Chapter 4: Mystery Dreams

Clark's POV

I arrived at my cubicle, ready to start the work day.


Oh boy. I sighed and turned to Perry White, my boss, who was holding up a rough draft of a paper.

"Not one single word about a star athlete! But there is something about a bat spreading terror throughout Gotham!"

"This needs to be publicized!" I argued.

"No, you want this to be publicized. This isn't isn't about my what you think! Get me a paper on the star athlete!" As I walked away, he said. "Nobody cares about Clark Kent taking on the Batman."

I sighed and plopped down in my chair.

This is gonna be a long day.


Emma's POV

I stepped inside the house. "Dad? I'm home!"

But as usual, no one answered. I sighed and dropped my bag on the kitchen counter. I opened the fridge and got out a bottle of water.

"Emma." I turned to see Alfred. "Where did you go?"

I tilted my head. "I went to the gym. I left a note."

Alfred shrugged. "Must be getting old."

I chuckled. "You only realized that just now?"

He rolled his eyes. "Your father said he'd be back on a few hours."

I nodded but didn't say anything. I only sat down on the couch and stared blankly at the TV that wasn't even on.

"Are you alright Emma?"

I sighed. "Yeah, just... trying not to think about-"

"The Joker." Alfred finished. "Your father told me what happened at the party. He didn't mean to bring him up."

I rubbed my face with my hands. "I know he didn't, but... it's still a fresh wound, you know?"

Alfred sat down next to me and pulled my to him. "I know it is. And believe me, it haunts your father too. He still blames himself for what happened."

I sighed. "He shouldn't. I'm just glad that the fucker is in Arkham." I stood. "I'm gonna go to my room. Thanks Alfred."

Alfred nodded and I walked to my room where I laid down and took a nap.


Bruce's POV

I sat down at the monitor and watched as the computer started to encrypt the flash drive. That woman that I met at the party returned it to me. Saying that what she was looking for wasn't on there.

The encryption process was going slow and soon I found myself closing my eyes.

In The Dream...

The wind blew that hot air and sand around me as I trudged up a hill. I caught sight of the camp I needed to go to and hurried over there.

Once I was in the camp, a man came up to me.

"Do you have it?" I asked.

He nodded. "Follow me."

He lead me through the back of the truck and inside was a large box. Inside I saw a green glow and walked forward...

...Only to see that it wasn't what I was looking for. It was just a green light bulb. I looked back up at the man.

"I'm sorry." He said.

My eyes went wide and I turned just in time to miss a bullet from hitting my skull. I heard screams outside.


I ran and punched down one of the men in the black uniforms. On the shoulder, I saw the 'S' symbol.

"Superman." I growled out.

I fought off everyone that I could, but they soon over powered me and managed to knock me out.


I jolted awake and found myself chained with my hands above me to the roof. Two of my other men were alps chained on both sides of me.

Suddenly I heard a sonic boom, and froze.

He was here.

At the end of the hallway, Superman slammed onto the ground. The guards bowed as he walked passed them. Fury in his eyes.

His eyes started to glow red and lasers shot out of his eyes. He killed both of my men without hesitation, and then came for me.

With a hard glare, he tore off my mask.

He looked at it and back at me. "How could you?" He growled out. "She was my world, as well as yours."

I was confused. What the hell was he talking about? Who the hell was he talking about?

His eyes started to glow and I knew that the end was coming. I closed my eyes tight and waited for death.

Suddenly I jolted awake and found that I was back at my monitor. But there was a strong wind and a bright light next to me. I turned and saw a man dressed in a red and gold suit.

"It's her! It's your daughter!" He shouted. "She's the key to it all! You need to keep her safe! She's the key!"

I jolted up again. I was back at my monitor, no wind, no light, and no man. On the screen, it said that the encryption was complete. But I couldn't help but think about those dreams. What the hell was Superman talking about? And who was that man? Why was he saying that Emma was the key to it all?

What the hell was going on?
