A Childhood Friend I Never Met. Part 4 [Two Sides of a Monster]

Kiyotaka POV

If someone were to question how I ended up in this position, the best answer I could provide would most likely only be silence.

I was new to the concept of relationships, and I had no doubt that my knowledge in this field was very small compared to others at my age. But even so, I was sure that the events which had unfolded in the last couple of minutes were moving too fast for a normal couple on their first date.


After Arisu made the unexpectedly bold move of sitting pretty much on my lap and had slightly forced me into hugging her, I unconsciously began stroking her head as if petting a small animal. From what I've observed, the regular actions to show affection between lovers would include things like embracing and kissing, but the motion of caressing her head felt more natural to me at that moment.


Cute sounds of pleasure, which resembled a cat escaped her lips as I watched her rub her face affectionately against my hand. Her actions up to this point have left me more confused than I can remember since leaving the White Room, but I surprisingly found it quite amusing.

After some time, I slowly retracted my left hand (which was being nuzzled sweetly) from her, in hopes of taking a break. But just like how objects in space gravitate to one another, Arisu's face followed as if getting pulled by some mysterious force.


To test something, I lightly and playfully began slapping her cheek, causing her face to sway back and forth in constant succession. With every push, her head would come back to my had as if it were only natural.


An annoyed sound was the only response I got, but despite that, she didn't do anything to stop me. With that, I began my expiriments(?).

I found myself immersed in the moment as I started testing different things to see what kind of reactions they would produce. Sometimes irritated, sometimes sweet, but no matter how much her face changed, she still seemed relaxed. Her face could be described as being 'in a dream-like state', and I doubt she had any awareness of her actions. If someone else were to see the leader of class A this vulnerable, they would most likely deny the reality in front of their eyes.

A good amount of time passed, when I started thinking about what this scene would look like if viewed from an outside perspective. This caused an image of a chemist testing different chemicals to appear in my head.
What am I doing?

That was then when my self-caused confusion was interupted by a familiar rythm of knocks

*Knock, knock-knock


"Were you expecting anyone to visit today?"

"Aside from you, there should have been no one I had scheduled to meet with. But I have a good idea of who's on the other side."


My heart was beating faster as I knocked on his door. This was going to be the first time I've seen his face in about a month.

This is his fault for not calling to meet me even once...

Of course I knew full well that he wasn't obligated to, it's not like we were dating... although I did wish we were.
I immidiently shook my head rapidly, trying to dispel such thoughts.

I had planned to pay him a surprise visit, but no one was answering the door. After knocking, the door would almost always open right away so as to decrease the chances of being caught, but then again, I didn't give him a warning this time. Luckily for me however, most people seem to be away from the dorms and were most likely out with their friends instead.

Is he not here?

As if answering my thoughts, the door began to open slowly. The rapid beat of my heart was only increasing while I was waiting in anticipation to see him, but-


"Hello there, please come in."

What answered me was not the familiar poker-faced boy that had been occupying my head the whole break, but a short, platinum-bonde haired beauty with a cane.

"Oh, um... sorry I must have gotten the wrong room."

Faced with the leader of class A, I thought that I surely must have gone to the wrong room, however her next words would stop me from leaving.

"Don't worry, you're looking for Kiyotaka right? This is most definitely his room."

"Huh? W-wait I don't understand..."

My brain became a complete mess, trying to comprehend her unexpected words. My thoughts were so jumbled up that I didn't even notice her use the name 'Kiyotaka'. Or maybe I just couldn't admit to what I heard.
Is he making a deal with class A behind the scenes?

"It would be inconvenient if anyone saw you here, come inside."

I once again looked at the number beside the door, 401. Many questions and theories floated in my head as I began walking in with my guard up. The thoughts which clouded my mind were not pleasant ones, so much so that I immidiently brushed them off.


"... Kiyotaka... can you please explain what Sakayanagi is doing here?"

I lowered my voice to a point where Sakayangi, who was closing the door, couldn't hear, but I could still notice that my voice contained a shaky tone. The restlessness I had felt just a few moments ago was completely gone, and was instead replaced by an uneasiness. Uneasiness of what I didn't know and didn't want to know.

"So you must be the 'Karuizawa Kei' Hashimoto told me about."

While saying this, Sakayanagi made her way to a spot beside Kiyotaka, and in front of me. My unpleasant suspicions only grew closer to becoming reality as I saw Kiyotaka exchange glances with her.
A glance that could convey words to those he trusted.
A glance that I've seen several times and communicated with.
... But for the first time, it was a glance I couldn't understand.

Arisu POV

So that's how it is...

After we locked eyes, I immediently understood the situation and nodded.

'She is someone indispensable to me'

From what I've come to learn about Kiyotaka, I could infer that he meant,
'she is a valuable asset', but the way his words played out in my head still left an irritating feeling.

