
       This moment, this feeling of bliss, I wish that it would never end.  I actually felt human, like there was nothing wrong with me; but alas, that is a near impossible dream.  Because I wasn't normal and like they say, all good things come to an end at some point.  Plus, I had to get Bruce and I back to Stark Tower; which is where the whole battle will take place, if my instincts are correct.  Wind was rippling through my hair as I was clutching onto Bruce’s waist.  He searched for an hour, looking for some sort of transportation.  He found this piece of junky bike.  It was so small; I had to wrap my legs around as well.  Well, I’m not complaining about being so close to him. 
                “How far do you think we are?”  Bruce yelled over the wind.
                “Well considering the city is getting closer and buildings aren’t so sparse from each other, I’d say we’re not that far from our destination.”  I yelled back.  Suddenly a crack in the air caused him to jolt the bike harshly to the left.  It was as if a jet burst through the sound barrier fifty thousand times.  I tightened my grip on him as he brought the bike to a skidding halt.
                “What the he-” His words cut off sharply, causing me to look over his shoulder.  I cursed profusely, promptly stepping off the bike.  Damn you, Loki, I thought furiously.  I kicked at the ground, as we watched the scene unfold from miles away.  Large machine like creatures were flowing out like a waterfall, from a large black hole in the sky.
                “That definitely was not there before.”  Was all I could get out, quite stupidly if I do say so myself.
                “Yeah, because it’s totally normal to have a black hole portal type thing in the middle of New York.”  Bruce laughed out.  I stuck my tongue out at him, trying to devise a plan. 
                “Okay Mr. Smart Alec, obviously we need to get there fast.  But when we do get there, what will we do?  You didn’t come along on this mission to fight, neither did I for that matter.  We can’t just get out of control and bash anything that moves.”  I say.  Bruce raises his eyebrows smugly.

                “Like I said before, you learned to control her, and honestly if you just put down that wall, you’ll be able to stay conscious the whole time.  No more blacking out and losing time, you’ll be able to tell good from bad instead of everything being weak and a nuisance.”  He explained.  If that’s all he had to do to stay in control, then I guess it isn’t that hard.  I nodded, and hopped back onto the bike and motioned for him to go onward.

                “Well, well.  Look who finally showed up!”  Barton exclaimed as Bruce and I scooted to a stop.  I shakily hopped down, loosening any kinks in my body.  I smiled nervously at everyone, and then took a swift survey of the actual circumstance we were in.  Honestly, it was so disheartening. Rubble was everywhere, human bodies, as well as alien bodies, were littered here and there.  I could hear the cries and screams of frightened civilians from all around me.  I could sense some people who were trapped in multiple building not even 20 feet away from all of us. 
                I then heard a small voice coming out of Natasha’s ear piece, “I’m bringing the party to you.”  Stark.  This will not be a party; I can assure you of that much.  How right was I?  Very.  A gigantic, fat looking worm alien appeared around the corner, Tony baiting it in his suit.
      "I don't see how that's a party." Natasha exclaimed scornfully.
      "Dr. Banner , now might be a good time to get angry." We were all looking towards the ugly son of a gun, so Bruce turned towards him.
      "I'm not the only one who can get angry." He gestured towards me, as I suddenly kept my face stoic.  I took a quick glance behind me, there wasn't much time left to chat.  The Captain looked at me in surprise.
      "Heh.  Well, like I said Capt., I'm a very private woman."
      "Then I-uh-suggest you suit up as well.." I grimaced a little.
      "You see, I have just barely learned to control the other me.  So, maybe I should stay as I am.  I'm quite strong without the other me."  I explained hastily.
      "I second that notion."  Natasha exclaimed, earning a glare from Bruce.
      Steve looked up and his face blanched, "Dr.  You better get mad now." 
      Bruce smirked up at him, "You see, that's my secret."  He glanced at me and continued, "I am always mad."  With that, his muscles started rippling, his body grew and widened, his skin became green and his shirt ripped off; and he jumped.  He soared through the sky with a ferocious roar and tore through the metal armor of the worm and took it down. When it hit the ground, a sharp shudder ran through the ground, almost knocking us all off of our feet. 
      A large chill ran through my body as I watched in horror.  More worms burst through the portal. "Guys?" I managed.
      "Call it, Captain."  Stark ordered as Bruce/Hulk bounded back into our clustered group.
      "Alright.  Listen up.  Until we can close the portal I want Barton on that roof, eyes on absolutely everything.  Call out the patterns and strays to anyone who requests it.  Stark, you got the perimeter.  Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash."  Grunts of understanding came from the two men.
       "Give me a lift, Stark."  Barton demanded and Tony obliged. 
       "Thor you've got to try and block that portal.  Lightning the bastards up."  Thor twirled his hammer and took off, blasting his lightning right away.  "Natasha, you and I will stay here on the ground.  Ashlyn," I whipped my head towards him. "Keep up with Hulk.  No matter what."  I nodded.  Piece of cake.  I'm just as fast, so no problemo. "Hulk, smash!"   Hulk smirked, and took right off again, leaving me in a daze.  I quickly regained focus and sprinted off after him, punching and jabbing at chitauri warriors.  My blows immediately killed each and every one of them.  My figure was a blur but everything was in clear vision.  My heart was pounding against my chest, my breath heaving as I took out one after another. Blow after blow, kick after kick, twist after twist.  I glanced a bit ahead of me.  The Hulk seemed to be having fun, finally being able to rip apart the bodies of beings without suffering consequences.  A sudden movement caused me to squeak, "Hulk!  Behind you!"  He raised his head in surprise, thus delaying his reaction.  He took a blow to the head.  A shot from one of the Chitauri air crafts.  Of course, this did not even pierce his skin, only making him very, very angry.  He leaped onto the floating aircraft and began to tear it to pieces, only to be shot in the back by another ship.  standing on a tall building crane, I flowed all my weight to the pads of my feet, crouched, and released.  A loud thud came from my feet as I landed on the second shooting ship.  The Chitauri warrior was distracted momentarily before pulling out a long deathly knife.  He slashed it, up, down, left, right, in the middle.
       "Umph..." For once, I was not quick enough.
