

after what seemed like endless hours of training i finally exit the company building and take a deep breath. i make my way to the café expecting to see yeona as we had agreed to meet here after my practice but she's nowhere to be seen. i ask one of the waiters if they had seen her and she tells me that she left half an hour ago crying. i panic a little and reach for my pocket to take my phone out but it's not there. i must have left it in one of the practice rooms or at the dorms. i run all the way to the company in search for my phone but it's not here either. letting out a frustrated sigh i assume it's at the dorms, which are a 20 minute walk from here.

i quickly make my way to the dorms where i finally find my phone on my bed, i quickly grab it to dial yeonas number but to my surprise i see that i have a few missed calls from her already from an hour ago. i call her at least 5 times but she doesn't respond. worried, i send her a text asking if everything was okay. i debate if i should just go to her apartment or not but i decide to give her some space and send her a few more texts telling her that i was there for her if she needed anything.
