Chapter 40 - Freedom

While waiting for the news about Miyuki, the baseball team decided to have a mini game. Furuya and Asanuma also arrived back, telling them that the expulsion was lifted. Temari stood outside the ground field with Azumi, while they were watching the game on the side walk near the ground field entrance. Azumi was telling her how she still couldn't believe on what happened. She knew that Tetsu did something and she wanted to tell Temari, but remembered that Tetsu told them not to tell her

"Temari!!!!" Temari and Azumi both startled as Shuang's voice echoed and the two of them turned around, seeing her running towards where they were, and it wasn't just her but also Akira.

The two tackled Temari down and they were obviously excited,

"Are you okay?" Azumi worriedly asked, but heaved a sigh of relief seeing them

"What's wrong, Akira, Shuang?!"

"Temari!" The two shouted in chorus "We will be staying here, and with extension of the winter program that will run from January to April!"

"Really?!" Temari shouted in response.

"Is that true, Robert?" Azumi asked him once he arrived, catching his breath

"Its true" Robert assured them and laughed "The exchange advisor will also talk to Temari, John and Francine on later date to tell you about that. Though its your decision if you will accept or not"

"That's a good news! Of course I will" Temari giggled and the three of them stood up. "I will be here during their graduation!"

"Ah, but I my parents told me to go back first. So I will go home on the 23rd, then go back here on January" Shuang informed them

"How about Robert and Akira?" Azumi curiously asked

"Same, we will go back here on January" Robert answered and then streched his hands "I'm happy that I can play on the Nationals!"

"I am surprised that the expulsion was lifted" John and Francine joined interrupted them and smirked "Temari, we will go back to America, and you will not extend-"

"You always ruin the good part John" Akira looked at him and glared "And as everyone says, you don't have the rights to tell her what to do. Don't get in her way! I am holding back my anger all these months, but since you passes the line, I wouldn't hold back and object all your words!"

"I agree" Robert stood between them and glared at John "You have a normal side. But you chose your obsessed side. Even going as far as betraying your own friends"

"Betraying? John never betray you, its only Shu-"

"Sending Shuang back to America also means sending me and Robert back, Francine. You know that! I mentioned that to you!" Akira retaliated "And here I thought you are on Temari's side. But no. You are jealous of the fact that Temari spent more time with Shuang than you. You and John still cannot accept the fact that Temari doesn't like you"

"Know your place, Akira! You too, John! You know very well what I can do!" John retorted and clenched his fist as they glared at each other.

The ambiance became darker, but then it was interrupted when a loud banged sound, followed by Takashi's loud voice echoed around the school. They all shifted their gaze towards the ground field and saw the smolder on Takashi's mitt

"Furuya, you bastard!" Takashi yelled at Furuya as he held the baseball ball on his mitt "I am not Miyuki so be a little gentle!" He then threw the ball back and sat on the catching position "Be gentle! Its just a practice game!"

"Senpai, I want to pitch more. I haven't pitched lately" Furuya responded as he again positioned himseld to pitch

"Poor Takashi" Temari laughed breaking the tension surrounding them. She suggested to move away from John and Francine. They went on the bench that was across the entrance of the ground field and there they resumed watching the practice game. John and Francine stood on the entrance of the ground field and from there they watched the game, and also kept their eye on Temari.

However, not long after, everyone noticed a familiar brunette hair guy running, roaming his eyes around. He stopped and panted on the side walk near the entrance, and from there he shouted at his team mates

"Have you seen Temari?!" As he asked that, Furuya was the one who pointed where she was, and Miyuki could see the concern expression from Temari. He caught his breath momentarily, and again ran towards Temari.

"Miyuki!" The baseball players called him worriedly, wanting to know what happened, but Miyuki was focused on one thing, no, on one person.

Once he reached where Temari was, in which she stood from her seat, Miyuki didn't hold back and immediately hugged her, as tight as he could.

