*Knock knock *

"Ashley it's me , lemme in please "

It's been a while since my best friend Jadon was knocking at the door but trust me I was not willing to unlock it anytime soon

As close as we always been I never really opened up to him , he's just not the friend I'd go cry to , he was more of an funny older brother to me
But when he learned what my ex did to me over social media he directly booked a flight to LA ready to beat the shit out of him .

"Listen , I know it's not an easy topic but I'mma need you to open the door so we can talk about it "

I sighed . I know I couldn't keep myself locked in the bathroom forever , I don't think I've got much tears left anyway .

I got up and unlocked the door without opening it preparing myself to act okay .

Look , I know it's scary when your long-distance bestie who's been bragging about having the healthiest relationship finds herself trending on Twitter for getting abused by her boyfriend , but I didn't want to make him even more worried by showing myself at my lowest point , crying on the floor .

The thing is that I feel stupid , not because I ignored everyones advice of letting my ex go but because I knew he was toxic and tried to convince myself I would be happier if I sticked to him .
At some point I hated myself and having someone telling me that they 'loved' me made me feel good .

*Door opens*

"Ashley .."

I didn't even lock eyes with him that my eyes were already feeling teary

He instinctively brought me into a hug patting my back while whispering soft words into my ears .

Jadon knows we don't have that type of friendship where I would explain everything to him around a cup of tea . He'd rather wait for me to feel ready enough to bring up the topic and when I do he always listens carefully .

That's a side of him that not a lot of people know about .


An hour has past , Jadon and I have been chilling in my room catching up on whatever each one missed .

It's been a year since I moved from the Uk to pursue my modelling dream in LA , with the time my community on social media grew bigger , I pretty much became an influencer, which helped me a lot with my career . Everyday new brands try to get in contact with me , trust me some are ready to pay enormous amount of money for me to attend their shows and promote their products , but it is no big secret that this industry is extremely toxic , so much that I often feel like quitting .

" You know what , I think you should come back to the Uk "

My eyes widened at Jadons request

" It's not that easy " I answered chuckling lightly

" I mean why not , you're world widely known , you would do some great buisness in the England aswell and we'd see each other way more often "

I inhaled deeply .

Jadon was valid plus I really miss England . Not being able to see my loved ones so often is really harder than I thought . It's been about 6 months I haven't seen my parents and even though I've made myself some friends here it's not the same .

After talking a bit more I decided that I was gonna ask my agency if it'd be possible, but tomorrow because right now it's 3 am and I really need some sleep ...

Hi guys

Pretty light first chapter as you can tell
I kind of randomly chose Jadon as her childhood bestfriend since I wanted it to be Trent at first but because of the age gap I thought I'd pick Sancho and now I feel like he fits better anyway
Im really enjoying writing this fanfic so far
I hope you like it

(voting is free 😉)
