Chapter 44 - Popular as Always

I apologize for not updating much... But I made a long update today, and decided to update few more chapters before I mark this complete... Though that includes, some extra chapters...

For now.. I hope you enjoy this long update for now... ^_^


"One more, runner on 2-3!"

"Miyuki is surely doing his best as the captain, even though he is supposed to think of his future now. And he is supposed to retire as the team captain"

"He is thinking of his future, Takashi-san" Asanuma commented as both of them sighed watching Miyuki and the others practicing on the ground field. They didn't have practice during December, but some members still practice on their own. The two didn't practice that day, since they have exam that day, and the next day

"Yesterday, he was called in coach's office again. Someone wanted to scout him again. On top of that, they were all famous baseball teams. I wonder if he already accepted one" Takashi sighed and scratched the back of his head "By the way, I haven't seen his girlfriend for a week now. Did she go back to America already?"

"Ah, no. They had a field frip in Kansai Region. They supposed to return today" Asanuma answered and it was then both of them remained silence, as someone called Miyuki again to their coach's office


"Miyuki this is Yoshiyama Megumi, a scout from Tokyo Yakult Swallows" His coach introduced a middle aged woman, wearing a black and white business suit. Her hair was short, and she was wearing an eyeglass

"A pleasure to meet you, Miyuki Kazuya-san. I'm Yoshimaya Megumi."

"N-Nice to meet you" Miyuki bowed down and he was asked to sit down across her.

"I heard about your conditions. You really don't care about the money proposed to you, but instead you wanted to work as an Engineer while playing baseball, am I right?"

"Yes. But the other scouts wanted me to just focus on baseball, and propose large amount of money" Miyuki responded. He declined offers because of that reason.

"I understand, then I comply on your condition. As you know if we will talk about money, we cannot win against you. But if you wanted to use the course you are taking, then we will comply it in exchange of having you in our team."


"A partner company of our team will start hiring mechanical Engineers next year, and its located near our practice ground. And if you want to be an Engineer and at the same time baseball player, then we can give you that in negotiable price that you wish. However, we also have a condition to propose" Miyuki seriously looked at her and waited for the condition "If you accept our offer, after your graduation here, you will be staying inside the townhouse for the players. Of course, you still need to practice as baseball player. Your time of course, you will decide it yourself, and balance them."

"The company is also fine with it?" Miyuki confusedly asked

"Yes, also they don't let the player do their job when its season" She answered then put out a pamphlet "Also, your privacy is secured. Its up to you if you want to tell it to your teammates, but your privacy will be kept and only known by the higher ups."

"Privacy, huh."

"Well, that's when you accept our offer. Its not you need to answer now. You still have things to do now"

"I understand" Miyuki responded getting the pamphlet on the table "I cannot answer right now, but I will contact you once I already decided" He stood up and excused himself, thanking her for the time

"He is indeed a genius catcher. But I am afraid that he might accept if the giants recruit him"

"That's not it, Yoshimaya-san. Miyuki already declined their offer. Actually, he declined lots and its the first time he responded like that" The coach answered and chuckled "I am surprise that he accepted it"


'A team where I can be an Engineer and also can be a baseball player. Privacy and also a place to stay. Fair enough. But...'

"You finally accepted one?"

Miyuki looked behind and his cousin smiled at him while holding her bag,

"Azumi... No, I'm going to read it first. Did you just finished your class?"

"No, volunteer" She answered as she walked beside him "I'm heading back to the dorm. How about you?"

"I'm going back to the ground field. Azumi, hold this for a while. I'll get it to you later" Miyuki handed the pamphlet as he hurriedly ran towards the ground field

Azumi just sighed then checked the pamphlet he gave "Tokyo Yakult Swallows, huh. I wonder what kind of conditions did he propose that they accepted them, and what did they propose that he accepted. Kazuya is thinking his future carefully. He will surely tell this to Temari when they got time together"


Later that day, the baseball team were about to finish their last lap when a loud voice shouted, calling Miyuki. Everyone looked towards the direction of the loud voice and saw five unfamiliar students

"Geh! Yuta and the others?!" Miyuki nervously hid behind two of his teammates and asked them what time is it

"Miyuki, you don't need to hide! We can see you here perfectly! Get your ass off here!" Yuta shouted

Miyuki sighed loudly and ordered his members to have one last lap then done. He ran towards them and heard an earfull words before going down to why they were there

"Takeuchi came back two hours ago, and we were waiting for you two hours ago!" Yuta scratched the back of his head "Let's go, we only have until Monday at 8. Our professor only gave us until that time. We need revision."