Is this jealousy perhaps?

"Kiyotaka, can you please give us some time alone?"

His look became one of curiousity as he raised an eyebrow. He should know very well that I don't usually pay any special attention to many people, but this one was an exeption. Her existence was one I couldn't overlook.

"Wait... you called him 'Kiyotaka' just now didn't you?-"

"I'm sorry, but I'd prefer I don't leave you two alone."

The uncertain words of Karuizawa were splendidly ignored as Kiyotaka spoke his firm belief on the matter.

"I'm sorry, but that wasn't really a question, perhaps I should rephrase it... Please come back when we are done conversing."

He made no change in expression even after hearing my stronger reply, but I could tell he was slightly surprised by how adamant I was. In a situation where neither of us could manipulate each other, all we could do was clash head on as the one with the stronger conviction overcame the other.

If I had to make a guess as to why he was reluctant on leaving the two of us alone, it would be because of the possibility of me ruining their connection, thus a loss in his resources. But I absolutely wouldn't allow any objections.

Besides, although I wished that I could make sure she wouldn't have any connection with him from here on-

"I wouldn't do anything that would inconvenience Kiyotaka to that extent. I simply just wish to have a chat with Karuizawa."

We never spoke on what we were talking about out loud, so there was no way Karuizawa understood the contents of our conversation. Naturally, she was just sitting there dumbfounded while trying to decipher our words only to end up with nothing.

In contrast however, both Kiyotaka and I knew each other well enough to be on the same page.
We knew how the other thought, how they operated, and how cruel we were inside. We were two peas in a pod, and that allowed us to be able to connect and communicate on a deeper level than most others, even compared to someone like Karuizawa, who was in frequent contact with Kiyotaka.

"... I see, but don't do anything unnecessary."

He let out a sigh in defeat as his only reason for stopping me was nullified by my absolute words. Kiyotaka was someone who held no trust for others without proof by nature of his upbringing, but he understood that I wouldn't lie to him in this situation. Not if I wished to accomplish my objective.
'To make him fall for me.'

"That won't be necessary, I'll be taking my leave." (Kei)

During our conversation, Karuizawa had only tried talking once, in which she was ignored, but the whole time, I had been subtly observing her actions. From my peripheral, I had seen her face go through many emotions while I argued with Kiyotaka. Most of which weren't considered good ones. Shock, doubt, sadness, denial.

She now carried a face that looked as if she was going to break down in tears at any moment. There was no certain proof just yet, but she must have gotten the basic gist of our relationship. Her feelings for Kiyotaka became apparent to me in that moment.

"I apologize Karuizawa-san, but I can't allow you to leave right now."

I made my statement before she could even stand to show that leaving now wasn't an option. Honestly speaking, if she truly wished to leave right now, there was nothing I could have done, but that was his role.

"Kei, I promise I'll explain everything later, but you'll have to go through with this for now. I promise Arisu won't do anything that would threaten your life here at school."

If Kiyotaka truly wanted to keep working with her the way he has before, then he would have to reveal our relationship sooner or later. This was the one thing I was counting on to ensure that he was on my side.

An expression contorted with pain filled Karuizawa's face as she heard Kiyotaka's words. But whether she was hurt due to hearing her own name, or from noticing that Kiyotaka had called me by mine, I didn't know. However, it didn't matter. I felt no sympathy or pity towards her, but that being said, I didn't feel much joy in hurting her either. Her pain was only an inevitable part of me being in a relationship with the person she loved, and this pain was only the beginning...

"... Before you go, can I just confirm something?..."

With her fists clenched as if anticipating to endure something painful, she asked her question.

"Is Kiyotaka dating Sakayanagi-san?"

Silence, followed by a light nod was all that was needed for the dam to begin cracking. Extreme sadness in the form of staggering tears became visible. Each drop contained countless emotions resembling just how deep her feelings went for Kiyotaka.

"..I, see... well it's not like... I..."

Her words fumbled with her sobs that she was desperately trying to keep inside, her attempts at acting strong became worthless as her facade began to slowly crumble.

Love was something I had never understood myself until recently. I would occasionally see individuals act out in fury or run away when faced with a similar situation, and each time, I would only watch in confusion and indifference as the scene played out. That being said however, I had no doubt that the amount of trust and love she held towards Kiyotaka was on a much different level than any other person I saw, and I was honestly amazed that she could keep control in this situation.

'She's quite strong.'

After receiving my gaze, Kiyotaka nodded without being fazed in the slightest.

Despite having a girl completely broken down with heartbreak in front of us, no guilt or remorse shown on our faces. No effort was made to console her, nor was any escape route given for her to run from what caused her the pain.

If anyone were to witness this scene, I'm sure I'd hear the words that had become all too familiar for me. After all, it was something I've heard my entire life, since I was a child...

