A Little Family History

After much convincing and slight threatening the gang and I were back at it again. On the plane flying to Cornwall, England.

"Headmistress Morgan! Headmistress Morgan! Headmistress Morgan!" I said knocking on her office door.

"Come in." She yelled. I busted the door open and flew inside the room.

"Headmistress Morgan. We need to leave right now. Mr. Solomon told me what my necklace means and what it does. We have to go to the Gallagher family estate in Cornwall, England and find out what is there." I rushed out. She took a deep breath before taking off her glasses and looking at me.

"Sweetie, we just got back from Italy where you almost got taken again. Now you want to go to Europe again?" She asked looking up at me.

"They let me go! He let me go! Which mean one of two things. One, they don't want me yet, but they are making damn sure to let me know that they still do. Or two, they do want me but this kid, this person he's trying to buy me some time." I said faster.

"And why would he do that?" She asked crossing her arms.

"You think if I knew that I would be talking to you right now? Listen, this could be the place where everything clicks. Where everything makes sense. I sent myself this necklace for a reason. THIS is the reason. We have to go. I'm going whether you take me or not." I said before turning away.

"Ok. Ok. Pack your things. We leave in two hours while the plane is still here and has enough time to refuel." She said sighing.

"Thank you! So much. Seriously." I said before running out of her office. I ran to Tyler's room and banged on the door. He soon opened it.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked shirtless, obviously waken from a nap.

"No time to sleep Tyler. Pack your shit. We leave in two hours for England." I said before turning and banging on Jerry's door. I heard Tyler groan before closing his door as Jerry opened his.

"Rise and fucking shine sweetheart! Get packed. We leave in 2 hours for England." I said smiling up at him.

"Couldn't even give me a day before dragging me on another adventure?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"By the time we get there it'll be tomorrow. Time to face the day and get some answers Jerry. Let's go find out what the hell really happened to us over the summer." I said before hopping away to my room. I opened the door. "Get up bitches and pack your stuff." I said to Jess and Jade who were the only ones in there.

"Why?" They groaned.

"We're going to England." I said smiling before throwing a bunch of clothes into my freshly unpacked Italy bag. They groaned before rolling out of bed and beginning to pack.

As I got on the plane everyone was so exhausted that they immediately fell asleep. Now I, on the other hand, stayed up for another hour or so before sleep over took me and I just had to rest for a bit. Soon enough the plane landed in England and we were out and in a car taking us to the Gallagher family estate. It's weird getting to see a part of your family's heritage. I'm excited and nervous at the same time, but I'm on a mission so I have no time for either emotion. I got into the zone and was extremely pumped to be searching around in an ancient house. Yay!

"Ok. What's the game plan, Ela?" Jerry asked looking at me.

"Well, we're just going to search. Search anywhere that may hold anything valuable or just looks suspicious. That's about it. When we see the house we can designate a headquarters where we'll bring back anything that we find. I'd say we should we should wait until 12 a.m. to find anything and bring it back. Then we can fly home. Done. Easy in and out." I said looking at all of them. They shrugged before looking elsewhere. Suddenly we pulled into the front of the estate and my oh my was it big. It was huge. It was three stories high a couple of acres. It's was like a castle. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Well damn." Ty muttered from next to me.

"Ok. Here's how it's going to be split up. Jess, Jade, and me on the first floor. Jerry, Jake, Ty on the second floor. Headmistress Morgan and Agent Kingsley on the third. Let's try to cover as much ground as possible." I said before hearing crashed of water. Hmm. Must be a cliff or something nearby.

"Ok." They said before we headed inside. There was a main foyer and a grand staircase there.