"K-Kazuya?!" Not just Temari, but everyone was surprised to what he did, and making John angry at the same time "W-wait, Kazuya?!"

"Temari! I love you!" He excitedly confessed, and the people near them could see how red Miyuki's face was. They were also surprised to his sudden confession.

"K-Kazuya? Everyone is-"

"Temari! I love you" He again confessed as he moved back and grinned at her "I'm not suspended anymore. My expulsion is lifted. Also, your grandma gave me permision to date you. She accepted me!"

Temari's jaw dropped wide open and tears streamed down on her cheeks. "I-Is that true?!" She held his shirt, trying to assure him

Miyuki laughed from her expression and wiped the tears running down her cheeks "Its true. Asukai Shimizu-san gave me permision to date you! Your engagement with John is already cancelled!" As Miyuki revealed it, Temari hugged him that he answered by hugging her back

"WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU SAYING, MIYUKI KAZUYA?! DON'T JOKE ON ME!" John shouted furiously as he agitatedly approached them

"Its true!" Azumi shouted showing the news on her phone "Wilson Family announced in their official website!"

Francine got her phone out and also searched it, and she was also surprised seeing the breaking news.

"Miyuki, what the hell are you doing?!" Takashi asked as he and the baseball team stood on the other side of the fence of the ground field near the bench

"Yo! My expulsion is lifted" Miyuki responded still hugging Temari, and carressing her back, calming her down. The baseball team cheered and became loud knowing the result "Temari, stop crying" Miyuki laughed as he kissed the top of her head "We'll start again from here" He said in her ears and she nodded as response

"Do you think I will accept this-"

John was interrupted when everyone gasped, and suddenly they became nervous, murmuring could be heard around them.

"Asukai Shimizu-sama, and President Kurosawa!" Azumi pointed out, and they all shifted their eyes towards their direction. Asukai, along with the president and Iwata were walking towards the ground field bench.

Temari moved back and also saw her grandmother walking towards them. Miyuki wiped her tears, as he put his arm around her shoulder, assuring her that it was all fine.

They all bowed down, showing their respect to Asukai and Kurosawa. Temari looked at her grandmother but then gazed away after bowing down, and sensing that her grandmothers was looking at her.

"So that is your team Miyuki-kun?" Asukai asked shifting her eyes towards the baseball team "And Temari is really the person you talked about"

"Yes, they are my team and Yuki Temari is the person that I love" Miyuki responded with a smirked that made everyone gasped in surprise

"Madam Shimizu, what is the meaning of this?!" John moved forward, showing his irritated expression, clenching his fist

"John, I should ask the same question, what was that all about? For Temari's sake you said?!" Asukai questioned him back and everyone felt the menacing glare from her "You need explanations to do. Not just to me, but also to your parents. Your brother will come with Tetsuya, and he will get you"

"Tetsu-nii?" Temari mumbled as she looked at Miyuki, then to her grandmother "Why Tetsu-nii? Don't tell me-"

"Calm down, Temari-sama" Iwata chuckled and smiled towards her "Don't worry about Tetsuya-sama"

"Tetsuya talked to me last Friday. He will explain to you more about what happened." Asukai told her then handed a credit card "I haven't given you your allowance, I'm surprised that you survived these past months, and when you went to Korea. Its yours, and there's no limit"

"M-mom and Dad gave me allowance. Also, Fuyune and his husband were kind to provide our needs during our stay there" She answered as she accepted the card "T-Thank you"

"Well then, President Kurosawa let's go to the next building. Iwata, you know what to do with John" And as before Asukai left, she patted Temari's head that surprised her, "Sorry, and you are now free to do what you want. Miyuki-kun, take care of my granddaughter." Asukai then left with Kurosawa, and Iwata talked to John privately.

Once they left, everyone sighed loudly since they felt the intimidating aura from her. "That was scary!" They commented

As for Temari, she immediately hugged Miyuki back and again cried in joy. She still couldn't comprehend what her grandmother said.

