
Headmistress Morgan demanded that both Jerry and I have therapy sessions twice a week. She hired the ‘best youth therapist’ in the whole world. And by the whole world, she literally means the whole world. Connections can get you really far. The thing about this therapist is that she is only available to spies, spies in training, and spies’ kids. So it’s actually safe for me to disclose all my spyness and spy language and spy secrets to her. Anyways, she decided that I would see her after dinners on Mondays and Fridays. While Jerry sees her Tuesdays and Thursdays.  The therapist was all too happy and “honored” to leave her practice in the capable hands of her VP before coming here to help some of Gallagher Academy’s most “prized” students. I gagged at the thought. I don’t need a therapist. Yea, I did have a slight mental break down in which I called myself a sociopath, but whatever. That really doesn’t matter. I’m not crazy! I’m just a bit stressed, ok? People just need to see that! Jerry and I are stressed, not depressed or crazy or whatever the hell Headmistress Morgan thinks is wrong with our brain. Apparently she thinks it’s seriously messed up because we have to have these therapy sessions until she sees it “fit for us to stop”. Blah! This is bullshit. Therapy is gonna be a waste of my time. I’m going to spend hours out of my day talking to some stranger about how I feel when I could be using those hours figuring out what happened over the summer. Although they are nightmare inducing, the flashbacks Jerry and I have been having are really helping. We now know that we had to have been somewhere. Somewhere that teaches you how to shoot, with our newfound perfect shooting skills. It has to be some organization with much respect, because we got a lot of equipment that other organizations didn’t even know about. We’re trying not the think the worse, but if more negative evidence comes we’re going to have to face the facts, hard or not. There is a high possibility that we had been taken by the Circle while we were gone. Although I’m hoping that somehow the Italian Mafia kidnapped us. I mean we were in Italy, and the guy we shot’s name was Alejandro. Now that, I wouldn’t be terribly upset about. I’ve always had a fascination with the Mafia.

“What you thinking about?” Tyler asked squeezing my hand. I looked up at him. I’m so grateful that we worked everything out. I missed him so much. Like so much.

“A lot of things actually.” I said biting my lip. “Somehow I had gone from thinking about therapy to thinking about the Mafia…” I said slowly.

“Wow. You really are crazy.” He said teasingly.

“Ha, ha, ha. Very funny Tyler!” I said rolling my eyes.

“Therapy isn’t that bad. I went through it after that asshole who supplied sperm for my birth shot my mother right in front of me.” Tyler said before clenching his jaw. I rubbed my thumb gently across his. He loosened up.

“If you can do it, I can do it.” I said smiling up at him.

“Then again I was 7 at the time.

“You lost your mom. The people here just think I’m a little bit crazy.” I said looking up at him.

“Aren’t we all a little bit crazy?” Tyler asked biting his lip.

“Yea, but I guess people just get goof at hiding it.” I replied shrugging before I arrived at the Therapist’s office.

“Have fun. Don’t resist too much.” Tyler said smiling down at me.

“Fine.” I said sighing.

“I love you my little Sociopath.” He said happily.

“I love you too my big Monster.” I said smiling up at him. He leaned down and pecked my lips before pulling me in for a hug. “I’ll see you in an hour.” I said pulling out.

“I’ll be right here waiting.” He said before pecking my forehead.  He watched me walked into the office. I waved at him slightly before closing the door behind me. As I turned a delightful smell entered my nose. It almost immediately made me feel calm. It gave me this weird feeling. I don’t know how to describe it.

“Hi. I’m Quinn Levi, but you can call me Quinn.” The lady said standing up. She had red curls falling down to her mid back. She wore a black business dress with low black heels. She had a light shade of red on her lips, just enough of a pop of color. She seemed young. Like early to mid thirties, but there are some older people who just take very good care of themselves.

“Hi. I’m…” I started before she cut me off.

“Daniela White. I read your profile. Have a seat.” She said motioning to the couch. I walked over to the fluffy white couch before sitting down. “So, tell me about yourself.” She said placing her hands in her lap.

“You already read my file. There’s nothing I can tell you about myself that’s not already in there.” I replied crossing my arms.

“This is true, but I like to here my clients talk about themselves. So, is there anything you want to tell me?” She asked smiling.

“I don’t want to tell you anything. To be completely honest I don’t even want to be here. I think it’s a waste of my time. I could be doing other, more important, things instead of talking to a stranger about my problems.” I said looking up at her.

“That’s a normal reaction to therapy from teenagers your age.” She said leaning against her desk in front of me.

“Well, a lot of teenagers my age are forced into therapy by adults who think we’re crazy just because they can’t understand us.” I said seriously.

