
His glowing eyes looked around, hoping nobody had seen him.

Theo knew he couldn't change much in his life, but he thought about the decisions he made. With the Dread Doctors he knew what he was doing, but he didn't know if it was the right thing.

When they put Theo back in the ground he got to think about the decisions he made as a grown up and as a child, trusting the Dread Doctors was a first thing but being the bad guy was a second thing. Of course Theo didn't thought about him being the bad guy but he knew he made some bad choices.

After he left Liam he went back to his car, hoping the cops didn't send him away. Theo thought about the time the group trusted him and thought about them being friends, how things would turdn out if he never was with the Dread Doctors and of course him being here with his sister and parents.  

It was a rough night for Theo, it was raining and something didn't felt good. He was afraid again for the first time in years, Theo got out of his car and grabbed his jacket out of the back. 

He didn't know how late it was but he knew he wanted to check out what was going on, he walked towards the woods. Things always went down in the woods but he wasn't sure if he made the right choice to come here alone. 

As he came closer to the middle of the woods the feeling got worse, he hid behind a big tree as soon as he saw people standing in a circle. Of course it had to be raining, Theo didn't know if they were werewolves and if they could smell him but he was sure that he couldn't stay long. 

Killing supernatural wasn't hard for Theo, if they had done something bad to him. Theo had some issues with people before, like at the houseparty a week ago. He hated the host and after they kept bugging him he made an end to it. 

He didn't even know if he was the bad guy in this situation for killing these people, but he looked in the car mirror that night and his eyes still glowed a bright yellow- gold color. Maybe they weren't innocent after all. 

He focused on the people behind him and heard them talk about the famous McCall pack, maybe they were the upcoming bad guys of Beacon Hills, just like he was. 

Of course Theo knew about the infamous bad guys of Beacon Hills, Peter Hale, Deucalion and for a moment Gerard and he could go on with the list. Why did he matter so much to the pack. 

Theo left before the group could see him, people in this city and in the supernatural world knew about the Dread Doctors and about him. He wasn't afraid of the people that walked in this town, he wasn't afraid of being killed. But there was something strange when he walked towards the group, the feeling in his stomach twisted his mind. 

A hand on Theo his shoulder made him turn around, he was met by two brown green eyes, he needed to look up at the older man who was holding a machine gun. "You know you just can't grab children in the middle of the woods, at the middle of the night" Theo snapped slighly annoyed that is still was raining. 

"Maybe it wasn't that weird if you were a normal child"The man mumbled and loaded his gun, "I know you" this time the man looked at him, he looked right in his eyes. Theo already was annoyed and the rain didn't help. 

"What do you want?" Theo sighed and looked around to see if he was alone, "I want your head" the man mumbled and Theo looked up and showed his fangs, "Do you really want to deal with an already annoyed chimera?" Theo glowed his eyes but the man didn't moved a muscle. 

Theo sighed and waited for the man to make the first move, when he did and cocked the gun in Theo his face, he slid his nails into the man his neck. The chimera pulled his nails back and kicked the man to the ground while bloor streamed out of his mouth. 

A playful smirk was placed on the chimera his face while he kneeled down next to the man, "You know, you never can get rid of your dark side" Theo told the dying man while he slid his nails into the man his eyes.

After that Theo turned around and walked back to his car, his eyes were still glowing and his fangs still out. When he reached his car, he was back to the teenager he was before he walked into the woods. 

He saw Liam earlier this night and on that moment, guilt flew through his body. At that moment he was sorry for what he did, for killing Scott and not becoming there real friend. Stiles was smart, in some way Theo had hoped they would believe Stiles. 

Theo looked again in the mirror, not knowing if his eyes changed this time by killing the man. Theo looked at his glowing eyes but sighed when he still saw the bright yellow- gold ones. 

"So what was that back there?" Theo looked to his left to look at the older man, "What are you doing here?" Theo snapped and the man put his hands up in surrender, "I live longer in this town then you, that's why I'm here" the man snapped back and put his hands back down. 

"I thought you lived the free careless life after Scott left" Theo mumbled and raised an eyebrow, "I did, until I saw that little scene back in the forrest" The man shot back and Theo nodded his head. 

"What do you want from me, Peter" Theo sighed and raised his other eyebrow meanwhile. "No what do you want, Theo. Everybody noticed the murders going around town. Don't tell me that was all you?" Peter asked and Theo relaxed. 

"No not all of them, I killed three kids at that party and the guy in the forrest" Theo told Peter who nodded, "What about the rest of the kids at that party? And the murder at the graveyard?" Peter asked and Theo knew what he was doing. 

"That wasn't me and I don't know who it was" Theo told him and opened the door from his car ready to go to sleep, "You can't lose your bad side you said?" He heard Peter ask and Theo stopped in his tracks. "Why not use it then? Help me and you get what you still want Theo" Peter told the younger boy.

"How do you know what I want?" Theo asked and looked back at Peter still holding the door, "Because we are all the same, we are the villains here" Peter said with a smirk on his face.


Hey hey hey!

I added Peter to this because he will be a big role in this story!

Hope you like this Theo pov and let me know what you think!

Sorry if im not that active but that is because of school.

and i didnt check this chapter on mistakes so i will do that later.

Stay healthy and safe!

