine panted as the door busted open. "Holy shit!" was Lukes response when he saw Clementine towering over a dead walker. The whole group was standing there in shock. Clementine tugged the weapon free and turned around. "I'm...still...not...bitten! I never was and you left me here to die!" Clementine snarled as she looked at the group. she was mostly directing that to Rebecca, Nick, and Carlos. The group made their way to the cabin. "You hungry?" Luke asked. Clementine stopped, looked at Luke, and walked away.

Still. not. bitten! I really liked writing that chapter, even if it did take a while to get out.