"But don't worry Miyuki, actually your part, you only need to revise some of yours." Aki added but they noticed how Miyuki looked at them "Miyuki?"

"No, just, I'm surprised you are all here. The people who never gone to the other side of the school are here. I'm surprised you find me?"

"We went to your dorm, then some people who were there told us that you might be here" Takeuchi answered

"Is that so? Then I'll go take a bath first then fol-"

"No, you are not" they interrupted and made teasing smile "we'll go to your room. We'll make sure you do it as fast as you can"

"Eehhhh?!" Even though he didn't want to, Miyuki just led them to his room.


"Can you stop rampaging in my room?" Miyuki asked them as Yuta and Takeuchi immediately looked around his room. 'Good thing I only brought back my clothes after my suspension'

"Neh, you don't have a picture of your girlfriend with you?" Yuta asked "I forgot what she looks like"

"I already showed you. I'll go take a bath now. Behave!" He ordered them, and they just said yes. However, once Miyuki entered the bathroom, Yuta and Takeuchi started to search for some interesting things again.

"You guys should stop it" Mana told them, but they still continued.

However, they couldn't find anything. The two lied down on the floor and rested, as Aki got water for the two of them.

"Ahre, Miyuki-san's classmates?" Asanuma entered the room with his bag on his shoulder and paper bags on his hands then roamed his eyes to see Miyuki nowhere.

"Yeah, Miyuki is taking a bath" Yuta answered as he and Takeuchi sat down "Sorry for intruding"

"Ah, no its fine." Asanume answered then turn around  "Sorry, Miyuki-san is taking a bath. His classmates are here. Do you want to wait, Temari-san?"

"No, I'll just message him later. We'll go see Azumi then. Thank you, Asanuma!"

"I'll tell Miyuki-san then!" Asanuma shouted and waved at Temari and Shuang who left to see Azumi. He bowed down to Miyuki's classmates and put down his things on his bed, and excused himself as he would go get his book from his friend next door. Once he left...

"Guys, did you notice that Miyuki is really popular?" Aki started while she, Mana and Miho started doing their thesis. "From the field, then when we entered their dorm, everyone was calling him, talking to him"

"Its actually my first time seeing this side of him" Yuto responded stretching his arms "I've been his classmate since 1st year, but I was really surprised seeing people act like that towards him. I know he is popular, but I didn't expect him to be that popular. Honestly, I don't know anything much about him. It was a surprise when he was suspended"

"He didn't say the reason, but it was clearly because of Keiko." Mana added and then shook his head

"Also, I didn't know that he likes someone. I just heard the news. I mean, we know that he isn't going out with Keiko, but knowing that he got a girlfriend is still a surprise for me" Takeuchi also joined them then looked at Miho "Are you still mad at Miyuki for rejecting you?"

"No, I'm mad at him for his response. That cocky brat!"

They just laughed from Miho's response and waited for Miyuki.

Half an hour had passed and Miyuki was still on the bathroom, Asanuma also returned. Yuta finally stood up and was about to knock, when finally he came out wearing a black sweatpants, and a black and hoodie jacket. His hair was still wet and asked another 10 minutes to dry his hair.

Once done, he came out of the bathroom grinning at them

"Sorry for the wait"

"That was freaking long!" Takeuchi complained

"You should have started working on it, while waiting for me, right?" He said then noticed Asanuma sitting on his bed "You are back, how's your exam?"