"I was afraid of her, following all her orders. All these years! I don't know if I am hallucinating or what?! Its just too sudden! Kazuya, I am free now?!"

"You are free now, Temari" He patted her head but then moved back and with mischievous smile, he pinched her cheeks "And I will make you explain what happened to you! We need to talk later." He was worried when Azumi told her about Temari hurt herself, and he couldn't do anything when that happened. "This is reality face it. At least, the option of running away will not happen anymore" He chuckled then again caressed her hair "I need to see my teachers now. I'll be right back"

Miyuki turned around but then stopped that made not just Temari curious, but everyone near them, who were blushing seeing the gentle Miyuki

"Kazuya?" She called but surprised when Miyuki went back and kissed her on the lips

"I'll be right back" He repeated then ran towards the Engineering building after kissing Temari on the lips again. The people who didn't know about their relationship were stunned, and their face heated up from what they saw. On the other side, the people who knew, cheered and immediately hugged Temari

"Congratulations! You two are free now!" Shuang was the first one who congratulated them and tears ran down on her cheeks "You did a good job, Temari!"

Azumi, Akira, and Asanuma followed, still the others were speechless

"In the end you really are in relationship with Miyuki. You cheated on John" Francine interrupted them as she shook her head and showed disgust towards Temari

"She never cheated on John since there was nothing going on between them. Even before their engagement, Mari-chan and Miyuki have a special unknown relationship. Though I hated Miyuki back in High school" They all turned to the person who said that and Temari's eyes widened seeing her best friend, making a peace sign "Ya Mari-chan! Shunpei, Fuyune, and Hee-chul made me as a representative to see things here since my expulsion was lifted too. Congratulations!"

Shuang freed Temari and tapped her shoulder, telling her to go to Maaya. Temari immediately whined as she ran towards her best friend and immediately apologize

"Sorry, Maaya! I'm really sorry!"

"Yosh, yosh! Don't apologize, its not your fault!" Maaya patted her back and laughed

"Maaya-san, how about Sanada-san?" Shuang confusedly asked "Did you see him?"

"Same, Shunpei is back to school again. Once my expulsion was lifted, I left my parents who were with me and I immediately went here"

"Not to your boyfriend?!" Azumi asked curiously

"I called him immediately when my parents gave my phone back. I'll go see him later. Mari-chan is more important." Maaya explained as she moved back and wiped Temari's tears "After a long harsh road, you are finally free to express your love. You don't need to worry about things now, no more disease, no more family conflict, no more engagement. I know that you will go back to America, but its just a matter of time, and you will return here and stay with us"


"However, make sure to enjoy your time with him before going back to America. You know very well, its hard to be in a relationship with a baseball player, right?"

"Back at you, isn't Shunpei-kun a baseball player!" Temari chuckled

"True, that's why its hard!"

"Then, in the end Temari and Miyuki really like each other?" Robert confusedly asked but received a grin from Shuang, and Azumi "W-what?!"

"Nothing..." Shuang hummed then smiled towards Temari, who was still crying on Maaya's arm "Temari's smile is so refreshing to see. But Temari has a genuine smile that she only shows towards her closest friend. If she shows it, you will caught off guard"

"But of course, that's exclusive only for Kazuya!" Azumi followed then stretched her hands "Now then, what are you going to do, Francine?"

Francine rolled her eyes and turned around as she went back to their room

"It will be awkward later" Akira sighed and scratched her head "Reality is hard"

"You can stay in our room if you want" Azumi suggested "Shuang too" When she said that, she winked at them. Akira and Shuang laughed once they got what she meant, leaving Robert in confused.


"Ahre, Hirohara, what are you doing here?" Miyuki returned an hour later and was surprised seeing Maaya with Temari, sitting on the bench "Where is Sanada?" He asked then sat next to Temari

"Shunpei is in school. I immediately went here to see Mari-chan. Well, everything went well. Congratulations, Miyuki! I will kill you if you make my Mari-chan cry again!"

