Hastinapur Palace

Royal chamber of Maharaj Dhritarasthra and Maharani Gandhari

The members present here-

Maharaj Dhritarasthra and Maharani Gandhari

Maharani Kunti

Mahamahim Bhisma

Gandharraj Shakuni

The Pandavas

Rajkumar Duryodhan

Rajkumar Dussasan

Rajkumari Dussala

Kuru family was discussing about sending their children to which guru. (All children are around age 15-20 years)
Then the guard announced, "Mahamantri Vidur is entering"
He entered along with his daughter Shrija.
Both of them greeted everyone present.
Maharaj asked, "Who's the girl with you, Vidur?

Vidur said, " She's my long lost daughter Shrija, Bhratashree. I found her in the forest today."

Maharaj said, "That's really good news! We should have a celebration as your putri returned! "

Vidur said, "Sure. Putri, greet your Tatshree, mothers and elder brothers "
Shrija touched the feet of Maharaj and Maharani.  They blessed, "Ayushmati bhava, putri"

Then she touched feet of Maharani Kunti and hugged her.

Then she touched feet of Yudhisthira and Bheem. Yudhisthira blessed her with being happy always.

Bheem hugged her like a teddy bear and whispered in her ears, "We will eat midnight snacks together "

Shrija gave a smile and nodded at him.
Then Arjun hugged and said, "We will learn archery together, Shri "

Nakul and Sahadev said, "We got a new member in the prankster team"

(Here Arjun is of same age as Shri. Nakul and Sahadev are 1 year younger but they will still call her by name)

Everyone in the room laughed at their antics.

Then Shrija met with Duryodhan and Dussasan. They were also happy to get another sister and swore to protect her too.

Dussala said, " Yay! Now I can talk, play and roam around together with my sister. "
Shrija was also happy to get a sister like Dussala.

Then Shrija greeted Gandhar Raj Shakuni, "Pranipat Mamashree. I really want to see Gandhar. Don't you miss your Gandhar?"

Shakuni was shocked to hear this but gave a crooked smile and said, "Yes,putri. I'll surely take you to Gandhar...."

Then Vidur said, "As Shrija already met you all, I will return home with her to have lunch. "

Author's note

I will be busy for around 10 days as I am changing my house and will be unable to update. So those who still didn’t give the idea of entrance of their characters, please think about it in these days and send me details. If you can't also tell me, I will try to create it myself.