“Ok. So you don’t believe you need therapy. Explain to me why you think the adults in your life believe you need therapy?” She asked looking at me intently.

“Oh that’s simple. You see, a lot of shit has happened in my life lately. Pardon my language.” I said quickly.

“No, I’ve heard a lot worse. Don’t be afraid to use the language you feel comfortable with.” She said smiling at me.

“Alright. So yea, a lot of shit has happened to me in the past couple years.” I said nodding “So I can understand why people may think I’m a little wacked up in my head.” I said with a slight smile.

“Explain what you mean by a lot of shit.” She said pulling out a chair and sitting in front of me.

“Well, my dad was abducted while on a mission. I thought people were after my best friend Jess. The same people that took my dad took the guy I liked at the time, Tyler, and for a while, three months to be exact, I thought he was dead. Upon his arrival he told me that the bad guys were not after my best friend, but after me and I’d been their target for a while. Then I got into a relationship with this guy named Evan. After that I watched Tyler jump off a bridge, again thinking he was dead. Not even 5 minutes after witnessing that I was drug off to the MI6 base where I was cramped in one room and questioned for 24 hours about Tyler, since her was apparently a wanted man. Through out all of that I was still being hunted down and trying to be captured. After that Tyler appeared at my school almost dead, so I had to nurse him back to health. Then we broke into Blackthorne Academy to steal a book. During that process I found out that Tyler’s dad is an evil bastard. Tyler’s brother is a traitor. And, here’s the kicker, my seemingly perfect boyfriend was far from it. He was leading the Circle right to me. So then I was like… fuck this and I left. When I left I apparently disappeared for 5 months. When I got back everything was pretty fine and then I realized I know how to perfectly use a gun. And last but not least, I was shot at the other day and the people who shot at us are the same people who’ve been after me which now gives everyone evidence that they are still after me.” I finished listing off every bad thing that had happened in my life.

“Wow. Well, that quite a lot.” Quinn said trying to hold back her shock.

“Yup! Welcome to my screwed up life. Go ahead and try to fix it, Doc.” I said smirking.

“Well, let’s start at the beginning and work our way up to the end. We always can hit the source of the problem, if there is one, quicker and easier that way. Alright?” She said leaning forward towards me. For some reason I felt calmer and more cooperative with everything. This feeling felt oddly familiar. Maybe I just don’t remember what being calm feels like.

“Sure. You’re the professional here.” I said nodding at her.

“Alright, so let’s start with your dad. How close were you?” She asked getting out her notepad.  

“My dad and I are extremely close. He was my rock. I was a complete and total daddy’s girl. I felt like he was the only person in my house who understood me. I loved him. He was my hero. Given I didn’t know exactly what he did as work until I entered Gallagher Academy. Even after that I didn’t care. I loved him. I loved him more than anyone else in the world. So yea, our relationship is really close.” I said nodding.

“That’s good. That’s good. How did you feel when your dad was taken?” She asked.

“I felt broken. Hurt. Angry. I wanted to find the people who took them and I wanted to hurt them. But most importantly I just wanted to find my dad. I just wanted to bring him home. That’s all. I didn’t really care who they are, I didn’t care what they wanted from him, I didn’t care what they did to him. As long as they didn’t kill him and I could bring him home. That’s all I want. All I’ve wanted for a really long time.” I said getting sad.

“Yes. I understand. So, knowing how long he’s been missing, do you feel like your dad is alive?” She asked sympathetically.

“I do. I feel it more than I ever have. I don’t know why, I just do. I feel it in my heart. I feel something so strong, so strong. I can feel him. And I know that may sound crazy, but I feel him.” I said biting my lip.

“That’s not crazy.” Quinn said comfortingly. “Ok. So, next topic. Tyler. Tell me about that whole situation. Let’s start with how and when you met him.” She said twirling her pen.

“I met him halfway through my 10th grade year. I was on a mission and my Cov’ Ops teach sent a group of boys to make us fail. Well, he was my distraction. So, I met him thinking he was a normal boy only to find out that he was the best boy spy in training that attended Blackthorne Academy. After that we became partners. We spent most of our time together. We became really close. Like really close. We ended up liking each other and we formed some sort of unspoken relationship.” I said before she cut me off.

“I’m sorry, unspoken relationship?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yes. Unspoken relationship. It was like we’re in a relationship but we don’t exactly call ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend.” I said looking up at her.

“Ok, so continue.” She said nodding at me.

“Yea, and that lasted for a while. Until I thought he was like… dead. You know. When he came back I was in a relationship with Evan. He didn’t know. For a while after he returned he didn’t know. Then he jumped off a bridge and I was questioned about him.” I said before she cut me off. I stopped talking and looked up at her.