"Fair enough" Asanuma answered getting one of the paper bags "From the exchange students" He said then added "Temari-san was here a while ago. She will give you something else, but seemed like she will give it to you personally. Also, she said she will just message you"

"So they are back. That's fast. I thought they will arrive later." He got his phone out of his pocket and smiled to himself. He put the paper bag on his side table then turned to his groupmates. Aki, Mana and Miho were doing their parts while Yuta and Takeuchi were sitting on the floor "Anyway, guys, let's go to Yuta's room now."


Once they got out of the elevator, Miyuki was spotted by Robert who was with some of the baseball members.

"Miyuki-san, are you going to stay over your classmates room?" Robert asked as Miyuki approached them

"Yeah. By the way, thank you for the souvenirs."

"Ah, your welcome. Even Temari chipped in. But she also bought a separate one"

"Speaking of her, where is she?"

"She just went out with Shuang, I don't know where are they going though" Robert answered then the other members started talking to him and Miyuki.

However, Miyuki's groupmates called him and they headed out of the dorm, and outside the dorm, Temari and Shuang were there. Temari was talking to someone over the phone, as Shuang waved at Miyuki when they noticed him.

"You sure are popular" Aki and Mana commented

"Wasn't she the one who told us where to find Miyuki?" Miho pointed at Temari that the others agreed, but made Miyuki curious what she meant

"Ah, they just arrived a while ago, then she probably heard us so she approached us and told us that you might be in the ground field" Yuta explained

"She supposed to lead us, but her groups were calling her so she just pointed out." Takeuchi added

"Wait, I'll just go talk to her. Real quick!" Miyuki ran towards Temari and his groupmates were surprised to see Miyuki hugged her and kissed the top of her head. They stopped from walking and mouth wide open

"Hey, is she his girlfriend?" Yuto and Takeuchi asked each other

"She looks different from the pictures!" Aki squinted her eyes to see Temari more "She's more beautiful in person!"

"I thought you guys wanted to meet his girlfriend? Why don't you introduce yourself to her?" Mana teased the two guys

"Somehow, her ambiance is different from what I thought" Takeuchi chuckled, agreed by Yuto

"She's the opposite of Keiko" Miho sighed and clicked her tongue "A normal one that's why you forgot her face"

'Woah, she's  still feeling bitter about it' They though but flinched when someone from behind shouted,

"There you are Miyuki! Where are you going?! Its your turn today!" A woman with fairly white skin, and short lenghted curly hair ran towards him "You forgot that its you and Asanuma's turn to buy the ingredients for our dorm, right?!"

"Is that today Makino-san?!" Miyuki asked but as for Temari and Shuang, they were curious what was that all about

"Actually, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the regular students here buy the ingredients our landlady needs to cook for the weekend. Its somehow became a rule here ever since the landlady came back from her surgery" The woman named Makino explained showing the list of what Miyuki should buy "Today its Miyuki and Asanuma"

"And she's responsible in keeping track who will buy" Miyuki added then crossed his arms "But its a problem. I can't since we have thesis to finish"

"I know that but still-"

"Then, we will buy them" Temari volunteered "Since Shuang and I will go out and buy some snacks and necessities, then we'll also buy them"

"No, you don't need to go that far for your boyfriend, Yuki-san" Makino worriedly responded "At least Miyuki needs to do his duty here in the dorm"

"Its fine. I know he needs to do his duty, but his groupmates are here to get him. But of course, Kazuya will help the Monday group to buy the ingredients" Temari reasoned and got the list from Makino

"Then let Asanuma help you. He-"

"Ah, Asanuma still has an exam tomorrow, so its fine if its just the two of us" Shuang interrupted and assured Miyuki

"Then make sure to call me or message me in line. And here, use my card to buy the ingredients" Miyuki turned to Temari and asked her to show her phone, as he gave his card. But he sighed once he saw that her phone was almost out of battery. Shuang also told him that she left her phone on their room since it was out of battery too "Then, I'll charge yours. Use mine"

"Are you sure?" Temari questioned but Miyuki got her phone and gave his to her.

"Yeah, but I'll give it to you tomorrow. You can use mine on the meantime. Make sure to message me if your have questions, or if you need help. Temari, make-"

"Yeah, I already got it." Temari stopped him and laughed since Miyuki was about to repeat it again "Hurry up and go to your groupmates, you kept them waiting" Temari tapped his back and bowed down as they left.

