Chapter 14: Goodbye

Emma's POV

Dad opened the door for me and I got out of the car. We both approached the the two story house. Dad knocked on the door and an older woman answered. She was wearing all black, just like dad and I.

She smiled softly and opened her arms. "You must be Emma."

I hugged her. "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Kent."

We pulled away. "Please, call me Martha."

I nodded and wiped away a tear. "I wish... we could've met in different circumstances."

Martha wiped away a tear from my cheek. "He's told me so much about you. Clark would never stop talking about you whenever we spoke."

I huffed a laugh. "Your son was an incredible man." I sniffed. "He was my everything."

"And you were his."


Martha showed me Clark's old room. There were many posters and a model of the solar system hanging over his bed.

I laid on his bed for what seemed like hours until I heard the door open and saw dad come in.


I sat up straight. "Hi."

"It's almost time."

I nodded. "Okay."

He closed the door, leaving alone once again. I looked around the room one last time before getting uo and walking downstairs.


The funeral was a blur to me. I watched as they lowered the casket that contained Clark into the ground. Everyone began to leave. I was the last one there.

I walked over, grabbed a handful of dirt, and stood over the hole. Looking down at the casket. One of my years slid off of my cheek and hit the casket.

"I love you Clark. I will never stop loving you."

Then I tossed the dirt into the hole, and walked away.