"We can meet by the staircase." Headmistress Morgan said and we all nodded. They walked up the stairs and we looked at each other. I started walking in one direction and they walked in two opposite directions. I searched through rooms but came up with nothing. I rounded all the way to the back of the house still finding nothing. I came across a study in the way back of the house. It had a beautiful fireplace. I walked up to it and ran my fingers across it before I came to the crest. It matched the one on my necklace. I place my necklace up to the crest and the wall next to the fireplace opened up slightly. Just enough for a person to get in. I walked in and turned on my flashlight. It was a hallway that split up into many different hallways. I decided to go all the way to the end and check the rooms from back to front. Now I know where she got the idea for the subs. I finally got to a dead end. Looking around I found a brick that seemed to be a bit out of place. I pushed on it and it wiggled. Sliding it out I found a folded up piece of paper. I grabbed it before sliding the brick back in. I leaned up against the back wall and felt it move ever so slightly. Turning around I looked at it before feeling for anyways to open it. Soon I found a piece of the wall that pushed in and it unlocked. The door opened to the outside. The back of the house. A couple yards away was the edge of a cliff. I walked towards it looked over at a safe distance before backing away slightly, but still close. I felt the sprays of the water against my skin before finally looking at the paper. There were two.

If you found this then I'm very proud of you. Either you remembered what happened, or you figured it out. Well, this is what they wanted from you. This is the reason why they were after you. Because of this. You didn't even know what it was until the summer during a mental exercise. This can change the lives of spies and the whole world forever. Keep this list in good hands. Even if you loose it I have faith that you will remember every letter of this and be able to do something about it. I love you –Summer Ela.

I placed that in my back pocket. I opened the next one and saw names. A lot of names. Names that I recognized and some I didn't. I was so confused to what I was reading, but still I memorized it all.

"Hello there, buttercup." He said emerging from the darkness.

"Hello Alex." I said looking up at him.

"You remember me?" He asked taking a step closer.

"Not much, just a little. Our first meeting when you shot me with a tranquilizer." I said nonchalantly.

"Was our first meeting really our first meeting?" He asked with a knowing voice. He had a mask on. It was only covering his eyes. Like a superhero mask. Yet, he didn't really need it. It was dark outside.

"You really like that dark and masks." I said nodding at him.

"I can't let you see my face yet. Might bring too much back at once." He said simply.

"I already know who you are. I looked you up. Or I looked up Alexander Parker, if that's who you really are." I said shrugging.

"That is who I really am. That is the truth." He said nodding.

"Why'd you let me go?" I asked as the wind tussled my hair and I was getting more and more wet from the occasional sprays of the ocean.

"It wasn't the right time. I could feel it. Bringing you back would've been a mistake." He said shaking his head.

"But you knew letting me go would get you in trouble with the leader." I said looking up at him.

"Yea, I did know that. I also knew that it was for the best. As I said it would've been a mistake taking you forcibly. It wouldn't have accomplished anything. And, my feeling may or may not have gotten in the way of my rational spy thinking." He said adding a slight shrug.

"Is now the right time? Are you going to force me back?" I asked quietly.

"It depends. I don't think it's the right time if I have to force you back. No, you're way to close to figuring it all out and it's just going to push everything back in that's so close to spilling out for you to see. So close. Yet, it is the right time if you come back on your own. If you come with me I can explain everything to you. I can let you know exactly what happened. I can get you your memories back. Just come with me." He said gradually getting closer to me.

"I can't" I said shaking my head.

"Yes... yes you can. We'll take you back. We'll always take you back." He said finally reaching me.

"No..." I replied as his hand cupped my face.  

"Let me do you a favor." He said before taking the list and burning it. "You're going to remember it. And now the circle will never have and will never know you had it." He said looking me in the eye.

"Thank you, but why?" I asked so confused.

"You know why." He said before taking the ring off of my right ring finger. "You're wearing this wrong." He said before moving it to my left ring finger. He kissed me deeply, and for some reason I kissed him back, before he pulled out. He kissed my forehead before turning around and walking away. And I let him.

Well look at that. Hello Alex. Hello answere. Hello so much confusion. I believe that all of this is way more than Ela can handle. I think she's reached her breaking point. But no... she can't. As Alex said she's so close to figuring everything out. I want to hear the stories you guys have of Alex. How they met? What he really is to her? How they became a thing? What really happened between her and Alex over the summer? Who is Alex really? What does all of this mean? We only have 2. I repeat 2 chapters left before the story is OVER. Do you think there is going to be a story after this? Or will all be revealed in the end? Keep reading to find out. 
