Chapter eight.

Cora could still hear their cheers and jeers at the ongoing game even as she shut herself in her room. Cora ran into the adjoining bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror just as fresh tears welled up in her eyes. She shook her head and slid on the shiny tiled floor , crying softly.

She did not have any clean loose dress left that morning so she woke up quite early to make time to be able to do her laundry. Cora hastily prepared Mr. Jonathan's breakfast, did some mopping then laundry. She was happy it was a day she would not be forced into wearing her uncomfortable uniform so she settled for the only clean but comfortable clothes she had: a faded t-shirt and grey tights. She thought she would be long done with baking cakes , cookies , pies then setting the table by the time Jonathan's guests arrived so she was not worried about anyone seeing her outfit, but how wrong she was. The men came in when she was just about to serve lunch and she had to set the table in their presence.

Cora thought of tying her khanga : A light decorated cotton fabric that she had purchased two years back from the East African regions of her maternal homeland that was commonly used to make clothes or even to just tie round the waist , but she thought Jonathan would be angry then deem her unpresentable.

She ended up setting the table with only an apron over her clothes with the hope that no issue would arise over her clothing , after all , being a Saturday , Lan had informed her she was allowed to wear anything as long as decent. Cora knew what she wore was not indecent : her t-shirt was loose just a little tight at her bust and her tights were simply comfortable , not too tight but she knew it was her body. Her frame was the indecent one . She prayed and hoped , they would over look her but luck not being on her side, they actually made her an element of ridicule. What hurt her most , was the dismissive laugh when it was suggested that her build could actually be natural . In embarrassment and hurt , she rushed and changed into a half dry uniform .

If she calculated the total amount of money she had accumulated from her profession, it was enough to reconstruct her body and buy an extravagant mansion with the remaining balance, but she had a burden. Her aunt , who was her only close relation in the state had severe ailments and two - thirds of her money were channeled towards chemotherapy and frequent surgeries for she had breast cancer coupled up with heart problems. A third of her money was channeled towards her aunt's five kids upkeep, education fees and house rent. In the long run, Cora ended up with just enough to support her needs.

She sighed and wiped her tears. Cora needed more money, a fact which combined with blackmail pushed her into her current deal. Cora smiled ruefully. Jonathan Blue was a charismatic man , a result of possession of important properties, invention of genius projects and overwhelming wealth. If she succeeded against Jonathan, she would be paid thrice her usual and she would be able to take care of all her needs with no struggle , even remain with a good tangible balance. It was good deal but she wanted to pull out.

The reasons were simple. The main fact was that in reality , her assignment was actually quite tough. She had spotted high tech sensors, surveillance cameras , even alarm bulbs and she was sure there were more. Jonathan's house though modest with reasonably expensive finishings , it was security tight and Cora knew her mission was suicide. She was doomed for failure even before she begun.

Cora stood up and paced the floor. She had to come up with something before Mr. Yong started being impatient. After much thought, she decided to seek help from her boss: The Don. The man could probably talk to Mr. Yong so that she would not have to continue with the mission . Cora would then plead with The Don to allow her run a few more missions so that she could save little money for her survival just before she pulled out. She was tired of the assassin life.

Cora looked at the time, it was only 4 p.m. She shook her head, thinking usually took her hours . Cora wore a now dry loose dress and a coat over it, she left the room only to bump into Lan . He double took her form then frowned.

" Are you okay, ' Kayla ' ? "

" Yes, " she blinked, " I'm to request - "

" Go ahead, "

" Can I go out ? "

His frown deepened, " You are only allowed out on Sundays , ' Kayla ' ,"

" You see. It's a bit urgent, I need to purchase a few lady stuff and also go to the hospital for a checkup. I've an appointment with my gynaecologist because- "

" Okay ," He raised a hand , " As long as dinner is at the boss' table by thirty past ten. "

She beamed , fully aware that the smirking man saw through her lie, " thank you. "

Lan shook his head and walked away.


Cora approached the old wooden door while smiling at the compound around as she reminisced the days her Korean master trained her in the very place. She beamed at the familiar Jasmine tree as she passed it and knocked on the door once as it was custom then waited.

A minute later, a short but lean old man in a black kimono opened the creaking door .

" Master Yen ! " She smiled wide and bowed.

" Cora ! " He engulfed her in a hug, " Save that custom for another day! I missed you child. "

They broke apart in joyous laughter . The man's white pony tail bouncing as he did so then he patted Cora' s back as she ushered her in.

" I missed you too, Master, "

" How many times will I tell you to call me Yen ?"

" Master suits you more , "

" Ugh ! This child. I did miss you more. Now what shall you eat ? We have : tuna, kimchi stew, soft tofu stew, noodles , our delicious Korean sushi , also fried - "

" Whoa ! Stop ! " Cora giggled, " Anything will be fine. "

" Haven't changed , I see. You will lose more weight on that already slender body of yours, hmm! "

" My pathetic body. You mean, "

" Oh ! Child, your body is not so. Many women around the world go to surgeons to became like you, its just that many people are not used to unique things, Cora. They tend to shun it , no matter how awesome they're. It's you to prove them wrong, "

" Easy to say but thanks , "

" Still the difficult child, I see, "

Cora chuckled, " anyway how is life here ? "

" Great but I miss Korea , child, " he smiled , " I plan to leave states permanently early next year and go back. I miss my family , but I'll also miss you. "

A pang of sadness struck her when she imagined the old man gone and suddenly realizing the man was actually the only friend and mentor she had.

