Chapter 45 - Show off!

Temari ran towards the ground field, searching for Miyuki here and there. However, she already went to the places he should be, but she still couldn't find him. She sighed loudly, and return to their dorm to find out that his dad already loaded their things. It was the 22nd of December, and it was their last day at the dorm. Regular and exchange students staying in a dorm were told to leave the dorm that day for winter break since that's the rule. Shuang, Akira, Francine and Robert would stay on Temari's place, and she would send the four of them to the aiport the next day.

"Did you see Miyuki-kun?" Temari's father asked, closing the trunk of the their van

"No, I wonder where did he go. Azumi also didn't know where is he, even his team mates" Temari sighed but then smiled "Anyway, I'll go call the others and we should go."

"Are you sure? You should wait for Miyuki and if you want you can take the subway home" Her father suggested and she was tempted to say yes. But felt bad since her father came all the way to their school just to get their things.

"Yeah, its fine. I can message him later, also we will see each other the next day, even on the 24th and-" Temari responded but then the person she was looking for showed up out of nowhere

"Its been a while Yuki-san" Miyuki bowed down as his two hands were on the pocket of his white and red jacket. He was wearing a knitted cap and he seemed sleepy by just looking at him.

"Yeah, did Temari mentioned about the celebration on the 25th?"

"Yes, she did. I will attend it" Miyuki answered then shifted his eyes towards Temari who was looking at him suspiciously "What's with that look?" He pinched her cheeks that made her pouted her lips

"Where were you?" She asked but he just smiled and he was saved when Temari was called by the landlady

"Uhm... Yuki-san..." Miyuki nervously called Temari's father, making her father surprised to what Miyuki said.

Ten minutes later, Temari returned with Shuang beside her and the other three behind her, Azumi and Nishio were also with them. Azumi didn't want to let go of Francine since she decided to not continue the winter program.

"What time are you leaving later?" Temari approached Miyuki and confused why her father was staring at Miyuki

"We have a baseball meeting at 3, so probably after that. Then I'll message you what time tomorrow." Miyuki answered then turned to the other exchange students "Have a safe flight! And see you again! Robert, I'll just message you whatever we talk today." Miyuki smirked and suddenly threw something from each of them. "A souvenir from me"

"A baseball bat?" Shuang chuckled and shook her head "Miyuki-san, thank you very much"

"One more" Miyuki threw another one to Francine that made her confused "Give that to John, and send my regards to him. We'll see each other, tell him that"

"Okay, I'll tell him. Thank you for this" Francine responded

"Miyuki-san!" They all jolted once Akira looked at Miyuki intensely then to Temari "I know that I'll be back on January, but, Temari, can I take a picture with Miyuki-san? I am his fan ever since he was in Seidou, even Sanada Shunpei!"

"Why are you asking me? Its fine with me" Temari laughed giving permission to her

"Its fine with me too." Miyuki responded then they took a photo together. Then, Temari asked her father to take a group photo of them in front of the dorm.

"Then, we'll go now" Temari told them then Miyuki hugged her before she got inside the car

"I'll message you later the place where we will meet tomorrow."

"Yeah, I will also message you their flight, so I'll just go there after" Temari responded then made a quick kiss at Miyuki's lips "Then, I'll see you tomorrow"

Miyuki stood next to Azumi and Nishio and waved at them.

"You, did you mention about the yakults to Temari?" He asked Azumi suspiciously

"No, why would I? I wanted you to tell her yourself. Did she know?"

"Somehow she knows" Miyuki's phone then rang and as he answered it, he went inside the dorm "Oh, Zono? What's up?"

Azumi and Nishio watched Miyuki as he entered the room, and Nishio was somehow satisfied to see the current Miyuki

"He is really different from before." Nishio laughed then noticed the different stare from Azumi "What's wrong?"

"Kazuya, already decided" Azumi answered then sighed "I feel like he thinks about it by himself"

"Senpai, went to see Kataoka-kantoku last Wednesday"

"Y-you surprised me, Furuya!" Azumi shrieked then looked at him seriously "Seido's? Ah, I see." Azumi crossed her arm and nodded "Now, I got it why he wasn't here last Wednesday, and even Youichi cancelled our plan. Wherever you go, you guys are still part of Seido. That's impressive"


Temari arrived at their house, and Akira, Francine and Robert were amazed with it. Shuang laughed at their reaction and got excited to be back again.

