A Kouhai's Blunder

This takes place after Y2V1, Ayanokouji just scored a 100 on his exam and was called by the Acting Director.

Haruka POV
After Kiyopon left, the whole class went into an uproar.

"Hey Keisei, can you calm down a bit? It's only been a few minutes since he left."

He was impatiently tapping his foot while staring at the door.

"I am calm, don't worry."

I could hear conversations from the whole class about our friend.

"How do you think he got a hundred on the math exam?"

"You think he cheated?"

Most speculations for some reason seemed to be negative. It's not surprising though, a student that shouldn't be especially remarkable in any way got a perfect score and ranked above even class A's Sakayanagi.

"Hey, maybe Ayanokouji-kun is just some kind of math genius."

Surpringly, Karuizawa-san seemed to be defending Kiyopon, although what she said wasn't too different from her normal self, I for sure thought she would be one of the people bad mouthing him.

"If that's the case then isn't he just really amazing?"

Airi also tagged in, her face had a beaming smile on it, but...

"Don't be stupid, there's no way, you saw his stats on the OAA app right? I can't believe that at all."

In the face of a flawed argument, Keisei denied it without batting an eye to his harsh words.

"What if he cheated?"

"Huh? But how would you cheat on a test like this? And even if he did and manage not to get caught, doesn't that just mean he's super amazing either way?"

More talks about possibilities on how he achieved a perfect score were filling the room.

"Everyone calm down, Kiyotaka-kun isn't the type to do something like that right? Have faith in your classmates."

The words of Hirata-kun who was a leader of the class calmed down the negative suspicions of the students.

"Yeah, maybe Ayanokouji-kun just grew from last year, I mean just look at me."

Sudo gave a reasonable point while using himself as an example, but there was a big flaw in that as well.

"Although growing is definitely a possibility, there's no way he should be able to answer those types of questions perfectly. It's too much."

"Hey what if he's been holding back like Koenji has and he's actually really smart?"

"But that just makes it worse right? It means he didn't help us last year as much as he could have."

At this point the class was in a complete frenzy. I don't know exactly how Kiyopon did it, but for some reason, I feel like the answer was in front of me the whole time.

For as long as I can remember, he's always been an unfathomable existence for me. It's like he's there but I can't quite grasp his full person.

While the class was trying to sort out their thoughts, a knock came from the door.

"Umm, hey senpai's, is Ayanokouji-senpai here?"

It was a cute girl with red twin tails and a fearless grin. The whole class went silent as they looked at the door.

"Hmm? And what would a cute kouhai like you need from Kiyopon?"

I questioned her as politely as I could. It wasn't like Kiyopon was popular with the 1st years, atleast that I know of, so I felt like I had to get answers asap.

"Kiyopon? Oh Ayanokouji-senpai. I was just here to ask him if he could cook for me again."


The whole class broke down into whispers trying to make sense of the words of a cute kouhai that let out a bold statement.

"W-wait a minute, did you just say cook? Like he cooked food for you before?"

"Hm? Yeah, he's not the best yet, but I feel like he has potential, he's already better than most men I know."

I took a glance at Airi who was beside me, she looked as if she wanted to faint. In order to try and clear up her words, the class started asking questions.

"Wait, I didn't know Ayanokouji-kun knew such a beautiful kouhai. I'm so jeal... I-I mean, what's your name?"

Ike was the one who let out the question with a little of his true thoughts leaking.

"Amasawa Ichika from class 1-A, it's a pleasure to meet you."

She took a bow as more whispers broke out.

-Did she say 1-A? How is someone like Ayanokouji acquainted with her?

-Wait, remember she said he cooks for her? Does that mean they're in a relationship?

-Huh? No way!

Gossip was starting to spread and Airi who was next to me became completely pale. Stay strong Airi-chan!

"Ah, it seems he's not here. Did he go somewhere by any chance?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, he got called by the teachers, he should be back soon."

"Oh really? Well I guess I'll just wait for him here."

She walked over to the empty desk that was usually occupied by Kiyopon and students began surrounding her.