" You can come too, " he said knowingly , after seeing the forlorn look on Cora's face.

" I'm different, Master Yen. If people here don't like me, either because of my attitudes, heart , body or race , do you think yours will ? " She arched a brow.

" Ah ! " He stared sympathetically, " it's pure ignorance child. Pure ignorance ! And for that cold heart we will melt it by the mighty barley tea ! "

Cora chuckled as the master poured her a cup.

" Now tell me why you're really here ? " Master Yen asked as he sat cross-legged in front of her , taking small sips of his tea.

" I need to see The Don , "

At that, he paused and stared at her, "Another assignment gone wrong ? "

" No, but I need serious help, "

" Is it something I can know of ? "

" Yes, but I need to speak to him first , "

" Okay. Follow me, "

They got up , left the room and walked down a narrow corridor. Cora smiled and admired the unique Korean decorations on the wall as usual . They finally stopped in front of a heavy black metal door. Master Yen knocked.

" Come in , " they heard the gruff voice.

The old man nodded at Cora then pat her reassuringly on the back.

" Don ? " She called out as she entered.

The buff man rose from his chair, set his cigar down and beamed at Cora.

" Cora , " He said. Blue eyes twinkling, " kindly take a seat ."

" Thank you, "

" To what do I owe this pleasure ? " He said as he poured scotch into a clean glass in front of her.

" Missed me ? "

" Oh ! We always miss the best , I must say you are the best assassin we've heard so far, " he said as he poured himself a glass, " to more success, Cora. "

The clink of glass resounded in the room at their toast.

" Cora , I'm impressed. You did handle Mr. Vandervir's case quite efficiently , "

" Not so efficient, Don, "

" Why do you say so ? "

" Someone uncovered my tracks and blackmailed me into a mission , "

" Who ? "

" Some stingy , short and petty Mr. Yong , "

" I see. Can you tell me exactly what happened ?"

She sipped her drink and with a sigh, Cora explained everything to her boss : The Don. It was obvious why the name suit him, Cora never knew his real name and it had been rumoured no one did. His heavily tattooed arms revealed by his rolled up sleeves mildly flexed as he swung in his seat, blue eyes narrowed as he bore holes in Cora's black ones and his bald head which was supposed to make him look old , did not , infact it made him more menacing. He looked like a dangerous mafia leader , which he was and Cora wondered where she got the strength to boldly tell him everything without cowering in fear because of his threatening aura.

" So , I really need your help , Don, " Cora concluded. Hopeful eyes staring at him.

He shrugged, " Cora , Cora , Cora . "

The Don blew the cigar, " You will have to complete the mission. "

" Don ! But I'm doomed to fail even before I start ! "

" I know , "

She stared confused , " Surely , you can talk to him. "

" Mr. Yong is a crazy bastard. Gets everything he wants even if they aren't his. He's stingy , just as you said and very uncivil. He won't reason , Cora, "

" You could try, "

" Which could lead to your termination or even better earn you a luxurious lifetime in jail while my cartel could be involved in serious war, "

" What do I do ? "

" Easy, "

" What ? "

" Seduce the man , " he stared at her mischievously.

" Oh! don't say..." Cora whispered.

The Don raised a brow , " you've done worse Cora, what's the big deal ? "

" I can't , "

" Why ? "

" He reminds me of something, "

" Doesn't make sense. We don't grow soft on these jobs , Cora , "

" Help me then , "

" Against one of the most powerful men in States. I'll pass, Cora. Some things are not even cowardice , " he eyed his cigar interestingly, "it's called preventing a problem."

" Don - "

" No . You failed to cover your tracks well. Tis your funeral, Corazen, "

" Oh ! " She stared, " I promise to go on every mission then, just help me out , "

He shook his head, " I'm sorry , Cora . "

" Don - "

" You see when one of our own makes these mistakes , we have to let them off. I mean they are dangerous because they are a link to us especially in your case where Blue is involved, "

" Don , wh - wh - what are you doing ? "

" I'm sorry , Cora , "

" Don - "

" You're free to leave once you are done with the scotch, " he rose up and left a shaking Cora in the room.

To say she was confused was an understatement, Cora was lost. She could not make accurate sense of what had just happened and what was to happen. What else was she supposed to do ? Go ahead and fail , then smile at Jonathan after catching her saying , " Wow ! Cool boss see you caught me. Please be mindful to give me a pitiful death . " That was silly but so was what she was sent to do.

With shaking feet, she left the room and met with Master Yen at the corridor.

" All good now ? " He asked.

Cora stared blankly at him.

" Cora , what happened ? "

She shook her head and the master nodded solemnly in understanding.

" Master Yen , I'll miss you, " she tried to bow but the man engulfed her in a fatherly hug and she had to prevent her tears from spilling again.

" I wish you luck, child, " he squeezed her arm and walked her to the door then watched her leave.

Cora looked around, it was dusk and yet she had to board a thirty minute bus to arrive at Jonathan's home. She started walking fast to the stage but she saw a colorful building across the road and a devious idea struck her mind. Cora crossed the road and walked into the club.

The place was just filling up and she bobbed her head to the blasting music as she approached the counter .

" I need something strong, " she yelled as she slapped the counter.

" You need to forget ?" The bar attendant grinned at her as he fixed his bow tie.

" Yeah , but enough to ensure I remember my way back, "

" Sure. I gat you covered sweet cheeks, " he placed foreign bottles in front of her.

She shrugged as she sat on the high stool, because trouble decided to look for her, she would give it her own doze of trouble.

It was going to be a long evening.