"Go and rest inside, I'll help dad to put your things inside" They all turned towards the voice and there Tetsu standing, wearing his casual sweatpants and hoodie

"Niisan, you are here. I thought you will be back on the 25th" Temari hugged his brother and she received a pat on the head

"I haven't had a chance to explain to you what happened" Tetsu responded that made Temari remembered that Tetsu was the one behind why their grandmother changed "For now go inside, mother is cooking foods for the five of you"


"So that happened" Tetsu sipped his coffee as he finished explaining what happened. They were on the dining table, and Temari's friends were in her room, resting. "At least say something"

"Ahh... I'm so surprised that I don't know what to say. I'm so thankful, niisan. I can't wait to formally meet your fiancé, niisan"

"Then how about you?"

"Me?" Temari pointed at herself and laughed "What about me?"

"You and Miyuki Kazuya are openly dating now" Masashi arrived as he put down a cake on the table. "This is rare, we are all here today?"

"Welcome back, Masashi. My friends are here" Temari answered and was about to open the cake when their mother got it from her

"After lunch"

Temari pouted her lips and just turned to Masashi "I am also surprised that you are here"

"Yeah, its break right now. Also, I have plan tomorrow" He answered then sat down "I saw Miyuki-senpai in Seido last Wednesday"

"Yeah, he went to see Kataoka-sensei" She answered then stretched her arms "She went with his batchmates, they visited him. You were in Seido too?"

"Yeah, my batchmates also went to Seido last Wednesday"

"Hmmm, now that you mention it, I don't know any of your friends, Masashi"

"They are normal" He answered that made Temari laughed

"As if you are saying that our friends aren't normal"

"Yeah" Masashi bluntly answered

"Temari, play shogi with me, in exchange of what I did" Tetsu interrupted the two of them, but Temari looked at him in displease

"Niisan, you know shogi but you aren't good. I am thankful, but I'll win again."


"What do you mean by check?" Temari sighed then stood up "I'll go back to my room. My friends are waiting for me. Call us when lunch is ready"

Temari left his brothers and headed to her room to find her friends sleeping, except for Francine who was staring at her phone.

"I thought you are sleeping too" Temari sat down at the side of her bed

"If I sleep now, I cannot sleep later" Francine answered then looked at Temari who was now looking at the pictures on her side table "Seeing those pictures, pushing you towards John was a bad move"

"Its already over, let's not talk about it anymore. Let's move on from that issue"

"But because of that, you suffered too much. What-"

"Francine, its already fine. Don't worry about it" Temari stopped her "Its fine already"

"You really are kind"

"And you two are being sentimental" Akira suddenly spoke and the black haired girl who was sleeping beside Shuang, sat down "I still can't believe though that Temari is dating Miyuki-san."

"Then are you going on a date tomorrow?" Francine curiously asked "I heard a while ago that you are going somewhere"

"Ah, we'll go to see Mei, Narumiya Mei" Temari answered then her mother called them.


That next day, Temari's father sent them to the airport. It was short and quick since they all knew that they would see each other on the first week of January, and for Francine they would see her after they finished Winter Program.

Temari's father sent her to their meeting place after the plane departed.

"You'll go home tonight, right?"

"Yes, I will. Why?" Temari answered before she got off

"Ah, n-no, nevermind. Yeah its not today. Hurry up and Miyuki-kun might be waiting for you"

Temari kissed her father's cheeks first then headed in front of the fountain inside the mall. She wore a light brown knitted sweater, a blue jean and a black wedge leather shoes. She let her long black hair down as she waited for Miyuki. She received a message from Miyuki that he would be running late since he needed to meet up with Maezono and Watanabe.

"Seto, Okumura, here, here!" Temari turned to her side and noticed a couple of guys gathering. Somehow she just listened to their conversation "Now its only that guy. Asada did you contact him?"

"Y-yes. He said that he is on his way"

Temari just smiled to herself and felt someone looking at her. She shifted her eyes back to the group of guys and noticed a blonde hair guy with pale green eyes looking at her, it was the one who just arrived. Temari tilted her head and curious to why he was looking at her.

"Temari!" She turned around and laughed seeing Miyuki catching his breath. He was wearing a blue vest with black long sleeves shirt and black pants. "I... I'm sorry, I, I'm late..."

