Punya's entry

Punya opened her eyes and saw an ashram near her.

But she remembers that she was in a Mahadev temple. But couldn’t understand how she's near an ashram now and it's so green around.

Punya got up and went inside the ashram to ask the location.
Then a sage said in low voice , "Stop!"

Punya stood like a statue hearing the voice and turned to the sage. She in a scared voice said, "Namaste, Rishi ji."

Then the sage said, "Ayushmati bhava, kumari. Who are you?"

Punya said, "I am Punya, daughter of Businessman Vrishni." But then she realized the sage was talking in Sanskrit and even the words she spoke also sounded like Sanskrit.

Then the sage's voice stopped her thoughts, "Businessman? But your attire looks more like Rajkumaris or Kshatriya lady."

Hearing his words, Punya again thought why would she look like a Princess and does kshatriyas even exist in Kaliyuga.

The sage understood her plight from her silence. Then he said, "Ok. As you already came to my ashram, do tell me what do you need,kumari?"

Punya said, "Actually I think I am lost. I was in a Mahadeva temple last night but now I am in a forest and an ashram unknown to me."

The sage said, "This is Gurugram under Kuru Kingdom. "

Punya was shocked to hear the names. She thought Gurugram is where Sage Drona lived....

She asked, "Are you Sage Drona?"

The sage nodded.

Then a melodious voice played in Punya's mind, "You are in Dwapar Yuga, priye. 'll meet you soon."

Hearing the voice, Punya just became unconscious.

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-KrishnaKi  Did you like the entry? Do also suggest how would Kanha meet you.
