chapter 5

Chapter notes...

Hi, actually I forgot that I had to update yesterday...I made donuts and some Diy for my house, I was tired and forgot to update...

But here I am , it's going to be date for Pete but it won't go as don't have high expectations...

I think I am always weak for Vegas, I couldn't make him suffer...😭

Story starts

Even Though Pete is not happy and giggling on the island, he felt somewhat ok...

Far much Better than he felt in the city..

He felt insecure after being rejected by Vegas, he felt insecure for not knowing how things work there in the city...

He felt humiliated, pathetic, clingy ... .all at the same time just for loving a person with his whole Heart.

But after coming to his hometown he felt good ..he likes how he is...He doesn't want to change anything in himself ...

As Khun Nu said it's his nature to love a person with all of his heart. He only did that. So, he won't change himself because Vegas doesn't like him......

Maybe he is not ready right now to jump into a new relationship , but he still has hope in love . He just has to be careful in knowing the other person's intentions before proceeding further...

Yes, He could do that.

He didn't disclose what happened to his grandma, except saying he had a break up...

"I told you Pete, that person doesn't even want to visit here. It's good that you broke up with him. He is not suitable for you"...

Yeah, everytime Pete invited Vegas to come to his Island, Vegas never showed enthusiasm to visit his hometown...

It's because he didn't see you as boyfriend Pete, his mind supplied.

Pete groaned. He Should stop thinking about him, but it's tough because he knows Vegas treated him well...Pete never felt Vegas emotions fake. They felt genuine...Vegas affection never felt artificial to him....

It's the people around him and Vegas that made it artificial . For example Vegas friends and some Bodyguards , but from Vegas himself, never....

Maybe that's why he fell hard for the Minor family heir....

You are just a bodyguard, do you think Vegas would love you?...

He groaned again , God he should forget about those sentences....

He is good, no need for validation from anyone....

He came back after 3 days to the City. He wanted to stay some more in his hometown , but he couldn't take his boss' generosity as an advantage...

"My baby, I miss you...are you ok?".. Tankhun hugged him tightly the moment he stepped....

Pete smiled at his boss' enthusiasm...

Tankhun didn't say anything that day but from the next day onwards he started to nag him to go on a date with Fai, the bodyguard

" khun, i don't want be any relationship right now"

" I am not saying that you should be in a relationship. Just go on a date Pete. You promised me..."

" I don't want to give any hopes to anyone khun Nu...." Pete tried to convince his boss

" going on one date doesn't mean you are giving hope Pete..."

Pete sighed, he understood that he can't convince his boss, but he can talk to Fai right?

So he did...

" It's ok Pete, I know you just got out of a relationship. " Fai said and Pete smiled...

" thank you for understanding..."

" but you should go on a date with me..." Fai said cheekily

Pete rolled his eyes " you just said you understand. Now you are asking the same thing again. I don't have any feelings for you. and I don't want to give you any unnecessary hope"

Fai just smiled in response...

" Pete. You already clarified that, so I don't expect too much. I will accept any answer from you ...but after the date.."

" I..."

" your boss already promised me that you'll go on a date with me" Fai is ridiculously stubborn

Pete sighed... " ok, but I am saying this again ,it's just a friendly date, I am not seeking for any romantic relationships now..."

Fai gave him a thumbs up...

" So tomorrow dinner then, I'll take you"

Pete gave an awkward smile when Tankhun screamed from afar. Pete rolled his eyes at his boss' enthusiasm....

As Pete went away Arm looked at his boss

" Khun , won't you say that khun Vegas came here asking for Pete? "

Tankhun narrowed his eyes....

" Did you see Pete when he came back from that compound? He was devastated. No need to bring what my cousin did now.

I am sure he just came to rub salt in Pete's wounds......

Pete need not know that Vegas came asking for him"....


The next day tankhun was more enthusiastic than Pete, Pete didn't feel like going on a date...

It felt wrong to go on a date with someone when he still loves Vegas...

Actually It felt wrong going on a date with someone other than Vegas....

" doesn't he flirt with someone in front of you? If he doesn't care then, why would you? "his mind supplied ...

Pete sighed and went down the building ...

He saw Fai waiting for him with the flowers...

Suddenly Pete got a flashback with Vegas...

He always wanted to give and receive flowers when he was in a relationship... So when he was in love with Vegas, he gave the flowers to Vegas, but looking at Vegas face receiving the flowers Pete could understand that he doesn't like them,,,

" Don't you like flowers?" Pete asked cautiously....

" i don't, "

"Ok then "....

Pete never gave him flowers after that day...