"Its fine, don't worry about it. Stay still" Temari chuckled and got her handkerchief then wiped the sweat on his face "Its fine. We're just going to see Narumiya, right? I'll just go buy drinks"

"No, its fine. Let's buy on the way"

"Its really Miyuki-senpai!" Temari turned towards the groups of guys and they were looking at them "Its really him!"

"Geh! You guys?! What are you doing here?" Miyuki stood up and sighed loudly

"You know them?" Temari asked curiously

"Yeah, two years junior from Seido" Miyuki answered gazing away, then clicked his tongue in disbelief

"Miyuki-san, you really don't change. Then, Miyuki-san, is she your girlfriend?" A guy with small stature, brown hair,  thick eyebrows, and big eyes, named Yui, teasingly asked Miyuki

"Even Miyuki-san has a girlfriend now. That's surprising" The guy beside him that had a medium length brown hair, white knitted hat, and black eye glass followed

"Shut up you guys. This is my girlfriend, Yuki Temari" He introduced her then one by one introduced the others, and told her that they were also part of the baseball team

"Nice to meet you. I see, your kouhai in Seido. Ahre, then they know-"

"Aneki?" Temari didn't finish what she was about to say since the one he was about to ask arrived "What are you doing?"

"Masashi? I see, so its them. The normal friends" Temari commented that left the others in confusion, since they didn't know what was going on.

"I thought you are in airport?"

"Yeah, I was. Then I went here to meet with Kazuya." Temari answered then fixed the collar of his long sleeves polo. "Aren't you cold wearing that?"

"Miyuki-san, are you okay that your girlfriend is being chummy with other guy?" Yui questioned since they still didn't know what is the relationship of Temari and Masashi.

"Its fine. Temari is Masashi's sister anyway" Once Miyuki answered, they all shouted in disbelief. Even Okumura who didn't show any emotions was surprised to what he just heard. They all approached Temari and Masashi and stared at them "Don't stare at her too much!"

"They don't look like each other!" They shouted and received a chopped in the head from Miyuki. Temari laughed and linked her arms to Masashi

"I looked like my mom, and Masashi and Tetsu-nii looked like father. But I am his older sister"

"Older? We thought younger?!" They shouted in chorus

"You guys sure mean." Miyuki commented but they all retorted

"You are worser than us"

"Anyway, we need to go." Miyuki scratched the back of his head and sighed "Mei has been calling me non-stop"

Temari bowed down towards them, and hugged her brother before they left, and they still couldn't believe that Miyuki got a girlfriend, and its Masashi's older sister.


Miyuki let Temari sit next to the window. There were only five people inside the bus, including them and the driver and so they sat at the very end, and they headed to the Inashiro University branch. Temari then noticed the unusual silence from Miyuki.

"Kazuya?" Temari held his hand, and noticed that it was sweating, even though it was a little bit chilly

"Ah, what's up?"

"Are you okay? You are spacing out" She asked worriedly "And you are so quiet"

"Temari, you knew about the offer from Tokyo Yakults, right?" She nodded slightly that made him sigh "how?"

"I saw the pamphlet in Azumi's room, and then saw the same pamphlet in your room." She answered then chuckled "Actually, my brothers were also offered by yakults, but they declined the offer. That's why when I saw the pamphlet, I knew that they might offer you to stay in their townhouse"

Miyuki held her hand tightly and seriously looked at her "Yeah, they offered me to stay on their townhouse so that I can practice baseball on my time, in exchange of the condition I made"

"To be an engineer and baseball player at the same time?"


"Isn't that nice then? You already accepted it, right? That was why you went to see Kataoka-kantoku last Wednesday?" Miyuki gazed away and didn't response from her questions, hinting her that he was having a second thought about it "Kazuya?! Don't tell me?"

"No, that, well... If I accept that, even though we got married, I can't always go home in our own house-"

"Kazuya, their townhouse is just around the corner. If we get married and find our own house, let's find one near the townhouse. You will become a famous baseball player and at the same time a famous Engineer, as for me, I will be a good English teacher, and a patient wife to her husband. Step by step, we will be able to fullfill our goals. I am just saying my opinion, in the end its your choice. Also, make sure to talk to your father about your decision" Temari gently touched his cheeks and smiled

Miyuki smirked and nodded from what his girlfriend just told him "Thank you, Temari."

