More Traveling

I packed all my clothes and other necessities in a large backpack. I doubt we’d be staying in Florence for that long. I also stuffed 5,000 dollars cash in one of the pockets. You know, for just in case purposes. I looked around the room at the other girls, they were adding last minute things to their bags. Jade walked up to me.

“There’s something I need to tell you.” She said slowly.

“What’s up?” I asked looking at her.

“Well, ok. So I know this may not sound like much, but it just seems strange to me. During the summer Tyler went missing for a month. When he came back he was a little weird. He seemed a bit more on edge than normal. He said it was nothing to worry about, but it seemed abnormal. So yea.” She finished.

“No, that does seem a little bit weird. Thanks for telling me.” I said placing a hand on her shoulder. I walked around her. “Alright, we need to go before the plane leaves us.” I said walking towards the door. Headmistress Morgan, Agent Kingsley, Jake, Tyler, Jerry, Dee, Bri, Jess, Jade, and I all boarded the very luxurious Gallagher Academy plane.

“Alright. Get comfortable, this is going to be a long ride.” Head mistress Morgan said before we all buckled in. Once in the air I moved to the couch and Tyler sat next to me.

“Hey.” I said smiling up at him.

“Hey.” He replied pulling me into him. I laid with my back against his chest and his chin resting on the top of my head.

“It’s really quiet.” I said looking out the window next to me.

“Yea. I know, everyone’s asleep.” He said slowly.

“That was quick.” I said not taking my eyes away from the window.

“Yea…” He said enlacing our fingers. We stayed silent for a while. “Hey Snow…” He said.

“Yea Charming?” I asked.

“Are you sure about this? We’re talking about going back to the place you may have been taken from.” He said slightly worried.

“I know and I’m absolutely sure about this. I know it seems crazy. I understand that this may have been the place I could’ve been taken. But it also could’ve ben the place I found most of my answers. This might be the place where everything clicks and I remember my whole summer. I can’t not go because I’m afraid of what may happen. I’m going because I want to know what did happen. I need to know and the only piece of evidence I got points to Florence. That’s where the jewelry came from and that’s where the last letter my dad sent me on his mission came from. Something’s going on in Florence and I need to know what it is.” I said quietly.

“Ok.” He said simply.

“Charming…” I said

“Yea, Snow?” He asked.

“Where’d you go the month you went missing?” I asked innocently.

“Looking for you.” He said flatly. “All the other agencies pronounced you missing and they had no leads on where you could’ve gone. It was literally like you had vanished on the planet. So I went looking for you. I went all around Europe and contacted all my contacts, but nothing. I really thought the circle had you, so I found my dad and demanded that he give you up. He said he didn’t know where you were, but I didn’t believe him. It’s hand to believe anything that comes out of his mouth really. I was just in a state of… I don’t know. I really don’t even know. I was about a second away from checking myself into a mental hospital, but instead I went back to Gallagher Academy.” He said seriously. He paused for a bit before continuing. “Damnit Ela, I didn’t know what to do. I went crazy trying to find you. The thought that someone had you, that you could’ve been hurt drove me insane. It was only worse when I finally realized there was nothing I could do about it. Nothing. I just had to wait for you to come home. Then another month went by and another and another. Slowly I started believing what everyone was telling me. That you were either dead, or never coming back. I didn’t believe that you’d willingly leave us. That you’d willingly stay wherever you were. But you never came back. At that point I did believe it. That you were either dead or happier wherever the hell you were than you ever were here. And so I decided it was time to move on, because you weren’t coming back. So I did. Well, I didn’t. Not really. Just as it finally stopped hurting to think about you, when my chest didn’t feel like it was going to implode whenever I saw a picture of you, when I didn’t flinch every time your name was brought up in a conversation, when I was finally somewhat getting over you is the day you returned. I don’t exactly know what I was feeling in that moment. It felt like every emotion ever happened at that one moment. So I locked you out, or locked me in. I thought if I couldn’t see you then you weren’t really there. That it was just a dream and when I opened the door again you’d be gone. And you were. When I opened the door a full 2 hours after you left, you were gone. Every time I saw you after that it would hurt. And how I handle pain is with more pain and anger and hurt. I felt like you were going to disappear again at any moment and it’d be easier for me to handle it if I kept blocking you out.” He said and I could literally feel his pain through the way he spoke.

