Chapter Thirty Four

Cora finally felt peaceful.

She saw a few injuries on Jonathan's arm and notice him wince as they walked away from the overjoyed crowd but she was happy. Jonathan Blue was alive !

She smiled to herself as she felt his gentle hold on her hand as he pulled her towards a new ride and that is when she noticed something was amiss.

" Blue, where's Lan ? "

She watched his mismatched eyes lock with hers in a painful gaze and he shook his head, " Never made it. "

" Oh ! " Cora gasped and the tears began.

" Hey ! Hey ! " He gently said, trying to wipe away her tears not knowing what to say because of his aching throat.

" Don't cry Cora, " He cradled her head to his chest," We won that's...what matters. "

" Lan was a good man. He never deserved it," Cora managed to choke out.

Jonathan fell silent for a moment then spoke, " A brother...I never had. "

He looked up from Cora's curly head to see Morris and Bucks infront of him. A hopeful but anxious expression on their faces.

" We know the bungalow was bombed, Jonathan. We...we are offering a place to stay as you settle and sort yourself out. My house is big enough - "

" No need, " Jonathan cut off Bucks then smiled.

Bucks' face fell.

Jonathan knew what his half brother was trying to do. Of course both Morris and Bucks knew Jonathan had many other houses but it was an attempt on Bucks' part to try and catch up with his younger half brother.

Jonathan noticed Morris' hopeless stare and he almost chuckled at their crestfallen reactions. They had misinterpreted the reason for his decline. Jonathan stepped forward still holding Cora's hand in his larger one and looked his two brother's puppy eyed expressions.

" I already forgave, " Jonathan rasped.

Their faces lit up.

" But I need... time for us, " Jonathan said shooting Cora a lingering stare.

Bucks awkwardly coughed.

" Oh ! " Morris said then chuckled.

" We shall visit soon then , " Bucks said quickly and left.

Cora stared wearily at him, " You didn't mean that , did you ? "

Jonathan smirked pulling Cora to match with his eager strides and opened the door of the waiting car letting her in first.

" Jonathan, I asked you a question ? " Cora asked annoyed.

" Wrong tone, " he glared, " You lost your...manners while I ...was away. "


" So beautiful ! " Cora murmured.

She looked at the spacious bungalow and expensive furniture in the living room. She admired the unique wall decors and the breathtaking view from the open glass walls overlooking a lake. The place was far from the city but quite refreshing and she followed him to ask why he never lived in the particular bungalow.

Cora walked in his bedroom mindlessly after wandering everywhere in the house. She met a dripping wet Jonathan in only a towel low on his waist.

" Sorry ! " Cora gasped and started to turn back.

" Stop ! " He rasped the order but Cora did not listen .

" We need talk, "

At that she paused and slowly turned to look at the man who had somehow managed to wear grey sweatpants and was struggling with a bandage over his arm.

Cora gaped at him, " You're fast..."

" So, I've been told, " he smiled.

" Can I help ? " Cora offered .

Jonathan nodded and let her come help dress his wounds. He noticed her have a hard time trying not to stare at his chest and he almost chuckled.

" You said you want us to talk, " Cora said once his wounds were all dressed.

" Yes, "

" Okay, "

" What do you...intend to do ? "

She frowned.

" Everything's over Cora...what do you...want to do ? "

" Look for a job that is if I can't continue working for you, "

Jonathan smiled, " Okay . "

She frowned not understanding what the man meant , " That's all ? "

Jonathan fidgeted. His fingers trembling and Cora thought it was an odd sight.

" I need to...tell you something, " he said.

" All ears ? "

Cora stared at him but instead of Jonathan speaking he stood up and started pacing the place using his newly purchased gold walking cane.

" Jonathan - "

" Mr. Blue.... you're still working...for me, "

Cora frowned, " Okay. "

" Cora... I ...I ..." he paused and stood infront of her, taking a strand of her curly hair and slowly twirling it around his fingers.

" You what ? "

" I'm hungry... Take a shower...make me food. Dismissed, " He rasped the order.

Cora started out of the room confused.

" Your bedroom's across, " He called out .

Cora walked in the room and it was as spacious and beautiful as Jonathan's and she decided to jump into the shower, the least thing she needed was to annoy an already irritated Jonathan.

He was back to confusing her the way he did as when she first started to work for him. She wondered if what he had told her was what he really wanted to say.

Cora shook her head turning the cold shower off and wore her robe. There was clear chemistry in between them that even a fool would sense it so she did not understand Jonathan's attempt to try and establish a few boundaries. With that thought, she frowned at her bed as something captured her attention.

A pink onesie that would fit her was laid out on the bed.

" You done ? "

Cora jumped, staring at Jonathan who she never noticed was seated at the side of the bed.

" You scared me, "

He shrugged then pointed at the pink clothing on the bed, " Thought you may...look cute in...that, "

" It's too childish ! "

" Your adorable face...reminds me of one , "

She glared at a Jonathan who was approaching her.

" Let me, " he said gently as he tugged the robe away.

Cora was tired and decided to stare at the man as he dressed her up in the annoying outfit.

" I'm supposed to cook for you, how will I manage in this ? "

Jonathan chuckled, " No cooking. "

" What ? "

He smiled and swept her off her feet , carrying her they ended up in bed.

Cora could not take it anymore. It was too much frustration. In anger she sat up, on top of him and slapped his chest.

" Stop ! Confusing me ! One minute you're cold the next your this big funny teddy bear that turns all protective when it comes to me. We've been from a tough experience the least you can do is admit the chemistry between us and stop doing this annoying confusing stuff, "

Jonathan burst out laughing.

Cora glared.

He took her hand and started rubbing it, staring at her scars.

" I'd love to...tell you everything...but I'm afraid...I'm afraid Cora... that'll lose you...when I do, " Jonathan murmured.

" Just tell me, "

" Not now... sleep ,"

" Your food ? "

" Shh ! " He flipped them over and Cora ended up trapped in his arms, "Sleep, little minx. "

And she fell asleep oblivious to the mismatched eyes watching her full of adoration .

Jonathan Blue was right to be scared. Yes, Jonathan knew she had seen his disabilities but would Cora run once she discovered he was infertile? What if she did not love him as he thought she did ? All he ever wanted was to take care and love her for eternity but he knew it would never be possible until she knew the truth.

" Please, don't leave , " he whispered at her sleeping face.

Fear creeping into his heart.


Guys... The book is almost over...😹😹....

And Jonathan makes me wanna cry each day but well... Let's see what happens... I'm only smelling love in between this two... But as I come to a close... I wanna thank all of you for bearing with me till date.

Few more chapters then we done. Bye ..take care ❣️