“Let’s focus on that part for a bit. When Tyler jumped and the interrogation.” She said softly. “Explain that to me.” She added.

“I was on winter break. My best friend Jade and I went to Paris for the week. I had gone out to look for a bathroom when all of a sudden every light in a 50-mile radius went out. That’s when Tyler grabbed me. We started running and we came to the bridge. He started telling me that people are going to be coming and that they are going to say things about him. But he wanted me to know that none of it was true. He had to make sure I trusted him.” I said reminiscing on the event.

“And did you?” She asked seriously.

“Of course. I trusted him with my life. So after that, agents came and started telling him to back away from me. He kept drilling into my head that he wasn’t the bad guy and that I needed to remember what he said. Then he kissed me and jumped off the bridge.” I finished shrugging.

“At this time you were dating Evan, right?” She asked pen in hand.

“Yes.” I responded before she started writing again.

“And how did you respond to that? Tyler jumping I mean.” She asked holding her hands together.

“Well, I kinda broke down. I watched the kid I’ve known for about a year and a half at the time and cared about deeply jump off a bridge. It was pretty damn traumatic.” I said before adding a little laugh.

“Alright, so after that what happened?” She asked.

“Well after that I broke away from the crowd and cried. Soon enough they found me. I was drug to the MI6 base and placed in an interrogation room. I sat in there for 9 hours. They watched me through an observation glass for 9 hours before they sent someone in.” I said before she cut me off.

“What did you do during these 9 hours?” She asked slowly.

“I sat looking at the observation glass. I watched them watch me. I counted the tiles in the ceiling and the floor and the dents in the walls.” I said smiling. “It’s not as bad as it sounds.” I added. “After that, the lovely bastard that was assigned to interrogate me was none other than Agent Kingsley walked in. He started talking to me like I was a child, to which I kindly reminded him that I was not. Then he gave me a folder with so called evidence against him. Claiming he worked with the Circle. I didn’t really care about that. Well I kinda did, but I more cared that they claimed that he had something to do with my dad’s abduction. That broke me. I screamed at them and threw the file at the glass. At some point I thought I was actually going crazy. I sat in a corner for 4 hours repeating to myself that Tyler wasn’t a bad guy. By the time I was released I seriously thought I needed to be checked into a mental facility. But then again, being locked up in a room for 24 hours will make any sane person go crazy.” I said shrugging.

“That’s very interesting. Did you ever tell anyone how you felt about being locked up in there for that amount of time? Like your mom or your best friend?” She asked looking at me.

“Nope. Only you Doc.” I said smiling. “But I guess it’s only ok because I’m in therapy. I mean, it’s ok for me to say things like I think I needed to be locked up in a mental facility.” I said with a laugh.

“That’s good. Forming a sense of trust with me. Very good.” She replied smiling. “Now, tell me about how you were being hunted and how it felt when you were told you were the target.” She said.

“Well, the first real attack was when I spent the summer with Jess and Jade one Jess’s dad’s campaign trail. We got attacked on the way to one of the events. After that everyone got really protective. They stepped up the security. I had security guards everywhere. It was weird. Then I went to a government party to try to find answers. We ended up getting attacked there, but Tyler was ordered to get me out of there. That night he told me that I was the target and not Jess. I was shocked, but I kinda expected it. I started piecing things together. So yea. I handled it pretty well if you ask me. Try swallowing that the Circle wants you for their evil master plan.” I said smirking.

“Yes, That would be very hard. So, tell me about Evan.” She said finishing writing.

“Ok. I met him during my Cov’ Ops exam my freshman year. He was my target. I don’t know, when first met him. I felt strangely connected to him. Maybe it was because I was his target all along, or there was some actual real chemistry between us or maybe, probably, it was that I was in love with the idea of being normal again and he was the perfect normal boy. Anyways, I introduced myself as Isabelle, the sweet country girl. He introduced himself as Evan the popular quarterback for his high school football team. He was the poster child for the normal teenage boy and I wanted it. We stayed friends for a while. Then when I thought Tyler was dead I got really depressed. Evan was there for me. I got really close to him. He’d invite me to these parties he threw and I slowly started to fall in love with my double life. For one night a week for a couple hours I could be normal. I didn’t have to be a spy. I didn’t have to think about the Circle taking my dad. I didn’t have to think about anything except being a teenager. So when Tyler came back I got super pissed at him. He made me think he was dead for 3 months, I was beyond pissed. That night I went to Evan’s house and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was a lot happier about that than I thought I was going to be. And for a while I thought this was just going to be a little thing that I’d try out for a little while. No real commitment, but then I didn’t want to stop dating him and we dated for 6 months.” I said smiling a bit at who I thought Evan was, not who he actually was.