"Good for you to have such a nice girlfriend. Somehow its too bad that she will end up with you" Makino teasingly told him that made Miyuki laughed

"Hahaha! I'm great, right?" He responded but received a spanked at the back "Well, I had a hard time catching her. The timing wasn't synching. But now, whether she likes or not, she's mine that's all"

"What a cocky bastard! I don't know your hardship, but I can see that your ambiance changed. Well, I'll go back now. Make sure to help the Monday group. Asanuma too!" Makino went back inside the dorm, leaving Miyuki having a mischievous smile.

His groupmates approached him and they teased Miyuki until they arrived on Yuta's room, they teased him for being popular and for having such a nice girlfriend.


Days had passed and everyone became busier. Regular students were finishing their thesis, projects and exams. The exchange student were busy learning Japan by travelling here and there.

And finally, the last week of the Fall semester arrives. The exchange students were preparing to return home. Some regular students became free from their school stuffs, but some still have a week from school.

Miyuki stood in front of his bed where bunch of suits spread on it.

"These are?"

"Uncle told me to get your suits for your thesis presentation" Azumi answered sighing at him at his left side

"Miyuki-san was so anxious last night what to wear since he already wear his one suit yesterday" Asanuma laughed while eating bread on his bed

"I thought yesterday was your presentation?" Temari curiously asked as she stood at his left side with her hoodie on

"That was the presentation in front of our professor. Today, in front of the other professors" Miyuki answered then turned to Temari "You are also here"

"Azumi called me" Temari answered then started checking the suits on Miyuki's bed

"She can help you in choosing what to wear. I can't so I asked her. Well then, I delivered everything, so I'll leave now" Azumi patted Miyuki's back then excused herself. Asanuma also left, leaving the two.

Miyuki remained silence, as Temari were busy finding good combination for Miyuki. After 10 minutes of matching, Temari decided to let him wear a light blue long sleeves polo shirt with gray slim vest on top, and black suit pants.

"Okay go to the bathroom and wear this, while I clean this mess" Temari told Miyuki giving the pants and the long sleeves polo

"Why do I need to go to the bathroom if I can wear it here?"

Temari sighed and just grabbed his shoulder and pushed Miyuki towards the bathroom.

'She already saw me all naked, why do I need to go here?'

Once he finished wearing it, he went out and saw Temari nowhere.

"Where is she?"

"Sorry, I ran to my room to get my shoe cleaner. I also borrowed your card." Temari entered the room, panting. She looked at Miyuki and lovingly approached Miyuki. "Its so fit to you" She said then handed the belt to Miyuki "Okay, tuck it in." He did what she said, as Temari buttoned his polo shirt up. "And before the vest" She grabbed the black neck tie that was on the side table and tie it to Miyuki's collar

"You sure are good with this" Miyuki complimented as he wrapped his arms around her waist

"I saw mom doing this to dad before. Then I asked her to teach me. So when I lived with them, I sometimes do the honor in doing this to my dad. Pretty convenient, don't you think?"

"Yeah, pretty convenient. When we get married, you can do this to me" He answered but Temari smiled at him as if she knew already what the Tokyo swallows yakults offered, even though he hadn't told him about it

"Now, sit down and I'll do your hair. I also need to polish your shoes"

"Temari, you are perfectly becoming a wife figure, seriously. Also, its been a while since its just the two of us."

"Am I? Eventually I'll be, so hurry up. Also, I know that, but you have an important presentation today. After that, we have lots of time. Okay? Wait, did you eat breakfast already?"

Miyuki laughed from what Temari was doing, but he did love what she was doing. She did everything what she said and after an hour, Miyuki was all set, even his shoes were polished.

Once done, Miyuki just read their thesis report first then they head down to the first floor lobby.

"Gosh Kazuya, is that you?!" Azumi shouted as she was with Asanuma, and other baseball players who were standing near the elevator.

