Can't get any more intimate than that... heh

3RD PERSON POV  (sorry I've been changing it up a bit, but I need to for now)
   The blow of the ground hit her hard, knocking the breath out of her lungs.  She could hear two people who fell along with her.  It seemed that they were struggling with something, but she couldn't adjust her vision.   "Doctor? Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're gonna be okay. Listen to me."   Ashlyn's vision adjusted and she groaned loudly.  Then she saw a fairly frightened Natasha looking straight at her.
   "Nat, what's going on?"  She asked, massaging her wrists.  She paused as she followed Natasha's line of sight.  Banner was the one struggling.  He was struggling with keeping the hulk back.  Ashlyn looked back at Natasha, she was trapped, but fighting to get out.
    "We're gonna be okay. Right? I swear on my life I will get you out of this, you will walk away, and never..."  Natasha said, close to tears.  She payed no attention to Ashlyn, but only on the man who at the moment, could kill her.
    "Your life?"  He screamed at her, his body growing every second, turning green, breathing heavily.  She couldn't take it anymore.  This must have been what she looked like to James.
    "Natasha."  Ashlyn whispered, scooting closer to her, "Make me mad."  Natasha looked at her like she was already mad.
    "What?  No!  It's bad enough that we have Bruce already morphing into the Hulk, we don't need another abomination running around here too!  Especially when you're stronger."  She spat out. She turned her attention back on Bruce as Ashlyn was trying to figure out a way to get mad.
     "Bruce."  Natasha got out, sprinting away when Bruce was no longer there.  The Hulk was here, ready to chase after the girl who brought him to this point.  The Hulk hesitated for a second, glancing at Ashlyn.  Her face showed that she was helpless.  Not at defending herself, but at protecting both the Hulk and Bruce.  She knew how hard Bruce tried at not letting out the Hulk and the Hulk was nothing but full of anger.  He couldn't help it.  Realization went through her body, that's all she was too.
     "Make me mad.  Please, Hulk, please."  He roared and hit Ashlyn back.  He ran after Natasha, screaming in rage.  Ashlyn flew back with pain.  She hit a pipe, making it burst with hot steam.  The steam hit her face, making her scream in pain.  But it worked.  She heard the Hulk's roars suddenly cease.  Her anger was building up like a ticking time bomb. 
      "Get mad god dammit!"  She yelled in frustration.  Burning pain erupted in her stomach, making her scream, "Yes!  That's it!  Get mad!"  She yelled.  The Hulk was still silent, Ashlyn couldn't hear anything except for the pipe that burst.  She could feel her skin burn, her eyes burn, her bones burn.  Everything was changing.  Everything, except that she was not disappearing like every other time.  She still had a hold on her conscience, she was still Ashlyn, only her body wasn't.  This was the first time ever, being able to be in her own state of mind when ever her other side came out.  She could feel the height difference, she could see tints of red in her vision.  She felt good, but still angry in a way.  She tried to speak a bit, her voice was a bit deeper than normal, almost animal like, but she could speak.  She could form words.  She looked herself over, thankfully she was wearing tights, that stretched over her body, her stretchy shirt was the same.  Suddenly she heard the loudest roar and the breaking of another pipe.  Natasha was discovered again.  The Hulk was on the move, but Ashlyn would be there to help now.
     Natasha was sprinting for her life, firing the gun behind her in a panic.  She was truly scared.  Would she die when she couldn't run anymore?  Natasha was already slowing down, she'd been running on adrenaline, not thinking straight enough to conserve energy.  She wasn't even thinking clearly enough when she left Ashlyn behind.  Is she dead?  Natasha thought.  She'd seen Ashlyn being thrown into a rather large metal pipe.  That was before the Hulk began chasing her down like prey.  All at once, her thoughts stopped.  She was hit from the ground, into a wall.  She slumped down, preparing to die.  Nothing came but two yells and a crash.
     When Thor saw the other side of the doctor, charging at the red headed lady, he naturally reacted.  He raced towards him, smashing his body against his.  Only, Thor noticed his body wasn't the only one to make contact with the doctor's.  After they crashed through the wall, he was surprised to see a woman.  The one from the lab, Ashlyn, was that her name? She growled like an animal.  She was just like the doctor, he thought, surprised. 
     "Thor, don't do anything."  She spoke, her voice deep, "I- I have to calm him down."  The Hulk became aware that Ashlyn was present.  He growled at Thor, steering all his attention away from her.  It was as if he was protecting her from what he thought was a threat.
