
He didn't know how to answer, but at this point he couldn't even answer

Two weeks and three days passed and Liam went back to his normal schedule, nothing weird happened and everything went fine.

The only thing that was different this days is that he got late lacrosse match. Mason was going to watch his best friend and boyfriend play on the field while his teenage crush was on the other team.

It was a match agains one of their rivals and Liam his old school, Brett Talbot was one hell of a guy, tall, muscular and Liam was a small guy against him.

Brett became a close friend to the McCall pack and helped them a lot, Brett wasn't a bad guy for Liam anymore, he was the help Liam needed sometimes.

Liam scrolled through his phone waiting until the teacher came into the classroom, Mason sat behind him watching over Liam his right shoulder.

"Mason, privacy please" Liam mumbled and Mason sighed and sat back in his chair while starting a conversation with the girl next to him.

A few minutes after the lesson started Liam got a text, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He looked at the teacher while he tried to look at his phone without her noticing it.

1 new message from T.

Liam raised his eyebrows not heard from Theo for the past two and a half week. He opened the message not paying attention to the lesson anymore.

T: I need to see you soon. I'll see you at the match.

Liam wanted to type back until he heard his name being called a few time and his phone got grabbed out of his hands. Liam looked up meeting the teacher her eyes, "no phones" she snapped and placed his phone at her desk.

Liam stared at his phone not knowing what do to, Liam didn't know why the chimera wanted to see him. Theo was the one who wanted to leave it all behind, who wanted to leave Liam and the rest behind.

"What was that all about?" Mason asked as soon as they walked out of the classroom, "Theo texted me" Liam told his best friend who stopped walking, "the Theo?" Mason asked as he started walking while trying to process what Liam just said.

"Yeah he said he wanted to see me, he will be at the match tonight" Liam sighed and opened his locker to grab his books. "But I can't text him back because I don't have my phone until the end of the day" Liam sighed and Mason sighed.

"Why do you even have his number?" Mason asked and raised an eyebrow, "I have no idea" Liam mumbled, "but he didn't want to talk to me two weeks ago" Liam sighed and closed his locker. "Maybe he changed his mind?" Mason suggested as they started walking towards Corey.

"Maybe he changed?" Liam said as soon as they were met by Corey, "who changed?" Corey asked and Mason looked at Liam for a second, "he will never change Liam, trust me" Mason sighed and Corey looked at both of the guys.

"Who is never going to change?" Corey asked once again trying to catch up with the conversation, "Theo" Liam almost whispered and Corey sighed by the boy his name.

"I hoped I would never hear that name again" Corey mumbled more to himself but Liam heard him, loud and clear. Liam couldn't get over the fact that Theo wanted to see him, maybe it was just a joke or maybe he got new friends who texted Liam.

Liam didn't know but if he was going to see Theo that night, he wanted answers.

Liam wasn't shocked when he didn't saw Theo that match, they were halfway through and they were behind with just a few points. As soon as Liam heard the whistle he walked towards Mason who handed him some water.

"No sign of Theo" Mason spoke up and Liam looked around meeting not Theo his eyes but Brett's. Brett walked towards them with a smirk on his face, "you are not as sharp as normally, Dunbar" Brett placed his hand on Liam his shoulder who sighed.

"I'm distracted and it's annoying" Liam told the taller werewolf, "what or who is distracting you?" Brett raised his eyebrow while Mason just kept his mouth shut.

"It's a long story and it doesn't matter, you are playing good" Liam said and looked at Brett who smiled, "as always of course, I need to get back. See you on the field Dunbar" Brett smiled and nodded towards Mason and then jogged back towards his team.

"He cares about you" Mason smirked and playfully pushed Liam against his chest but Liam his eyes were fixed on something else.

He looked at the dark haired boy who just walked on the tribune and sat down, he immediately locked eyes with Liam and his annoying smirk was on his lips.

"He is here" Liam mumbled and Mason turned around to look everywhere but where Theo was, "you are making it obvious, Mason don't" Liam grabbed his best friend his arm, "just ignore him" Liam told Mason who nodded.

After Liam got called back by coach he looked at Theo once more who was busy typing away on his phone. "What is he doing here?" Liam looked at Brett who stood in front of him, "I have no idea" Liam mumbled and sighed.

"Maybe he just likes lacrosse?" Liam said and put on his helmet, "yeah of course he does" Brett laughed and walked back to his spot ready for the second half.

Liam couldn't focus anymore and Devenford won, coach wasn't happy with Liam at the moment and neither was their team. Liam got hit and kicked and pushed for the past match and Corey or Brett were the ones who helped him get back up.

"You played good" Liam congratulated Brett who just smiled, "you didn't, maybe we need to talk soon" Brett suggested, "a lot happened between us and we need to set things right" Brett said and Liam nodded agreeing with him.

