chapter 7

Chapter notes

It's Wednesday and here's the promised update.

It's 2.9k, but still it's short for me...

Story starts

Pete entered the main compound with a heavy heart...

And his brain is thinking too much...

Vegas just poured his feelings out , and you rejected him you even understand what you did?

He doesn't love me...

Do you remember how much you cried that he doesn't have any feelings for you?

Yes, that's why I am not accepting him now....

But what if what you are doing is wrong? ...what if you are missing your chance of being with him Pete? What if you are ruining the love of your life?

No, I am doing this right......

Pete convinced himself.....but even though how much he is convincing himself,there is a feeling that he fucked it up...and the second he was on the 3rd floor he was faced with Tankhun glaring at him...

" I heard your date went so well that you came late now"...

Pete could hear the sarcasm in his boss's voice and sighed...he can't argue with his Boss right now...

" Where did you go, ditching your date?"...

Pete was silent....

Tankhun started shouting..." God , Pete don't tell me it's Vegas....he was the asshole who left you heart broken ,he was the reason ..."....

Tankhun's heavy rant was halted with Pete's words in the middle....

" Vegas said he misses me and wants to date me..."....

Silence for some seconds....

" Wait , What?..." Tankhun came running to him...

"Yes, khun Nu" Pete said with a sad face...

" But you are not happy...why?" Tankhun doesn't understand ...

"I rejected him...."...

Tankhun is shocked again...

" Pete, What?"....

" I am tired khun Nu, can we lay on your bed ..?My mind is killing me for making that choice... I want to sit somewhere "...

" Oh my baby, " Tankhun hugged him....

Tankhun took him to his room and they opened the tub of ice cream Fai gave today....

Pete is grateful for the ice cream....And He started explaining the whole thing that happened between them...

" Khun Nu , I don't understand one thing , he said he missed me, but he doesn't love can you miss someone without loving them?"....

Pete wanted to cry saying it out....maybe he is now understanding what decision he took....

" And he wants to start now when I was already at the end ,Khun Nu" ...his voice cracked....

" I would face the same humiliation again if he breaks up with me...He would simply say that he doesn't love me again like he did the first time....

I....I....don't want my heart to be broken again like that Khun Nu..." Pete wiped his tears , he didn't want to appear pathetic in front of his boss....

" I understand Pete "....

" But my heart ,Khun Nu, it hurt again when I rejected Vegas ...I liked it when he said he misses me, I liked it when he said he craved my attention...I...." Pete choked on his tears again ..

Tankhun hugged him and patted him to calm him down.....

"I told him my decision but I am confused now. Did I do it right?

Did I dodge a bullet or just lost the love of my life ?. I don't understand....?"...

Pete looked at Khun to tell him that he did right. That he did the right thing rejecting Vegas' proposal....But

" Pete, I can't say you did right or wrong...."..

Pete sighed..

"But I can try to understand from the 3rd perspective..."...

Pete looked at him with hope....

" Pete, Answer me this ....Can you forget the possibility of what if Vegas loves you if you had given the chance?"....

Pete closed his eyes , the second he rejected Vegas, this was the first question arised in his mind...

Pete shook his head..

" Would you believe if Vegas says he loves you now because he doesn't have any other option?"...

" No, he won't say it "......

" Just think he is saying it for the sake that he doesn't want to lose you at this moment.. would you love that?"...

Pete shook his head again....

" Pete , Vegas, he never had any relationship In his life till now. Never. You are the 1st one he let be close like that...

Honestly, I thought he was just messing with you like usual. That's why I am so against your relationship...but when he recited your schedule on that day just to prove that you were on the terrace...For the first time I thought he put an effort in the relationship with you....

Then I thought about all the times you two were close , Vegas did many things he wouldn't normally practically lived in the minor family compound...

He let you be close to his family... His past hookups would have never seen the gates of the compound....

Vegas doesn't like me,but when he saw Tawan talking to me ,he was livid. He cares about his family that much....

And he let you be close to his family....

So, yes, I believe he feels more for you and he didn't understand that Fact till you broke up with him..."....

Tankhun looked at his bodyguard who was looking tired...

" Do you doubt anything he said today?' ...

Pete shook his head....

" But you are scared of the future...what if he doesn't love you?"...

Pete nodded....

" Whose future is secured in this world Pete? No one...

Not choosing something which will give you happiness in the future just because you are scared now is not the right way...

You are thinking about people's words . But what you should think about us Yourself and Vegas...

Not anyone else's words....

I know you are scared of what if Vegas won't love you... but it is the risk you have to take. It's the risk to your happiness..."...

Pete stayed silent...and Tankhun took the ice cream again, changing his facial expression.

" In the meantime... let's eat the ice cream..."...

