Jude pov :

I was sat in the backseat of my moms black Rangerover, driving back home from my training.

My mom was focused on the road so I thought I'd just scroll on my phone for a bit .
First thing to pop up was Jadon's story captioned "Debording is in 10 minutes"
What caught my eye was the person he was with .

I couldn't remember where I saw her from but she seemed familiar. I clicked on her account that was mentioned. I scrolled through her feed and stopped at one specific photo :


Liked by sanchooo10 and 4,476 ,980 others

Ashleyzz An honor to attend this prestigious
gala in such a beautiful dress #met2022 #metgala #Dior

sanchooo10 beautiful
@sancho10 Ashleyzz ty 💗
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She was at this really popular gala I remember seeing her from , I saw a lot of clips and pictures of it on Instagram lately . She must be famous . 25 million followers ? How did I not know her ?

Are Jadon and her in couple or something?
I didn't think much before dming Jadon :

what's up

Coming back to London innit

Where u at

In the plane rn
Debording is retarded
the pilot's shitting

See u got a girl now

A girl? Com'on now
That's lil sis

Makes more sense

What's that supposed
to mean

♥️ By Jadon Sancho


As soon as I got home I couldn't resist but stalk the girl , she had over 500 posts , which was a lot , I also watched all of her highlights .
After further researches I discovered a trending article :

I immediately recognized the guy , he is quiet famous on social media , I've been in one of his YouTube video with a teammate . He seemed nice though , never thought he'd do something like that .
I don't know why but I kinda hoped it was just only rumor . Just a few slides later I found a video of Ashley crying on live explaining how she reported him yesterday . So it's that recent

« - Juuude

It was my mom calling me from downstairs

- What ?
I answered screaming back from my room

She didn't say anything for a few seconds, guess she changed her mind

-Jude ? I'm calling you

She said in a more aggressive tone

I sighed , stood up from my bed and climbed down the stairs

- What is it ? I said , a done look on my face is

- Your meeting is starting in 4 minutes so please put a shirt on . I'm leaving for groceries, behave .

I walked the small distance between me and my mom while saying

- I'm 19 , it's not like I was gonna do anything

- As long as I'm here you're still my baby

She said teasing me

I gave her a small kiss on her head and told her to be careful before she finally left the house


I went back upstairs and threw on a hoodie before joining the zoom call with my team . Today we are debating which club I might join this summer .
I still didn't receive any official offer yet but a few clubs already showed interest and we usually don't get much time to accept the offer .


Ashley Pov :

Jadon and I just got off the plane . It was a long flight but we slept most of the time so we didn't get bored .
It was around 7pm local time when we landed . I already feel like the jet lag is gonna be crazy .

Jadon lead me to the parking lot saying that some friends were gonna pick us up but when we arrived I saw my parents standing , bright smiles filling their face . I straight up ran towards them leaving my luggages behind .
I hugged them tightly in silence, no words could express how happy and surprised I am to see them here .

I finally let go and turned to Jadon

« How'd you plan this , you're like the less secretive person I know

- Com'on it's nothing »

I shortly hugged him as well

Dad : Tonight we're grilling some de steak fellas !

The three of us smiled not being able to hide our excitement

Jadon : Well I see you tomorrow Ley

Me: Wowow slow down , where are you going young man ?

Mom : She's right it's family dinner , of course you're invited !

Jadon : Thanks auntie your the best

Mom: Now get y'alls asses in the car before James eats all the food

Jadon : Ohh I missed my lil' man

He said opening the car door .
I also missed James , my little brother whom Jadon considers as his too . Our families always been super close and we've been raised like siblings . Jadon's is just like my older brother , that's why it grosses me out when people ship me with him , it's like they did it with James.


Mom : James doesn't know you're here , we told him we were picking up auntie Palm he's gonna be surprised for suuure .
She said whispering in a high pitched voice

*Door opens*


I said jumping into the living room arms wide open

- ASH ! He threw his phone on the couch and ran up to me

He unexpectedly tied his legs and arms behind my back and even though it's hard to admit I gotta say it , my baby brother has grown and is not as light as he used to be . I lost my balance because of the sudden weight which caused us to both fall on the ground , laughing to the point we couldn't breath and were holding onto our stomachs for dear life .

He got up and offered me his hand to help me get on my feet .

- Did I miss something ? Since when are you taller then me ? Last time I saw you you were like-

- Half your height? I know you say that every single time . He said rolling his eyeballs

- MMH OKAY , I don't care how tall you are I'm still the big sis kiddo so don't try to give me attitude

- Whatever you say . He answered sarcastically

Jadon , James and I were putting on the table while my mom was heating up the our early evening meal . My dad was taking care of the barbeque outside

Everyone was now sat around the table . While eating they updated me on everything that happened while I wasn't here especially James , when we get the chance to call each other it's mostly me talking about my life so he just dumped all the drama right in front of my salad .
We went from laughs to tears but we still came through and now it was finally time for me to announce that I was settling in London , by the way my parents don't know either they think I'm just passing by .

Me : GUYS !

I screamed to get their attention , they all stopped chattering and looked at me .

Woah I did not think this would actually work . But I have something to announce

I kept quiet for a few seconds trying to intensify the suspens

James: Bitch if you don't-

Mom : James ! She said giving him the death stare

James: I was gonna say if you're not confortable just know nobody's forcing you .. he said flashing the less sincere worried expression I've ever seen .

Me : mmh sure . What I wanted to announce is that I am officially settling here in London !

And just like that loud cheers made their way to my ears , along with clappings and surprised screams .

Mom : That's great baby ! The Court fam is making it's comeback!

James: At least now I can keep the goodbye gift I had for you

I smiled at my mom then side eyed James sarcastically .
Momma was right the Court fam's back ! I really can't wait to get back to my old habits of when I still lived with them .


Boring chapter but it's okay next one will eventually be better 👍

