Chapter Thirty Three.

"... the police are investigating whether Mr. Blue had any close relations being that it is now the third day since his search and that of his two friends began in vain. Friends and loved ones are struggling to come to terms with the fact that the three men may actually be no more. Theories that - "

His booming laughter echoed as he turned the volume of the small radio down.

" Hear that Mr. Blue, the world thinks you're dead ! " Mr. Yong said gleefully.

Mr. Yong took two steps towards the downcast man, " Don't worry, soon you'll be. It has always been my dream to see you gone, Mr. Blue and now it's better that I've the privilege of personally ensuring it happens. Dreams, my friend, are very valid."

Jonathan helplessly struggled against the shackles binding his strong wrists while trying not to look at the scared man clinging to his leg. If the circumstances were different, it would've been a comical sight but Frost's trembling and sobs as the he clutched Jonathan's leg only confirmed the reality of the horrific situation they were in.

" Guards, tea ! " Mr. Yong ordered causing Gregory who was bound on a chair across Jonathan to stare at him perplexed.

Mr. Yong noticed the man's stare, " C'mon gentlemen just because you're about to die doesn't mean I should not give you a small treat."

Mr. Yong pulled a chair and sat infront of Jonathan.

" Our deal, Mr. Blue ? "

Jonathan smirked. Mr. Yong was going to kill him anyway, whether he told him of his blueprints or not so he decided he would not give the man what he wanted. If Jonathan could not win then no body would.

" Hmm ! How about you being so kind by informing me where you kept the blue prints of your chocolate enterprise ? "

Jonathan smirked as a guard set a tray of two cups of hot coffee on a small stool in between them.

" I find it a quite profitable venture, Mr. Blue , " Mr. Yong said as he reached out for his cup, " Please help yourself Blue, drink. "

Jonathan raised a brow, " With bound hands ? "

" Ah ! Pardon my manners, guards ! "

Mr. Yong was making a stupid mistake but Jonathan smiled and rubbed his wrists once set free then slowly took a cup of hot coffee.

" Yes Blue, now that your hands are free and you can drink, tell me more, " Mr. Yong prompted.

He was eager for information and he looked expectantly at Jonathan.

" Do you read... about facts, Mr. Yong ? " Jonathan asked.

Mr. Yong frowned, " No. Why ? "

" Did you know...a prisoner who's ... sentenced to death ... is asked for... a favorite last ...meal ? "

Mr. Yong chuckled, " I see. Why if I may ask ? "

" To bribe their...ghosts from haunting ... the executioner, Mr. Yong , "

" Nonsense! You're not going to be my first kill - "

" But will... be the first... to leave you... his wealth, Mr. Yong, "

Mr. Yong frowned, " So what are you struggling to imply Mr. Jonathan Blue ? "

Jonathan smirked and tentatively raised the cup of hot coffee to inspect it, " What I'm trying... to imply is... that I don't... like the choice... of my last ... meal, Mr. Yong. "

" You don't make any sense - "

Swoosh !

Mr. Yong cried out in agony, hot coffee dripping from his face. Jonathan was already on his feet, throwing a chair at a guard who was shooting at him while his two friends wrestled with the two guards in the room.

An alarm went off in the building and the door to the room flew abruptly open after a loud bang causing Jonathan, Frost and Gregory to stand at attention ready to attack once the smoke at the door cleared up.

Instead of Mr. Yong's guards, two men Jonathan least expected stood at the door, rifles in each of their hands and Jonathan froze not knowing to react . He managed an amused smile at one who would always wear a suit no matter how involving a task would be such as in that situation, seeming to notice Jonathan's smile, the one in a dirty suit stepped forward.

" Brother , " Bucks called out, his voice rough.

Jonathan shut his eyes not caring that they would see his face without a mask, not caring he was trying to hide from them all along and not realizing Mr. Yong took the opportunity to run away.

" It's us , cousin, " the other spoke up, the voice very much like Bucks'.

Jonathan stared at him in a t-shirt as usual. He knew the men must have gone through hell to get to him but why when he was certain they never cared.

" We're very sorry bro, " Bucks spoke again.

This time Jonathan opened his mouth but no words came. The two men walked forward and bombarded him with a hug and at that moment it hit him, he realized that family was still family.


" We need to move boss , "

" Very well, Terry, " Bucks said, breaking off from the brotherly embrace the three of them shared.

Jonathan realized the fierce gun shot exchange that was going on outside .

" I called the police , " Bucks told him, realizing his questioning gaze, " but we've got to move. "

Cora .

The thought almost crippled him but he forced himself to be strong and caught the rifle that was tossed to him mid air then followed after his two friends from the room.



Yelling men.

It was pure chaos even as he ran across the open field and he shot a few shots for self defense. Jonathan ran behind Morris and Bucks who provided cover for the three of them.

" Tell them to withdraw, now ! " Bucks yelled at Terry.

After a short while, the chaos ceased and Jonathan saw a small crowd as they approached . From the corner of his eye he saw Frost break down in tears once he spotted his pregnant wife . The poor man dropped to his knees as his wife ran towards them despite her condition. Two women followed closely behind her and Jonathan recognized them, they were Morris' and Bucks' wives.

He limped reality crushing down when he could not find Cora within the small crowd. His mismatched eyes searched, vulnerability raw in them as he sighted the irrelevant reunions to him.

Jonathan suddenly grew dizzy at the painful ache forming in his chest. He would have died than live another day without her , Cora was nowhere . He slowly sank to the ground and for the second time in his life the tears started to fall as he looked helplessly at the sky. He had lost. She was most likely dead.

" Blue ! "

" Mr. Blue !"

He slowly turned around and he stared at the woman who was running, her heavy curls bouncing until she pounced on him in a fierce hug.

" I thought I'd lost you ! I thought ..." Cora trailed off in tears.

And without further thought and care of the on looking curious crowd, Jonathan possessively grabbed her slender neck and passionately kissed her. They both cried into the kiss and Jonathan pulled her close afraid she may vanish if he ever let go.

Boom !

The explosion interrupted them and Jonathan looked up to see Mr. Yong's entire building up in flames.

" Where's the culprit ? I need that fat man arrested , "

Jonathan heard Bucks growl in anger as he slowly rose up, Cora in his arms.

" I'm sorry sir, he was caught up in the fire... None of his men made it neither, " The man said loudly.

Jonathan looked at a crying Cora and he gently wiped her tears using his thumb.

" Shh! It's, " he rasped, pulling her in for a hug.

And it was true.

It was over.

It was finally over.