It was then they arrived on the bus station near Inashiro. Miyuki still hold of Temari's hand but both of them were surprised seeing lots of people around despite of the small number of people inside the bus.

"What's going on?" Miyuki confusedly asked

"Uhm, excuse me!" Temari asked the woman who just got off from the same bus as them "Are you also heading to Inashiro?"

The woman who was wearing a peach knit cap turned to them, and then lowered her scarf "Yes, I'm a student there"

"Do you know what's going on?" Miyuki confusedly asked but they were interrupted when two other woman approached the one they called

"Sayaka, finally you arrived!"

"Don't make us worry!"

"I apologize. Here is the thing you asked me to buy" She handed a paper bag and smiled towarfs them "Tell them that I apologize for making them wait"

"Let's go now" The two told them, but she shook her head and pointed at Temari and Miyuki

"I am currently talking to them. Also, you need to run and deliver those now" Her soft voice made the two other women felt deafeated. They hurriedly left and the woman named Sayaka bowed down towards Temari and Miyuki "I apoligized for that, are you here to watch the baseball game? You still have time if you go there"

"Baseball game..." Miyuki nervously mumbled, as he felt not good about it

"Uhm, is it possible if you lead us there? Or is too much to ask?" Temari asked as if she was pleading.

"Sure, I can lead you there, but I walk slow, so if you are fine with it..."

"Thank you! You are a big help! I'm Yuki Temari, and this is Miyuki Kazuya."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Horie Sayaka"

"Horie... Sayaka...?" Temari and Miyuki curiously asked as if they heard the name before. The woman named Sayaka led the way.

The school was packed and even media were there. Miyuki held Temari's hand tightly.

"Eeto, Horie-san..."

"Sayaka is fine" She smiled at Temari and giggled "You sure have a good boyfriend"

"Thank you, Sayaka. You can call me Temari. Uhm, you said there's a baseball game. Between?"

"Ah, some members of giants and the school baseball team" She answered but then the three of them halted as one familiar person was shouting Miyuki's name, then changed to Temari

"Loud as ever" Miyuki commented as made slapped his face

"He looks so happy to see you" Temari followed, noticing the people around them looking at their direction

"Kazuya, you finally arrived! Tema-"

"Mei, don't shout!" Miyuki closed his mouth and glared at him "I'm already here, so shut it! What do you want?! Though I have a bad feeling about it!"

Narumiya made a big wide smile but became serious when she noticed Sayaka on the side. He cleared his throat then pulled Miyuki from Temari "I'll get Miyuki for now. Sayaka, watch the game with Temari" They didn't have time to object since Narumiya dragged Miyuki away, leaving Temari with Sayaka

"I apologize about that. He is always like that. It seems I don't have a choice. Let's go to the bench"


They sat at the very top of the bench, at the right side of the field. Good thing they found a spot though a bit far from the field.

"You know Mei?" Sayaka curiously asked

"Yeah, he is Kazuya's friend. But honestly, this is my second time meeting him." Temari answered and his eyes widened seeing Miyuki wearing giants' uniform "Looks like Kazuya was forced to play for giants" Temari then looked at Sayaka and questioned her "Are you Mei's girlfriend?"

"Hmmm? I'm not. Why did you ask?"

"Ah, I remember just now. I saw your name before, in Korea's locks of love. You and Mei's name"

Ah, but if she is Mei's girlfriend, I somehow didn't expect it. Since she's so kind and looks so pure and Mei... Ah, I couldn't imagine.

Sayaka turned to the field and Temari noticed that she became sad watching Narumiya. Temari wanted to ask more, but she didn't want to pry more about it. However, not long after, Sayaka finally spoke

"Even though I still like him, I already broke up with him"

"Uhm, if its okay to ask, why?"

Sayaka chuckled and then covered her mouth with her scarf "Because I always got sick. I don't want to worry him" She reasoned that made Temari's eyes widened "There was a game a year ago when he lost his composure because I was sent to hospital"

"Uhm, do you have a disease or something like that?"

"None" She shook her head "I only get sick easily."

"Did you told him about it?" Temari asked and she nodded as response "What did he say?"

