41. Traffic lights

Forever and always,

Elle XX


Niall walked me back to my apartment. He lent me a pair of his shoes, and wore Lou's, just to take the blame for me. He didn't need to, but insisted he wanted to.

Honestly, Niall is the sweetest boy there is. I love him- not like that. Yet. We're fake dating, but he's taken the liberty to kiss me every now and then. Not like I mind, though.

He leant me a raincoat, and we set off. The thing is, Niall's a short guy, and I'm a short girl, so it really works. I'm not actually that short though.

We were frollicking along the streets, letting the rain trace it's cold wet fingers along our faces. Niall's hair got sopping wet. It was adorable.

We finally reached the lobby of the apartment building, grinning our faces off. 

"You look so pretty right now"

"You too, Horan."

"That's a terrible nickname."

"Ok, lets come up with nicknames for each other."

"Ok, so you're Bar Refaeli, and I'm Oscar the Grouch"

"Those are terrible," I said, searching my pockets for my key. Shit. It's inside.

"I think yours is spot on,"

"Not quite, dear. Do you have a key?"

"Yes mam. and I agree, you're so much prettier than her."

"Can you follow me everywhere? You boost my confidence so much."

"I'd love to, I just don't think I could," He said, fumbling with the lock.

"Oh right, you're an international popstar."

"Hey, you're an international popstar's girlfriend."

"Sort of..."

"Sort of. That's better than what most people can say," he swung the door open.

Louis was there punching in numbers in his phone. He sighed, and put it down, and rolled his eyes.

"Do you want any chinese food?" He said impatiently.

"Yes, Oscar me and M'lady would like some rice, some dumplings of various sorts, some mushoo pork I believe, some of that... what's it called..."

"I'm waiting."

"Oh! fourtune cookies!"

"Well duh I'm getting those"

"What's up your knickers?"

"I'm fucking starving Niall. I think you of all people would understand."

"Gotcha mate. Hey, wheres Harry?"

I giggled at this.


"Oh, so you know the show Phineas and Ferb?"


They say hey where's perry every episode. You said hey where's Harry?"

Louis rolled his eyes, Nial smiled.

"You, my friend, are a genious."

"Thank you!"

"Take it somewhere else," Lou grumbled.

"Why don't you just have a snack?"

"Because we just fucking ordered dinner!"

After finding out Harry was at a friends, The doorbell went off, it was the delivery man.

 Louis shoved the money at him, grabbed the food, threw it down, ripped the bag open, split some chopsticks, and started devouring some noodles.

I split open some rice, and quickly became full. I passed it to Niall, who gladly accepted it.

I looked around at my two best guy friends, and chuckled. The kindness had re-incerted itself into Lou, as he was starting to make jokes again. Niall was just eating, not saying anything. The lights were dim in a Harry potter 5 kinda way.

It was perfect, in a terribly normal way. 

I heard the door creak open, and the jingling of keys, but prayed it wasn't him. The chair next to me screeched as it dragged across the floor, and a body seated itself in it.

"Sorry I'm late."

I couldn't bring myself to look at him. That's a lie. I wanted terribly to look at his face, to see what he was thinking, but I couldn't.

Not going to happen.

I felt his hand touch mine under the table, and I flinched. He grabbed it, and soothed it. I pulled away. 

"You know what, I'm not hungry anymore. I'll just call it a night."

"Ok Barr," Said Niall, which caused me to giggle. He swallowed his food and gave me a peck on the cheek. I might be mistaken, but I think he shot a look at Harry. Definately mistaken.

"Night, Oscar," I said.

"Night Lou,"

"Night dear," He said imitating Niall.

After that I just walked away. That might have been cold, but he called me a bitch. I think I could have done worse.

I walked into my room, shut the door, and sighed heavily. I strode over to my bed, where my slippers were neatly placed over my floral pillow. I picked them up, but they felt a bit heavy.

I looked inside and there was a rose. How romantic, inside my slipper! Underneath was a note:

Ok, I really, REALLY screwed up. I am so sorry, it's just Val, I don't ever want to hurt you. I just got carried away by the fact that you weren't hearing me out, that you were judging me from people who aren't thinking the best for me, or for us. It hurt tjat you believed them over me. Do you not trust me? I'm sorry. I really am. Please know that you are my world. I'm sorry. 

sincerely, Harry xx

I sighed, took the rose, and sniffed it. It would freshen up in a few, right? I put it in an old glass of water, and put on my pajamas. 

I was sitting, staring at the cloudy sky, when I heard a knock on the door, and watched it swing open.

Harry emerged, looked at me squarely in the eye.

"I, have made a mistake, that could possibly be the greatest mistake of my life, depending on your next words. I am so sorry, and it is, my biggest regret."

"I forgive you, but the next time you get me roses, can you not put them in my slippers?"

"Oh, ok. I thought that was clever..."

"It was, don't worry, it's just they kinda smell now."

"it's a bad thing your shoes smell like roses?"

"Oh Harry. Come sit." I patted the bed next to where I was lying. Instead, he climbed in next to me. 

"The traffic lights look beautiful from here." he commented.

"They do. I don't get to see the stars, but these are a close second. Especially after it rains, and the colors dance together in the window."

"That was poetic," he said, pulling me in for a hug.

"Thank you, Hurry."

"Vulurie, I do enjoy being in your presence."

"Same to you."

That was how I fell asleep, surrounded in the loving embrace of Harry Styles. My heart hadn't quite forgiven him quite yet.
