
Maybe it was the end for them

"Open your eyes, please I can't lose you" Liam mumbled and held Theo his hand, "I did it again Liam, I'm sorry" Theo mumbled and let go of the knife, blood was dripping down his face. "You didn't do anything wrong" Liam said and looked at the guy in front of him. "I did, this is all my fault" Theo said and closed his eyes. "Theo no, open your eyes!" Liam shouted but for Theo it was nothing more than a whisper. He knew it was his own fault, he knew he messed up. More than once, so why did the boy cried for him? Why did Liam care so much about Theo, why him out of everyone in Scott his pack. Theo was nothing more than a useless chimera.

• 1 days ago •

"Okay so the plan is good with you?" Peter asked and Theo sighed, "yeah yeah, but are you sure about this?" Theo asked. "You are dying Theo, don't you want to die as a happy man?" Peter asked. "I don't know if I can call this a happy ending for me" Theo raised an eyebrow while Peter turned away from him. "So are we still heading out today or are we going tomorrow?" Theo asked while he still eyed the old Alpha.

"Tomorrow is full moon, we don't know how powerful they are, we also don't know how you will react" Peter explained. Theo looked at his veins, de dark color took over most of his body by now, including his neck and temples. "Maybe you need another checkup?" Peter asked, Theo sighed and turned his gaze away from his arms. "I'm going to die tomorrow no matter what, so don't worry about me" Theo said.

Theo walked towards the woods, the flashlight in his hand wasn't working that well. He left his phone at home so no one could call him. He needed to do this, he had done this before many times. "I know you are here, come out come out wherever you are" Theo said while he shined the flashlight through the dark woods. "I just want to talk" Theo said.

A taller figure came out of the shadows, her long white dress fit her body. She wasn't perfect, but she was pretty. Her red eyes looked straight at Theo while a smile played on her lips. "I knew you came" she whispered, she knew Theo heard her loud and clear. "You hear me right? It's the bond we have, it's the liquid in your veins" She said and pointed at my arms. "Why are you here Theo? Didn't you made a deal with Peter?" She asked. Theo was shocked, he never told anyone about him and Peter. "I know everything about you, I can hear you think" she said.

Her pale face and her red eyes came closer, Theo didn't even noticed it until she stood right in front of him. "Do you think I'm even real?" She asked, "Of course you are real, you did this to me, because of you I'm dying" Theo said and tried to punch her back. She vanished and appeared in front of him again.

"Think again Theo, in this time you could have saved yourself and your friends. But no, you listened to Peter, the Alpha who wants the power all to himself" The girl explained, "And what do you get out of it?" She explained. "He would make me a better person" Theo said "with the power he would take".

The girl sighed and looked at Theo, "I can't kill you now, but you need to be careful tomorrow Theo, tomorrow will be dangerous. For you, me and Liam. Because we want you in our pack and we know your soft spot. Would you give your life for him?" She asked and disappeared in front of Theo his eyes. No further explanation was needed for Theo just to know who she was talking about. 