“Did you love him?” She asked looking at me.

“Yes. He made me happy. He made me feel safe, like nothing could hurt me. I fell in love with everything about him. His smile, his personality, the way he touched me, looked at me, kissed me. I could see us being happy together. I could see us having a future together, where we were married and had kids. And of course I would have to tell him who I really was, but it’d be ok because I knew he loved me and he’d be ok with it. We’d be happy together forever. And I would love him forever. So yea I loved him. I fell head over heels deeply in love with him. He was everything I needed, wanted and I could be happy with just him for the rest of my life.” I said tears pricking my eyes.

“Ok, so what exactly happened between you two? You said that he was ‘leading the Circle to you’. Can you explain that?” She asked.

“Yea so, it really started the week before when I had kissed Tyler again. A week after that I had to tell Evan about the kiss. So I went to his house, after my team and I discussed how we were going to break into Blackthorne, and told him. He was upset at first, then he calmed down and told me that he loved me. He kept telling me this over and over again. He loved me and that everything he told me was true. How he felt about me was true. It’s like he needed me to know. Like he was going to die or something. I didn’t think much of it then. I was just too happy that he forgave me and that he still loved me and still wanted to be with me. That made me happy. Then I left and did my mission. Tyler, my friends, and I broke into Blackthorne. Tyler and I detached from the rest of the group and he took me into the tombs. We got the book and then his dad, which I found out was the leader of the Circle fun fact, came out and started yelling at him to give me to them. Then Tyler’s brother, second in command, came out and promised that they weren’t going to hurt me and that he needs to give me to them. Tyler’s dad left and Evan, or whoever the hell he really is, came out and told me to go with him. He said he could explain everything. That we’d be ok, everything would be ok, if I just went with him. He told me his mission was to get close to me, but he feel in love with me. Then Tyler exploded the building. I escaped, and so did everyone else, and here we are.” I said growing sadder as the topic went on.

“Ok. So I have a theory, but I want to hit on the other subjects first because we’re way over our time limit, but I was hired for nothing but the best for you guys so continue. After Evan you said you left. What made you leave?” She asked.

“Everything. I was just so fucking done with everything that I couldn’t stay here anymore. I couldn’t take being lied to anymore. I couldn’t take hurting my friends anymore. I couldn’t take not knowing anymore, being answerless. I couldn’t take it. It drove me crazy. So I left. Packed my bags and disappeared. Thinking I was only going to be gone for 2 months I ended up being gone for 5 without knowing. I woke up in a boarding school in Spain. I called Headmistress Morgan and she came. I had no memory of what happened after I left Jerry’s house.” I said shaking my head.

“And what does it feel like being without memories?” She asked.

“It sucks. It really fucking sucks. I mean, everyone wants me to remember. They need me to remember and I need to remember. Not for them, but for myself. I know that I found out some things, got answers for some questions during the summer. I just can’t remember them. And not to mention the fact that everyone looks at you like you’re a ghost when you walk down the hallway because I’m suppose to be dead but I’m not.” I finished with a sigh.

“That’s normal, to feel that way. You’re not supposed to be dead. You’re a fighter, a survivor and I bet you’re a damn good spy. Anyways, that’s the end of our session. I will see you on Friday. This was an amazing start Daniela, keep it up. I’m very proud of you.” She said smiling. I’m trying to remember the last time anyone said that they were proud of me. Not for a while, and today it came from a complete stranger.

“Thank you.” I said smiling. “Bye.” I said walking out the door. Tyler was leaning against the wall next to the door listening to music. When he saw me he plucked the earphones out of his ears and brought me into him.

“Hey! How’d it go?” He asked releasing me from his hug.

“Well, actually.” I said smiling up at him.

“I would think. Since you went two hours over your session limit.” He said smiling at me.

“Really?” I asked shocked.

“Yup.” He said laughing.

“Wow.” I whispered. I hadn’t even realized the time went by. It only felt like half an hour. I didn’t even think we reached an hour. That’s strange. I’m usually really good with keeping track of time.

“I’m glad you thought it was ok.” He said grabbing hold of my hand.

“Me too.” I replied in a trance.

So... hey. Therapy... People think Ela's crazy. What's with the Therapist... trustworthy or not? I mean one thing we should've learned throughout this series is no one is ever as they seem (good or bad) So. Leave your comments down below... I wanna hear all your conspiracy theories. Requirements for next chapter. 


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Until next time. Love you guys! :)