"Hahahaha!" Miyuki wrapped his arms around Temari's shoulder and smirked "There will be lots of time that I will make her cry!"


"Especially when she calls my name until she lose her voice"

Temari elbowed Miyuki and he just laughed from it. But he tightly embraced Temari, rested his chin on her shoulder "Seriously, I was surprised that it was your grandma. I was thinking of worst possible scenario a while ago, but everything went well. Thanks to Tetsu-san. I don't know what he did, but it's clear that Tetsu-san helped us a lot"

"But you seemed close to her a while ago. Maaya here this, Grandmother called him Miyuki-kun as if they knew each other very well"

"Kuramochi and I helped your grandma last Friday when a someone tried to snatch her things" Miyuki explained "Well, I didn't know that it was your grandma actually, she was also surprised seeing me a while ago."

"Well, in any case, the problem with Mari-chan's grandma is finally closed. You just need to think what to do from now on" Maaya nuzzled Temari's hair as she stood up "Well then, I know that we have more things to talk about, but I will go back to school now. I still have class later, also I need to see Shunpei"

"Thank you, Maaya!" Temari freed herself from Miyuki and hugged her tightly "Really thank you!"

"We'll send you to the subway" Miyuki stood up as he checked his phone "I still have time"

"Do you have anything to do later?" Temari asked then grabbed Maaya's hand

"Yeah, since I was expelled on the last day of exam,  I couldn't take the exam for my last subject. I am going to take it later"

"Then go review for your exam!" The two shouted at him but then again Miyuki laughed about it

"Don't worry, don't worry! I will pass!" He made a peace sign and grinned


The two sent Maaya on the subway and as they went back to their school, Iwata was standing on the gate.

"Iwata-san!" Temari bowed down and smiled towards him "Its been a while. I never expected to see you here in school"

"Yes, Temari-sama. Its been a while. You slimmed down, are you eating properly?"

Temari laughed and scratched her chin "W-well, recently, there were lots of things going on." But then she was surprised seeing Iwata bowing down towards her "I-Iwata-san?!"

"My deepest apologies, Temari-sama! It was partially my fault. I was told to look after you, but in the end I followed Shizuka-sama's order and hurt you."

"S-stop it, Iwata-san! Please raise your head. Everything is fine now, so please." Even though Temari insisted, Iwata wasn't raising his head. Temari sighed loudly and smiled "I understand. I forgive you. So please, raise your head, Iwata-san"

"Temari-sama, you really are a kind person. Thank you very much! I wish your happiness from now on. Miyuki-sama, please look after Temari-sama."

"Hahaha, leave her to me"

"Ah, one more thing. Temari-sama, here's a letter from your grandfather" Iwata handed a letter then added "His package will arrive in few days"

"Thank you very much! Well then, we'll be heading now" Temari and Miyuki bowed down at Iwata then headed to the room where Miyuki would take his exam.

"That Iwata-san, he is not just a driver. Also, your grandfather, it seems like I still have lots of things to learn from you"

"What do you mean? Iwata-san is my grandparent's exclusive secretary. As for my grandfather, well, because it was an arrange marriage, and he changed his surname to grandma's, but since grandma has the authority, grandpa couldn't say anything"

"That was complicated. Ah, let me clear, you will change you surname to mine, get it?!" He grinned that made Temari's face flabbergasted


Once they arrived outside the room, Miyuki sighed since Temari was looking at him worriedly. He grabbed her hand and they went at the end of the hallway. Temari was confused at first but she was surprised when Miyuki suddenly hugged her


"Don't worry, I'll pass this exam, win the Nationals, then graduate university. Because of what happened, we don't need to rush anymore. Let's enjoy our time, okay? We are free now"

"Yeah, Kazuya, I love you. Good luck on your exam" She mumbled as she clenched on his shirt.

As Miyuki moved back, he kissed her forehead and patted her head "Then I'll go now"