     "I am no threat to you."  Thor said slowly, holding his hands up.  Ashlyn timidly touched Thor's shoulder, steering him back away a couple of steps. This made the Hulk angry and he shoved Thor away from her, crouching in front, roaring as he stood up with his hammer.  That's when they fought, punching and kicking, swinging weapons.  It was five minutes before Ashlyn ran into the fight, deciding to break it up.
      "Stop this!  Hulk, Bruce, stop!"  This only made her get punched in the face.  There was a loud yell and then another crash through a wall.  Ashlyn got up and ran through the broken wall.  Suddenly, as the Hulk was going to jump onto Thor, there were loud gun shots.  She looked wildly for the source, to her horror it was an innocent man, sent to distract him.  He was furious.  And jumped for the man.  On impulse, she jumped after him.  Once again, she was thrown off her balance, and fell.  Not for long, as arms wrapped around her body, hitting her head against a hard wall like object, and fell unconscious.
   Bruce didn't know what to feel.  He didn't even know what happened.  The only thing that confused him was why he was lying in a pile of rubble, with a girl on top of him, and that he was butt naked.  No.  The naked part should have clued him in.  He hulked out.  "Dammit Bruce."  He scolded himself.
   "You fell out of the sky."  He jumped and looked up.  An old man was staring down at him, with a wise look in his eyes.  It took Bruce a minute to be able to answer.
   "Did I hurt anybody?"  He asked cautiously.  He might have killed tons of people with this much damage.  Hell, he was surprised that this girl was even alive.
    "There's nobody around here to get hurt. You did scare the hell out of some pigeons though."  He replied, "That girl there is the only one you might have injured."
    "Lucky." He breathed out.
    "Or just good aim. You were awake when you fell.  So was she."  The old man gestured towards the girl.  Her brown hair was covering her face.
    "You saw?"  Bruce asked, embarrassed.
    "The whole thing, right through the ceiling. Big and green and buck ass nude.  You had a death grip on that girl there.  Twisted your bodies so you'd fall first."  Bruce felt a wave of surprise surge through him.  "Here..."  The man handed him some pants,"I didn't think those would fit you until you shrunk down to a regular size fella."
     "Thank you."  Bruce lifted the girl off of him and put the pants on.
     "Are you two aliens?"  The man asked curiously.
     "What?"  Bruce thought he heard the man wrong.
     "From outer space, an alien?  You know, you being green and all.  Even that girl, she was so purple and rather large before you both became normal again."  Bruce jumped.  Purple?  Oh God!  Ashlyn!  He quickly brushed the girl's hair out of her face.  Sure enough, it was Ashlyn.
     "No."  Was all Bruce could get out.
    "Well then, son, you've got a condition."  Bruce let out a small smile.  The smiled grew larger as a chuckle was heard through the air.
     "You could say that again."  Ashlyn croaked.  She surveyed her surroundings, eyes locking with the old man, breaking into a large smile.
     "Thank you for your kindness.  If it weren't for you giving him pants, I don't think I would have moved."  She laughed, "Bloody awkward if you ask me.  Can't get any more intimate than that though."  She winked at Bruce, who only went red at her words.
     "You're welcome, young lady.  I should leave now.  The wife is expecting me home, you going to be alright?"  The man asked.
     Ashlyn nodded her head, "I have to get green boy over here to Stark Tower."  The man nodded and left. 
     "How did you change?"  Bruce asked, not meeting her eyes.
     "I asked Natasha to make me mad at first.  Ran off like a little wimp.  That girl didn't know I wanted to help.  You were losing control after that explosion and after you changed, Natasha ran.  I couldn't, so I asked the other guy to make me mad and... he threw me to a pipe."  Bruce winced as Ashlyn showed him where she made impact.  There was a slight bruise, and it was fading, "I was amazed he even helped me, considering all his anger was coming out at once.  But it helped.  I got angry,"  She chuckled a little before continuing," Thing is, I kept full control of my actions this time.  I could think for myself this time around.  Only my body was different."
      "Then you just learned how to control it.  That's how I control it. I make myself angry when the time comes.  Now why don't you get back over here?"  Bruce asked, smiling at Ashlyn, who was now outside of the crater.  She turned towards him and made her way over.  He pecked her lips slightly.  "Now, why do we need to go to Stark Tower?"
      Ashlyn looked at him like it wasn't obvious, "'A warm light for all man kind to share'?"  Bruce still looked confused, "Duh!  The portal is going to be opened at Stark Tower!  I wanna go home, dummy."  She pecked his lips back and they went in search for some transportation. 