Pete started eating again....But Tankhun is Tankhun , he won't miss teasing Pete...

" God ,Pete, you are so simp for Vegas to run away from your date like that. My evil cousin wrapped you around his finger"... ..

" I couldn't see him sad.." Pete replied, pouting....

" That's why he fell for you, my favourite Bodyguard"....

Pete smiled...


Vegas felt devastated , It is the understatement of the century right now...

He understood what Pete felt on the day when he rejected him...

Vegas poured his heart out and he got rejected....he got the taste of his own medicine right now....

God, Pete would have felt the same all this time, rejected and broken like him ...

Vegas is sure that he has feelings for Pete,but love? He doesn't know that...

He couldn't lie to Pete that he loves him....

But what should he do with his feelings right now? He felt like someone ripped his heart and took it away...

Yes, Pete took his heart away with him....

Is this the end for both of them?..

Pete's gonna go on dates with other people and Vegas has to see them silently...?

One date and he is devastated and crying like a Pathetic one ...What would he do if Pete liked another whole person altogether? Would he even survive?

God, He wants to kill the person who went on a date with Pete. But if Pete likes a person other than him, what should he do?

Vegas chuckled, he is only thinking about himself right?

What about Pete and his love? he hurted Pete, that was true...

Pete heard his flirting with a random man and was devastated...and here he is crying like he didn't do all that shit..

His mind is screaming that Pete did the right thing rejecting him and he doesn't deserve Pete

But God he wants to have Pete in his many days it's been he touched Pete...?

How many days has it been He kissed pete?

He can't survive without Pete...he can't but he does not have any other choice...


A week passed by and Vegas never approached Pete again, he didn't come to the main family... he does not want to disturb Pete anymore.

He has to live with the fact that Pete rejected him, that's it.

But Pete , he is constantly thinking about Vegas . He is thinking about the conversations he had with Vegas and Tankhun...

He finally made a decision and the fact that he still missed Vegas solidified the decision he took...

He loves Vegas, that was true...if not he wouldn't run to him the minute Vegas was in distress....

He clutched his phone tightly , Vegas is just a message away...

He can do this...

He can...

He already decided what to do...

He opened the message app and quickly typed the message ....and clicked on send.

He threw away the phone....screaming into his pillow ..

What did he do? What if Vegas had already moved on?


Vegas is in the meeting with his father with other people and he is not really paying attention ..

He is still in his heart break, nothing feels normal anymore....if anyone looks at him , they could say he looked like a kicked puppy....

His phone made a sound indicating he received the message and breaking his thoughts ..

He didn't even open the message ,in turn he changed his focus to what's happening infront of him...

After another 15min the meeting was concluded and he was in his car returning to his home.

He remembered the message and opened the phone and dropped it instantly after looking at the notification ....

What the fuck? His hand was shaking when lifted the phone up...

It's true, right?.. Pete sent a message to him.

He opened the message...

" Can we meet and talk?"..

A simple message there still hope ?...

He saw the time of the message , it came 30 minutes ago...


On the other side Pete is looking at the phone he placed on the bed...

Why didn't Vegas reply to him?

Didn't he want him anymore already? Did Vegas already move on?...

But he couldn't take his eyes from the phone...

His phone lightened indicating incoming message...

He took the phone into his hand ... .closed his eyes and took a breath...

" Pete...fucking yes Pete...Fucking yes...Do you wanna meet and talk now? Where do you wanna meet? I am ok with Anywhere you want...should we meet now?"...

Pete smiled, he could hear Vegas eagerness through the message...

" Yes, I would like to meet you. Can I come to your house tonight?"...

" should I pick you up?".. Vegas is so eager to even say yes to his reply....

And Pete Chuckled, Vegas didn't say yes but directly asked if he could pick him up...

" No need. I'll come by myself "...came Pete's message

It's ok even if he can't pick him up ,he will see Pete tonight right?. Vegas tried to tell himself

Pete calmed his heart down too...he has to think about what he's gonna speak with Vegas today...

He doesn't know whether Vegas would accept it or not... but he couldn't leave without trying when Vegas himself told him that he has feelings...


Vegas is nervous, he is waiting for Pete...he is constantly looking at the door pacing in the hall . He already told his bodyguards to inform once Pete is here at least 15 times..

" Vegas , come eat".. Dara asked him...

" Mom, no"...

" Are you waiting for someone, why are you pacing nervously? ?"...

The moment she finished Pete entered their home...

"Hi " came Pete's reply and He bowed to her ...

She looked at both of them in interest...

" so, He is the one you are waiting for so eagerly and walking around unnecessarily?"... she raised her eyebrows and they could hear a tease in her voice...

Vegas coughed loudly...

" Pete, did you eat? Should I ask the chef to make something for you?.".. still she asked him..