A lot of things went down between the two but Liam liked how they ended up and if Brett was open for friendship, then Liam was too.

Liam hoped once he turned around that he was met by Mason his face but instead he saw Theo walking away, walking towards the road. Liam looked further spotting Theo his old truck.

Liam needed answers and sped up his walking speed and followed the older boy. Liam closed Theo his door when he opened it ready to get in.

"What is wrong with you?" Liam snapped and Theo looked at him this time, "can't I enjoy a lacrosse game?" Theo asked with a smirk on his face, "I'm ready to punch you in your pretty face and shove it to the ground" Liam snapped and hit the truck door.

"First, that's my car and second, you just called me pretty" Theo said and Liam couldn't stand Theo his attitude. "Listen Liam, there is more going on that you or Mason are aware of. I know you are not listening to me so just call Scott, trust me on this one" Theo told de werewolf who looked at him. 

"I don't know Theo" Liam sighed and Theo grabbed the door of his truck and opened it, "Just call Scott, maybe he knows what to do, like he always does" Theo said and Liam nodded wanting to talk to the chimera for a longer time but he already started the engine. 

Liam sighed, "Liam chill, they will come" Corey tried to calm him down as Liam stared at the frond door, "They are already late" Liam said and Mason handed his best friend something to drink. 

Mason and Corey didn't believe Liam, but when Corey saw the panic in Liam his eyes he called Scott, Corey tried to convince that Theo was speaking the truth about that there was more going on. Malia was in France but Scott tried to call her back, Lydia wanted to help her friends but Scott didn't know if he should call Stiles. They were suppose to arrive a half hour ago. 

A knock on the door made Liam jump to his feet and opened the door surprised by the face he saw, "Stiles?" Liam mumbled and Stiles sighed and dropped his backpack to the floor, "Mason called me, telling me what happened, are we really trusting Theo?" Stiles looked at Liam hoping to get a useful answer. 

"I don't know yet, he told me to call Scott" Liam mumbled and Stiles sighed, "First, I'm sleeping in your bed and second, doesn't that sound very suspicious?" Stiles questioned Liam but Liam just didn't want to believe that Theo was actually bad. The second knock on the door made the four of them look up. 

"I'll get it" Mason mumbled and opened the door, a smile appeared on Liam his face as soon as he saw Malia, Scott and Lydia walking inside, "Liam maybe you need to come outside for a second" Lydia mumbled and Liam looked at Stiles for a second and walked towards Lydia, Malia, Scott and Mason. 

Scott looked at Stiles and then went back to his beta, Liam walked outside and looked at his front garden where several dead bunnies and birds layed on the ground, blood was all over his porch. "What the fuck is this, this wasn't here ten minutes ago" Liam mumbled and Stiles looked over Liam his shoulder and sighed, "call Theo" Stiles mumbled and Scott nodded. 

"Are we really trusting him in this? Scott please" Malia sighed as they all sat down in the livingroom. Liam looked at Scott who looked back at him, "I don't trust Theo, but I trust Liam in this" Scott said and Liam nodded towards him, Liam looked at the six of them, Lydia and Stiles were holding hands, Corey was sitting next to Mason and Malia her head was laying on Scott his shoulder. They were all back, because Liam needed their help. 

"After all he done, it's just that, I want to rip hid head off" Malia sighed and Scott sighed, "I think we all do, but he helped with the Wild Hunt, he saved Liam" Mason added and Malia nodded her head, "He did?" Stiles questioned and Liam looked at him, "More than once actually" Liam added and Mason nodded.

"If I see him, I'm going to do something to him" Stiles sighed, "I wouldn't do that if I were you" Theo his voice was heard through the room and everybody turned around to look at him, "How did you get in my house?" Liam questioned the chimera as he sat down next to Corey. A mixture of fear and anger was seen in Corey his eyes but Theo just looked at Stiles. 

Stiles kept his mouth shut as Theo was now in the same room as him, "You said you knew that there was more going on?" Lydia asked Theo and he sighed, "It's not that I know more, it's just that there is more going on around here, two weeks ago I was attacked in the woods. There was a group of people, they were supernatural and one followed me back to my truck" Theo explained, "where you sleep right?" Mason asked earning a weird look from Theo and Liam, "why does that matter?" Theo asked and sighed. 

"He followed me, wanted to kill me but I scared him off, he knew my name, he knew so much about me" Theo continued his story, ignoring Mason his question, "but when I came closer to the group that night, I was scared, kind of scared" Theo tried to explain and nodded after a while, "There are more dead animals then just here on Liam his porch but I don't know if it has something to do with the group" Theo said and Scott nodded. 

"Maybe they are some kind of cult" Malia said and Stiles nodded, "So maybe they are back in the woods, what about we go and look?" Stiles asked and scott nodded, "Corey and I are going back home, if you guys find anything, call us" Mason said and Liam nodded. 
