7. Well, ok?

I'd like to personally thank you for reading this


I rummaged through my dresser for a decent bathing suit. Nothing showy, something that covered up the most. Unfortunately, I didn't own any. My choices were: a light blue triangle bikini, or! a deathly pale pink bandeau. I went with the blue one. I did my hair up in a fishtail, and unstrapped my boot. I put on an oversized tee shirt, most likely Liam's, and gingerly walked up the steps of the loft and out the sliding door. They were waiting, and something told me that they hadn't brought bathing suits. Why couldn't Liam or Zayn be here? To be honest I hadn't seen much of Danielle, and Liam was taking her on a much needed date tonight.

"Hey!" Louis yelled. According to Danielle, they were all single, Louis having broken up with his long time girlfriend in march. They were cute, but really loud. Take away Zayn and Liam and all calm is lost.

I waddled over, and carefully slipped into the burning water. Someone handed me a beer. 


"No problem," Smiled Niall, bearer of the mystery beer.

Was it me, or were they all scooting closer? Soon, Niall's but was in my lap. He turned red, which was funny because it contrasted so much with his face.

"so-sorry!" I giggled. Ok, that was cute. His face turned a nice ruby color, if I do say so.

"No problem. Now can you get off?"

Next I felt a tug at my hair. I turned to see Harry studying my fishtail with utmost concentration. Harry and Hair. These guys don't get any funnier.

"How did you do this?" He said, lifting it up. Niall and Louis admired it too.

"I'll show you," I said and I moved up to the edge of the tub, my legs split between Harry. I started Fishtailing his hair, much to the amusement of Louis and Niall. Harry wasn't paying any attention though, he was playing with my legs. Why not give him a pop quiz? I pulled my hair and shook it out, and handed him the elastic.

"Now you do it." I slid down and traded spots with him. Now Louis was on my left, and Niall on my right, with Harry behind me. I would not get more surrounded. I felt him fumble and yank with my hair, obviously clueless. So I turned to Louis and struck up conversation. We were talking about our favorite fruits.

"I like bananas, but those are just awkward to eat in public."

"I'd like to see you eat one," he winked.

"That's awkward."

"That's the truth. Hey what about mangoes?"

"I love a good, juicy mango."

"Same!" He screamed.

"I think mangoes are great," said Niall.

"No-one asked you," Louis replied.

"DONE!" I felt the elastic hold for dear life to my hair. I ran my hand over it. It was a regular braid, but well done. I was about to compliment him, but then he slid down, so I was wedged between his legs. He lifted me into his lap. Oh, that's ok, no need to tell me, I'm fine with surprise straddle attacks. Not.

"Are you satisfied?" He whispered into my ear, his hot breath tickling my ear so much I had to resist the urge not to scratch.

"It was nicely done," I replied, keeping my face straight. Louis rolled his eyes. 

"So mangoes..."  Started Niall.

I shifted off of Harry's lap, next to Niall. Niall looked pretty smug, which was funny.

"I would like a Mango. I'm going to get one now." With that I really smoothly, and by smoothly I mean awkwardly, rolled out of the tub. I waved goodbye to the boys, and grabbed a towel off of the table. I slid open the door to the loft where the AC punished my dripping body and witnessed the sight before me. Liam and Danielle were curled up. Too cute. I want something like that someday. Danielle's head rested on Liam's chest, and his arm was wrapped around her. 

"Think they got it on?" someone whispered into my ear, which made me jump, because last time I checked, I was here alone.

"Uh no." I didn't turn to check who it was. Whichever boy it was followed me down the stairs. These boys are such perverts. I went into my bedroom, where they still followed me. Oh well, lets just pray it's one of the boys.

"We could... never mind." Harry. It was Harry. 

"What were you going to say?" I said, finally turning to face him.

"You'll see, love. Want any help?" 

"Err yes. Thanks. Could you step outside for a minute though?"

"Do I have to?" He smirked. I pushed him out the door, and locked it. No funny business. Yet. I changed into some red plaid shorts and a white tee shirt, as quickly as possible, and strapped my boot on. I flung the door open to see him playing with his phone. His head shot up and he smiled. He picked me up bridal style, and walked me to the bathroom. I don't know why he was carrying me like this, but it was pretty comfortable.

He dropped me in the bathroom. He came inside with me and shut the door.

"Do you see my toothbrush?"

"This?" He held up my pink toothbrush and tried to stick it in his mouth. I pulled it before that happened, but I fell into him. He held me there for a moment. Well this is awkward. He was warm and smelled really good, like very faint cologne, peppermint, and chlorine. I could get used to this. Maybe he wasn't that bad... maybe. I eased up and we just grinned at each other.

"Are you going to watch me brush my teeth?"

"Well I didn't get to see you change, so I'll settle." I shot him a look, but I couldn't help but smile.

I brushed my teeth, not neatly, and flossed. Gotta take care of dem gums. He was watching me intently. Was there something on my face?

"Ok, ready to go. Carry me?"

"Aren't you going to remove your make-up?" He looked so confused.

"I'm not wearing any. Carry me?"


"Yes, now carry me." I'm not sure if he was implying I was pretty or that I needed some make up. I felt my feet being lifted from the ground, and again I smelled his scent. I think they could bottle it, minus the chlorine. The chlorine is from the hot tub. He kicked open my door, and carefully drew back my duvet. He laid me down carefully as if I would break. I could, but that's beside the point. He stood there for a moment. Then there was a large cracking sound from outside, and the world outside flashed for a second. Niall and Louis's footsteps could be heard from the other room. Lightning illuminated the world outside my window, and it sounded like bones breaking. I couldn't help but jump.

"Harry!" I screamed.

"Yes?" He was so patient, and better yet, no perverted comment.

"Stay with me?"

"Sure." With that he was on the other side of my bed. 

"No funny business."


Then he pulled me into his chest. I couldn't help but think of Danielle and Liam. This was an exact image of what they were doing.  After watching the clock tick by, hour after hour, Harry and I both remained completely awake. I could tell Harry was awake because he was singing softly. I had my eyes shut so I don't think he knew I was awake. My heart was pounding. It was the lightning. Right? Right.

"Harry where are the Mangoes? Harry where art thou?" called Louis from the other room. The international popstar in my bed groaned, and got up. He kissed my forehead, thinking I was asleep, and headed out. The second the door shut my eyelids became heavy with the sleep they craved.  