"Hey, can we ask you a question? What exactly is your relationship with Ayanokouji-kun?"

Shinohara, visibly confused asked. If I had to guess, she was probably thinking along the lines of
'surely she can't be dating a nobody like Ayanokouji right?'

"Our relationship huh? Hmm... that's an interesting question."

She pondered while placing her hand on her chin.

"I guess you could call him my personal chef of sorts?"

"Huh? What does that mean?"

As she spit out words that served only to make the class even more confused, Horikita got up to the front of the class.

"I can explain!"

Everyone's eyes were turned towards Horikita.

"While looking for a partner for Sūdo-kun, Ayanokouji-kun and I ran into her. She asked Ayanokouji-kun to cook for her in exchange for being Sūdo-kun's partner during the exam."

"Ahh that makes sense now."

The class began to cool off bit by bit and I saw Airi's face return to normal.

"So there's really nothing going on between the two of you then?"

"Huh? If you keep asking me that, his real girlfriend is going to get mad at me again."

The whole class froze, most students were around the table of Amasawa-san except for 3 students. Horikita, who stood at the teacher's podium, Koenji, and...

"Ah! Kariuzawa-senpai! How are you doing?!"

For some reason, Karuizawa-san was sitting at her desk with a stiffened expression.

"Umm, Karuizawa-san, do you guys know each other? How come you never told us?"

"H-uh oh, yeah, how's it going!"

She was making a face I've never seen her make before while trembling.

"Oh yeah, how was your date with Ayanokouji-senpai by the way? I hope I didn't distract you too much since you guys actually had a nice atmosphere going. Did you perhaps do anything lewd?" She spoke with a mischievous smile.

The whole class fell completely silent in shock. We all slowly sent our gazes towards Kariuzawa-san who had her face in her hands.

"You know I'm actually quite jealous of you senpai, how'd you land a great guy like him?"

No one was able to speak for a while, but eventually a confused voice came out.

"W-wait a sec, what do you mean, Karuizawa-san is dating Ayanokouji? And what do you mean he's a 'great guy', sure he might look good and run fast, but that's it right?"

"Huh what are you talking about? I'm pretty sure I've never felt a presence as amazing as his before. Not only does he seem to be super smart, but he also seems really strong and reliable." (She bases this off of Housen's failed attempt in stabbing him)

"Are you sure we're talking about the same guy here?"

Amasawa nodded confused, but confidently without any hesitation. Next thing I knew, whispers started filling the room

-No way right? Right?

-Actually I've been thinking lately that he actually seems super mysterious. Remember when Sakayanagi gave him all her praise votes, and when he raced against the former student council president? Surely those aren't mere coincidences.

-And he just got a perfect score in math too..

I looked over at Airi who was trembling, not from the possibility that someone close to us was actually really amazing, but-

"K-Karuizawa-san, is it true that you're dating Kiyotaka?"

A curious Akito asked, he was understandably doubtful as we usually hung around him a lot, and even we never knew anything about this.

Karuizawa-san's face was completely red. Anyone who looked at her could confirm that not only was she was indeed dating him, but she was also infatuated with him. No words were needed.

Everyone was silent when they witnessed the face of not only a maiden in love, but the previous girlfriend of Hirata-kun no less.

"I knew you liked him for a while now, but who knew you'd actually start dating him? Congrats Karuizawa-san."

Said Hirata was the first to break the silence. He was clapping while wearing a warm smile as if looking at his daughter who was about to be married.

"Ah... wait, was that a secret? M-my bad senpais, but it seems like I have to go. Be sure to come with us next time he cooks Karuizawa-senpai!"

Amasawa, who seemed to be running away from a mistake left as fast as she could.

While the room was filled with silence, the Kiyotaka in question walked in.

He wore his usual poker face, but he had one eyebrow raised. As he looked around the room, his eyes went from the beet red Karuizawa-san to the rest of us.

"What did I miss?"

A moment later, Airi who was next to me fell to the ground as the class went out of control.