Pete shook his head..." I already ate..."..

" then I'll leave you two alone..My son is so eager to talk to you "..

Pete blushed along with Vegas, but asked... " can we go to your backyard?"..

Vegas took him and they both sat on the bench...

" I am happy that you wanted to meet me"..Vegas started...

" I am not agreeing to date you "... Pete said immediately and Vegas' face deflated...

Oh, no ....that's not what he wanted to say....

" Vegas no, I don't mean that ..I want to talk to you again before making any decision. But in the end, I can't promise you anything as of now "...

Vegas had hope again...

" I am sorry Pete , that you felt awful because of me . I don't know you faced all of these....I just...."..

" it's not just you Vegas, it's because I didn't understand the circumstances around me clearly ..

I want to clarify this before anything "...

Pete looked into Vegas eyes...

" I love you Vegas..."

Vegas' heartbeat quickened at the same time it stopped...He doesn't know how to explain...

How could Pete confess easily and he can't....

" I am not afraid to say that I still love you Vegas.....

if I wouldn't have loved you I wouldn't be this much devastated or I wouldn't have ran to you the minute you are sad...

I am sure of my feelings ,Vegas ....I loved you and I still do..."..

Vegas wants to kiss him , he wants to hear from Pete's lips again and again that he loves him....


" Am I selfish for feeling happy you love me when I couldn't say it back .?"...Vegas asked and Pete nodded....

" Yes , you are when you don't reciprocate my feelings "...

The light on Vegas' face dimmed down..

" but you treated me Good vegas, yes, there are some initial moments that I ignore like you warning your staff not to allow me into your home..

But I didn't feel neglected or anything... I genuinely felt like you were my boyfriend. Honestly...honestly that's why I am here to talk to you again..."

Vegas wanted to say something too...

" My mom pointed out to Pete that I didn't treat you like anyone else ..

Until she pointed it out , I did not understand anything....

It's not like you assumed out relationship Pete, it's because i behaved like that with you unconsciously

But it's not complete....but I really want to show how I would as a boyfriend look if you give me a chance...."

Vegas felt desperate, ofcourse he is desperate...

" but I have one condition "...pete is nervous too

" I will agree to whatever it is " is quick to agree whatever Pete says

Pete glared at him...he wants Vegasto think it through before anything...

" I won't share a bed with you Vegas . I don't want you to kiss me "...

" Wait, What. How ?"

" Love is not about sex Vegas but our previous relationship is based mainly on that. I want you to see how you view our relationship outside of sex . That's why..."...

Vegas didn't say anything for a minute...

" I am willing to start again with you Vegas, but I don't want it to base solely on physical intimacy...

I am pouring my heart out for you again even though there is a chance that I will be hurt more if you didn't love me...I know that was a possibility...But I don't want my body to be for you again without knowing you love me or not.

And even though I am trying and not wanting to give importance , I was not ok with what people assumed of me... I won't agree that I was just a hook-up and I don't want to be called like that again....

So, I won't agree to physical intimacy till you say you love me, or till I asked for it ...

If you are ok with it, I am ready to date ..

You can call it dating or boyfriends .. I don't have any problem with that Vegas "....

Can he stay with Pete without touching him?..

" Do you need time to think about it? " Pete asked nervously... cause Vegas is not answering anything...

" No, I mean ....Yes..."...

Pete didn't understand what Vegas is saying no or yes to

" What I meant to say is that I agree with your proposition...I admit it's hard not to touch you or kiss you when it's the only thing I want to do from the minute you walk through the door, but I know you are hurt, pete . I want you to be comfortable with me . if me not kissing you or having sex is making you comfortable, i will do it pete "

Pete nodded " But another thing too ..if anytime you think that this is not working out tell me Vegas, just don't drag it..."...

Vegas nodded....

They both stayed silent not knowing what they should do now ....

" so, what should we do now?"... Vegas asked...

" I will be the same with you like previously , nothing gonna change from my side..." Pete said...." you?"...

Vegas smirked , God he got the confidence now after Pete agreed to date him....

" You'll see Baby "....

Pete blushed at the nickname again ....what do Vegas mean?

" I think I should go ".... Pete got up saying...

" What , now? " Vegas doesn't want Pete to go "Could you please stay for sometime? It's been so long "...

Pete looked at Vegas face,He never declined anything for Vegas in the past... who is he to do that now?

Pete nodded ...." But I am hungry. I lied to your mom, I was too nervous to eat anything "..

Vegas laughed ...

" I'll get you whatever you want. I will buy the entire restaurant for you if you ask now "...

End notes

I know you don't want Pete to cave that easily ,but I think his character is to take the chance when Vegas already said that he has feelings for Pete...

Let meet on Saturday again