“I am so sorry that I put you through that. I really am.” I said quietly.

“You shouldn’t be sorry. The night you snapped at me while cleaning my cuts brought me back to something else you said ‘You come. I ask for some explanation. You refuse. I yell. We fight. You kiss me. I kiss you back. You promise to give me an explanation. I trust you. You leave. We repeat the process.’ That’s exactly how it works. That’s exactly why you went to Evan. That’s the thing, I keep hurting you. I keep leaving. I keep making you think that I’m dead. I keep leaving you wondering if I’m being tortured, or killed, or just moseying along with another mission without a hitch. I’m really sorry for that, but we’re going to have to deal with that when we graduate. When we get into our careers. You gonna be at home worrying about me, or I’m going to be at home worrying about you, or we’re both going to be home wondering when either of us are going to get sent out again. That’s the life of being with a spy.” He finished.

“You think we’re still going to be together even when we’re in our careers.” I asked slowly.

“Hopefully by the time we get into our careers we won’t just be together, but we’ll be married” He said before laughing.

“Married?” I asked slowly.

“Yes married. A small wedding. With only the people we really care about.” He said nodding.

“It can be a black and white wedding inside somewhere. With black and white drapes falling from the ceiling with white flowers in black vases. But the main attraction would be me seeing you in a suit.” I said smirking

“Nope. It’s always the bride in her dress.” He said shaking his head.

“And we’ll leave to go on our honeymoon.” I said happily

“To Australia where we can go zip lining, snorkeling in the great barrier reef, and kangaroo watching.” He said like a kid.

“And other stupid adventurous things.” I added smiling.

“And then we’ll start planning on when we want to start having kids.” He continued

 “You want kids?” I asked smiling.

“Of course I want kids. I want tons of mini you’s and mini me’s running around in our house. I want at least two. One boy named Daniel Carter Greyson, and one girl named Cayley Lynn Greyson.” He said sweetly.

“Those names are perfect.” I said with the widest smile ever.

“Really?” He asked.

“Positive.” I said nodding. “And we can have two dogs named Bonnie and Clyde.” I said laughing.

“That’s cute.” He said laughing with me. “That means we’re going to have to have a big front yard and back yard.” He added.

“Ooh! I want a like southern house. You know those two story southern houses with a larger front porch and plenty of yard space. It’s fancy looking but has a homey feeling.” I said happily.

“Don’t forget the pool out back.” Tyler added.

“And a play set when the kids are little.” I said smiling beaming.

“You see Snow? We have a lot of things to look forward to. Our future, our life together. We’re piecing it together now. We just have to make through this year. Make it through this trial.” He said rubbing my arms.

“We can make it through this year… we have to.” I said the last part quietly.

“Go to sleep Snow. We have a long day ahead of us.” He said softly.

“Alright. Night Charming.” I said getting comfortable.

“Sweet dreams Princess.” He said before I fell into a blissful sleep.

First, can I get an AW for Ela and Ty? I mean come on. How cute was that conversation that they had? You actually kind of got an insight into Ty's head. And you got to hear them make plans about the future. Together. Married. With kids. LOVE IT! I love writing about these two. I think if they were real they'd make a killer couple. And a killer set of spies. They are amazing. I love love love love them. Second, I'd like to thank you guys for the speedy votes and comments on the last chapter. All the requirements were made that night so thanks, *round of applause*. I was going to gift you guys with another chapter yesterday, but I was very busy yesterday and couldn't. Still pretty busy and I kind of just threw this chapter together. So I'm so sorry if it like sucks. With that in mind I've decided not to make any requirements for the next chapter, but if the stuf I'm about to list below are met by 9 a.m eastern standard time I will have another chapter for you guy by that night. So yea. 

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Let's see how much you guys really want this next chapter. Love you guys bunches. I can't even begin to describe how much I love you. You guys don't even know how much your little comments mean to me. You guys inspire me to write every day. I love you guys! :)
