Chapter 12: Emma

Bruce's POV

I waited and waited for the alien. He had to have known where Emma was. He was talking about her the last time we met.

Suddenly, I saw him. He landed on the ground and approached me.

I grinned. "You came."

"Listen to me, I don't want to fight you."

"Then you will tell me where Emma Wayne is."

"That's what I'm trying to find out too." He came closer to me. "We need to work together."

I shook my head. I wasn't going to fall for any of his tricks. "You hurt my daughter that day. You will pay."

He tilted his head in confusion and opened his mouth to speak, I activated the speakers which started to emanate a high pitched sound. Superman grunted and fell to one of his knees. I smirked and increased the volume.

Superman glared at me, and quick as lightning, he smashed the speakers. I frowned. As he walked closer, I activated the machine guns.

The bullets managed to push Superman back, but he flew up into the air and shot out lasers from his eyes to destroy the guns.

Superman then landed and walked up to me, and just as he was right in front of me, he charged. Taking me with him into the sky and through the building. He then threw me down, making me crash into the bat signal and land on the edge of the roof with a grunt. I panted and stood slowly.

"Stay down!" He shouted. "If I wanted it, you'd be dead already!"

I glared at him and took out a smoke bomb, dropping it in front of me. Before he could get to me, I managed to slip passed him with my gun ready and aimed at him.

When the smoke cleared, he turned around and frowned. I only pulled the trigger. Superman caught the bullet in his hand, but I was worried because after a few seconds green smoke was dispensed from it. And that green smoke was the krytonite.

I smirked as I watched him cough. "Thats it." I said. "Breathe it in."

He glared and tried to throw a punch at me, but I blocked it. Shock was written all over his face and I smirked.

"Not so tough now are you?"

I punched him, throwing him to the wall. I wasn't going to hold back. For Emma.

I picked him up and tossed him. He landed with a grunt and I jumped and landed on top of him, which made both of us fall through the ceiling and into the building.

I landed a few punches on him and threw him through the wall. I stomped towards him, picked him up by his shoulders and slammed him into the wall, pinning him there.

I slammed my fist into his face, harder every time...

Until my punches weren't doing anymore damage.

I stared at him. The krytonite wore off.


I backed away and Superman smikred, slamming into me and through the walls.

He got in a few punches and threw me into another building. I struggled to get my gun out again and just as he was about to charge me again, I blasted the gas in his face again.

Superman coughed and slowly fell to his knees. I stood and walked over to where I put the spear with the krytonite arrow and approached him again.

"You did this to yourself." I said to him. "You were the one who brought this war. And now," I raised the spear. "I'm going to end it."


I froze. Superman groaned out again. "G-et Em-ma. Save h-er."

I shook my head. "How do you know that name? How do you know that name?!"

Suddenly a red haired woman came and kneeled next to him.

"S-ave Emma." He groaned out again.

"How do you know!"

The red haired woman turned to me. "It's his girlfriend's name!"

I stared at him, not believing what I was hearing. Slowly I dropped the spear and backed away from him. It came at me all at once. His connection to Emma. It all made sense now.

I stared back at Superman.


He stared at me, eyes widened slightly. "Bruce?"

I walked up to him and stuck out my hand for him to take. He did and I pulled him up wobbly.

"I-I... Clark, I'm sorry..."

"Me too."

We gave each other a small smile. But then Clark's smile fell. "Lex, he has Emma. I don't know where. He said that I had to bring him your head in order to save her."

I frowned and nodded. "You did the right thing Clark. I can see that you really love my daughter."

"More than anything."

"She will not die tonight Clark."


Emma's POV

Fear was coursing through my body as I sat in the chair, tied up and gagged. I glanced at the man in charge, but immediately looked away when I saw that he was staring back at me.

He approached with a chuckle. "Don't be scared." He traced my cheek with his disgusting hand. "We won't hurt you... yet."

He circled behind me and I heard him stop. Then I felt his hands trace the brand mark I got from the Joker. He chuckled evily.

"Looks like this isn't the first time you've been in this type of situation."

Suddenly, there were shouts and pained screams. They were coming from outside of the door and I perked up.

The door blasted open. I had to tuck my head in to avoid debris from hitting my face. I then froze when I felt the barrel of a gun on my temple.

"Try anything and I'll shoot her!"

Tears started to fall from my eyes. I looked up to see that my rescuer was Batman. He stared back at me with reassurance.

"Believe me, I will shoot her!" He pressed the gun harder on my temple.

"I believe you." Batman quickly shot at the gun next to my head and sprinted to me.

The man fired the gun, but it exploded, killing the man. Batman shielded me from the blast. When it easy safe, he looked down at me.

"Are you alright?" He removed my restraints and gag.

I nodded at him. "Y-Yes. Thank you."

He smiled. "You're welcome peanut."

I froze and stared wide eyed at him. "Dad?"

His eyes widened. "What?"


I sighed. "I said that out loud didn't I?"

I nodded. "Yeah, kinda."


I stood with his help. "What the hell?! You're Batman?!"

He nodded. "Yes."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"To protect you. I'm sorry."

I smiled slightly. "You sound just like Clark."

He looked up at me. "So you know he's Superman?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"You are just surrounded by superheroes." He chuckled.

I huffed a laugh, then froze. "Is Clark okay?"

Dad nodded. "Yes he's fine. He's having a little chat with Lex as we speak."

I narrowed my eyes. "Without me?"

Dad only smirked and laughed.