"Tsk! His popularity will rise up again!" The baseball players complained

"Temari did this to me" Miyuki responded and Temari made a peace sign "complain to her. By the way I'll be back after lunch, I'll leave my phone to Temari, where am I going to find you?"

"We'll be in the entertainment room, watching. So just go there" Temari answered "Hurry up, you'll be meeting up with your groupmates, right?"

"Miyuki, be careful on your way to the other side of the school. Girls can attack you" Takashi showed up behind him as he tapped his shoulder "You handsome genius catcher, I'll kill you!"

They just laughed and agreed from what Takashi said. Miyuki feeling defeated left to meet with his groupmates.

And as what they said, on the way to his groupmates, everyone looked at Miyuki, turning red as he passed by.

"Miyuki, go change!" Yuta shouted once he spotted him


"He is just joking, you look so cool wearing that" Aki told him "Your girlfriend must see you wearing that"

"She was the one who chose this. She also did the tie, and my hair and even polished my shoes" Miyuki bragged but received a spanked from the back by Takeuchi and Yuto

"Don't brag you bastard!"

"It can't be helped, right? Temari is the best" He smirked, and they knew he was bragging.

They headed to the hall where they would present, and the other groups were also present, and some graduate students were there. But Yuta and Takeuchi were both irritated to the fact that everyone was looking at them, because of Miyuki.

"We stand out too much" Mana and Aki mumbled

"Its hard to have Miyuki in our group" Miho added gazing away. "I feel nervous all of a sudden, all eyes are on us. Don't tell me your girlfriend did that on purpose?"

"A genius handsome guy, tsk, your girlfriend sure sell you big time" Yuta sighed. They sat on the second row on the left "But still, what a gallery we have here. I wonder when are we going to present"

Takeuchi returned and told them that they would present last among five groups. They sat silently, listening to the presentation from their other classmates. Everyone looked so tense, but Miyuki sat quietly, watching the others.

Time passed and finally it was their group's turn. And before they started, their group leader Aki, smiled at them nervously

"After this, we just need to wait for the result, but its the last, so let's all do our best"

The presented their thesis perfectly and all eyes were looking at them.


Temari was sitting down on the carpeted floor of the entertainment room with the exchange students from their dorm, some baseball members were also with her, and the other regular female students. They were watching a baseball match, in which everyone found it entertaining. Azumi and Asanuma joined them with chips and drinks with them.

It was past 2 in the afternoon and everyone was still enjoying the show, and they didn't notice the presence of Miyuki who entered the entertainment room

"And here I was thinking of why there's no one on the field, they are all here watching their captain's match during high school." They all shifted their eyes towards him and immediately, they all blushed to his appearance: his vest was opened, and his long sleeves polo shirt was still buttoned up, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"Welcome back" Temari greeted him, and she was the only one who turned back to the TV "Thank you for the good work."

"K-Kazuya, why don't you go change now before these girls die with blood loss" Azumi sighed and even she blushed from the appearance of her cousin

"Blood loss?" He innocently asked then crossed his arms that made the girls whined in pleasure "Well, I'll go change now."

"Should I prepare food for you?" Temari asked still her focus on the match

"No, I'm already full. Thank you. Then I'll be right back" As Miyuki left, guys groaned, and girls whined that surprised Temari.

"W-what's wrong?"

"I'm so jealous!" Temari flinched when someone whined "Miyuki-san is already taken. That body will be all to Temari-san"

Just now? Eh?

"She can see that body of him, everyday!" Akira cuddled to Temari "Did you see him a while ago?"

"I saw enough this morning" Temari answered that again made everyone noisy, asking her what she meant

"Temari dressed him up this morning." Azumi answered in her place

"Also, do you believe that she hadn't seen him naked? Come on guys? You didn't know anything" Shuang added, teasing Temari

But because of that, they paused the match they were watching and everyone started to say things what they like about Miyuki, and how they were jealous because Temari got him. Guys even joined the conversation, jealous that he really got the look and even had a nice girlfriend.

As they were busy on their conversation, Temari just remained silence,

I apologize, Kazuya. You are popular as always, but I didn't expect that they will react like this.
