



Liked by Jude Bellingham and 4,7 mio. others

Ashleyzz unexpected nights out >>

Vicks' whos that pretty gal ?🤭
Ashleyzz @Vicks' girlie u must be looking in da mirror cause u the pretty gal 😋

Maliickk Aye 🤟🏿
liked by Ashleyzz

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Ashley pov :

I woke up with a heavy headache , must be because of how drunk I got last night .

After spending a few hours to the club we just kept going and took a few more shots down at Jadons place .

The sun was now already quite high in the sky so I guess it's the afternoon already. I zoomed out for a minute then got up to take some meds , I could no longer deal with this pain .

I found Jadon sat at the dining table , staring onto the space , still looking half asleep . I first got the meds then filled two cups of water and handed him one

Jadon : Thanks

I started to unpack two white pills out of their plastic compartment then made one slide on the table until it hit his arm

Me : Since when are you up ?

Jadon : Mmh not long , an hour or so

He puts the pill in his mouth and drinks the cup in one go

I remember him going to sleep the earliest, he wasn't much of a heavy drinker compared to us .

Me : By the way , I'm working today

Jadon : Already?

Me : Yeah , I'm meeting the whole team today . Also I haven't post in ages , the last thing people saw is me crying , I should update them before they start thinking I went crazy

He smiled

Are the others still sleeping?

Jadon : Yes and they probably won't take their ass out of bed unless we do it for them

I sighed then stood up

Me : I take Vick and you Malik

Jadon: Let's do this
he claimed after letting out a loud yawn


Jude pov :

I called Toby , my best friend for the third time but still no answer , I bet he's still sleeping .
He drank a lot last night although he doesn't stand alcohol at all .

I spend a good part of the party making sure he doesn't do anything too crazy , surprised he still hasn't thank me yet .

The rest of my time at the club was spent with Ashley .
I'm starting to think Jadon might have organized this meeting without us knowing because when you think about it what were the odds of us bumping into each other ? I should ask him

*Phone rings*

I glanced at my phone before swiping up to answer , Toby , finally .

On the phone ☎️ :

« What do you want? »

Toby was laying shirtless on his bed , I could tell he just woke up

« You know it's already 1pm right ? »

He  yawned while rubbing his eyes then growled

« My head hurts so bad I just ..»

He could not even finish his sentence

« Go get some meds before it gets worse . Do you want me to come over ? I'm free »
I suggested

He simply nods as he stretches

«Okay see ya »

« See ya »

Call ended ( 2:47 min)

I got up from my seat and washed the few dishes that were in the sink .

I switched my shorts for trousers and grabbed my keys before calling an Uber

As I waited for my driver I swiped down to access my notification bar only to discover Ashley sent me a message , THE Ashley . I wonder what this is about , lowkey hating myself for turning on the filter that maskes the content of my messages , but that's what it takes to have a little privacy as a celebrity.

I opened my phone as I thought of what this could be about . We're meeting tonight why would she tell me now ? But just then my phone started buzzing again .



Jude ..

Didn't know u were such a slow replyer, imma consider that as a failed talking stage

Wow chill
Only been 7 minutes


So u wanted to tell me ?

I forgot .

Ik u didn't

I wouldn't have if u
replied faster

Oh so now it's my fault if your memory's short

But since you're here
Help me pick a dress


And don't tell me they all
look equally as good

All options look good


I'm not done
I think option 2 would suit you the best

Now I purposely wanna choose anything but number two ..🧍‍♀️

We'll be matching

Fr ?
'03 line popping off

My mom chose it for me

wait thats so cute
I love ur mom already

Bet she'll love u too

So like
When am I getting introduced to ur parents

For real ?

I mean I'm down

You should come see me in Birmingham before my break ends

Sounds good to me
But first I'll see u tonight

U better be there

Don't worry
I won't miss an occasion to see u Judey 😉
❤️by Jude

Me neither
❤️by Ashley


I arrived at Toby's place with lunch , I took out some pizzas and drinks . The conversation I had with Ashley made my day , I decided to do something nice .

Toby stood in front of the door as I walked up the highway to his front door and watches me do so until I reach his level .
He dab me up then let me in .
Nothing new for me , we are friends since forever and he's pretty much family to me .

I did not wait any longer before telling him about the Ashley situation .
At first , he did not believe me which is quite understandable since every single one of my friends thinks I have no game .
For the backstory , my friends used to introduce me to a new girl every week when I first got popular , because they assumed it was "time for me to get some" . They even bet on who was going to set me up , but after like two months they lost hope . I was happy because none of theses girls were my type and I definitely did not want to meet my girlfriend this way but they just think I'm some lost cause so you can imagine what he told me the minute I finished explaining

- Don't worry mate , I got this .
he then went for my phone and opened insta .
I snatched it back from his grip and made things clear :

- No dude, I know you like to take care of these kind of things but not this time

- I'm just trying to help you out fam'

- I'm asking you one favour , stay out of this

he sighed while looking up

- Fine but if things get out of your way leave it to me

- Will do

- Now let's get to the food

We switched the subject and started talking about other random things , I'm overall glad he ended up respecting my decision but I'll know he'll try to do something at some point .
He also helped me choose pics for my insta stories


y'all sorry for the ugly dresses , i just made sure one was cute so he'd pick that . u can ofc imagine whatever you want when it comes to clothing though.
love 💕

Opinion?? 🤭🤭