"He said he didn't care about that. But that's because its his nature-"

"Then you should listen to him." Temari smiled then looked at Miyuki. "Because they are really selfish, and what they want they get. Will you listen to my story? I hope when you hear about, you'll change your mind"


"Mei, why did we end up to this?!" Miyuki irritably asked, dissatisfied from the position he was in and just after Narumiya introduced him to his teammates

"Its fine, soon you will be with the same team as I am!" Narumiya excitedly responded then his eyes wondered around, and on the right bench, he saw Sayaka and Temari talking "I'm surprised that you met Sayaka"

"Ah, your girlfriend? Now that it reminds me, I saw your name written in those locks in Korea" Miyuki then teasingly looked at Narumiya that made the blonde guy glared at him "I couldn't imagine you to be like that"

"Shut up! And we already broke up!" Narumiya crossed his arms "I couldn't believe that she broke just because she always got sick!"

"That reason?"

"She said she easily gets sick, and she easily get tired watching me, blah, blah, blah! As if I care!"

"You are surprisingly a stick to one lover boy!"

"I'll kill you, Kazuya!" Narumiya snapped but Miyuki laughed at him "Don't laugh!"

"Then, should I tell you this? You are not showing much affection."

"Huh?!" Narumiya slightly punched Miyuki's chest with his gloves and disagreed to Miyuki's statement "Explain what you meant?! I did everything, and in the end she broke up with me with such reason!"

"Its because she didn't want you to worry about her. She wants you to focus on your baseball career. Did you show her that despite of her condition, you still want her to be by your side? Or its just a merely words? Show it to her, and surely, she will understand like Temari did"

"Why did you include your girlfriend here?! Do you just want to brag?!"

"You found out?!" Miyuki made a big wide smile but then became serious as he continued "During the summer finals in our second year, Temari thought that we lost because of her"

"Huh?! Wasn't that because our team is just great?!"

"Hahahaha! But you lost on the fall tournament" Miyuki retorted but then again he continued "She found out that before the finals, I donated blood to her"

"Donated...? Why?!"

"Why? Because compare to your boring story, I went to hell just to get that woman I love!" Miyuki wasn't yelling, but he sounded as if he was complaining "There were times I tried to give up, but if I did, I wouldn't end up with her. I showed her through words and actions, how about you? Or are you just a show off prince, Mei?"

Narumiya was taken aback and was about to retort when they were called and the game was about to start.

"Narumiya-san, I'll catch-"

"I want Kazuya to catch for me!" Narumiya interrupted him, and he grumpily went to the bullpen. Miyuki followed him behind. Narumiya threw the ball grumpily, and Miyuki found it amusing.

The game started and the Inashiro baseball team started first. Miyuki and Narumiya were put as clean-up.

"Kazuya, don't you dare to hit a home run!" Narumiya shouted as Miyuki prepared to bat

"Hahaha! I'll give the spotlight to you!" Miyuki responded but he hit a homerun, gaining a three run lead against the Inashiro school team "I'll give you later!"

When he did that, he also gained curiosity from the spectators. "Who is he? A new member of giants?" Those questions...

"You!" Narumiya complained, but as what Miyuki said, Miyuki made calls that made the batters either strike or foul.

"Those two are showing off!" Temari and Sayaka sighed at the same time, but chuckled to see that they were both enjoying the game. Temari was still telling her story on the process, and Sayaka was listening to her attemtively.

Miyuki and Narumiya were both enjoying their time batting and being an invisible battery.

"You two, I'll put you in bench after this in" The coach told Miyuki and Narumiya "It doesn't look like a game anymore. Its more like, your playing ground"

"I'll pitch one more inn. Please, one more!" Narumiya pleaded that made Miyuki curious what he was planning

Narumiya stood on the mound and made two batters out. For the third batter, Narumiya threw for a ball, then for a strike, then again a ball, and again strike. Narumiya made a deep breath, and was surprised when he saw Miyuki's sign. He made a big wide smile, and his blue eyes glinted, since Miyuki knew what he was planning. Narumiya threw his pitched and the batter knew right away, that he was jammed; the ball went directly to Narumiya that again made the whole field got excited. However, they all became silence when Narumiya shouted

"Sayaka!" Narumiya looked towards to where they were sitting and he pointed her "Just wait, I'll win you back, no matter what!" He made a big wide smile and made a peace sign

"What a show off!" Miyuki commented as he took off his head gear

Sayaka on the other side teared up, and Temari hugged her tightly

"I really like Mei."

"Then, don't hold back, and let him know about your true feelings."