" Pete" when Fai called him,he came back to this world...

" ha?"

" What are you thinking? Here , flowers for you"

" You don't need to Fai . As I said , It's just a friendly date"

" I know. But I got one date, let me try and do it correctly"

Pete felt awful....but nodded...

When they reached the restaurant in uber, he knew that it's high end restaurant...he definitely knew cause he came with Vegas several times to the same restaurant......

" Fai. We could go back to normal. This is so high end and expensive"

" I told you ,don't say anything today. Just follow me..."

Pete entered the restaurant. They sit in a normal area, he knows there are reserved VIPs here, he always had his dinners with Vegas in the VIP area here....

God, he should stop thinking about him now...

They ordered the food and he knows Fai is trying to engage him into the conversation. If they came here as friends, he would be fine ..but he doesn't want to encourage Fai...

He is just listening to Fai's life from childhood.

" Where are you from Pete?"...

" Island. " Just a one word answer...

" I am from chiangMai, I came here when I was "...

And he got a call from Porsche disturbing Fai's flow of storytelling...

Pete didn't lift the call the first time...but it's Porsche, of course he would call again...

" You went on a date? "...He could hear Porsche screaming.."

" I will take this call outside " Pete said to Fai and went into the lobby....

" Don't scream"

" How could I not? You didn't even tell me you are going on a date."

" It's just a friendly date. Not a date, date. That's it. I promised Tankhun, that's why I am here "

Suddenly Pete heard some voices which are familiar to him... he saw Vegas friends coming towards his direction...fuck

Pete moved away and turned around, God , he doesn't want to deal with them right now...

He could see they stopped in the lobby too.

Could his luck get any better today?...

" Should we call Vegas to come to the club?"

" Do you think he would bring that bodyguard? Last time was fire. We enjoyed teasing him so much "...

Pete balled his fists

" I'll call him" Somchai called and Pete could hear the ringtone...they put it on speaker..

Vegas lifted the call

" Vegas, we are going to the club. Come...and if you have that bodyguard bring him with you too"

" Pete went back to the main family " Pete could hear Vegas' voice,...

But why does it sound different and off?

'' Did you throw him out?' Somchai asked and Pete could hear happiness in his voice

" Pete came for work and went back. He is good at what he does. No need to throw him out."

Pete could hear Vegas' voice clearly...

" Well if he didn't act clingy..."

Somchai tried to add...

" He did not act clingy with me" Pete could hear a change in Vegas' voice, it felt like assertion...

Is Vegas defending him?

" ok dude, I called not to talk about him... I want to ask you to come to the club"

Vegas' voice became so low that Pete could hear a tremor in his tone...

" I...can't...Mr. Spikes has not been eating anything since yesterday... I am ..."

"Who? " Somchai interrupted him...

" My hedgehog ".. Vegas clarified

" ok," Somchai said, rolling his eyes and dismissing the call...

And all of them burst into laughter the moment Vegas cut the call...

" God, his hedgehog is not eating? And that's why he won't come. He is ridiculous"... they snickered among themselves ...

"Who would raise Hedgehog as a Pet?"...they went away laughing....

But Pete is concerned about Vegas' voice... He knows Vegas loves Mr. spikes. What happened to Mr. spikes? Did Vegas take him to the vet?

Vegas doesn't seem okay...

Pete, he doesnt give a fuck about you...why are you thinking about him?

But Vegas does, right? He didn't let his friends demean him just now?

He doesn't know what to do... he is nervous, how Vegas is

He called Macau...

" P'Pete?"

" Maca... khun Macau. "...Pete immediately corrected himself...

" Where are you?"

" I am on a school trip P'Pete. Did something happen?"

" Nothing, I just wanted to know how Vegas hedgehog is? I heard his health is not ok"

" The doctor said he was aged P'Pete. And he would die anytime..."

" What?"..

" Yeah..."...

" I hope he lives for some more days .... And Mom and dad are on vacation too...."...

Pete's mind is running wheels...

Fuck Pete understood Mr. spikes is not good, according to Vegas words.

And Vegas is not good and no one is there near him....


"Fuck it"....

He took a taxi and went to a minor family compound.

God, when would he forget Vegas? Why is he acting like a clingy ex-boyfriend?..would Vegas call him that?

He was stopped at the entrance itself by minor family bodyguards.....

" I want to meet khun Vegas"

They looked at each other, not knowing what to do..

" Atleast Can you call Nop?"

They nodded and when Nop gave the green signal ,they allowed him into the compound...

" Pete, is everything ok?" Nop didn't waste his time...

" I want to meet khun Vegas"

" He is in his room , he hasn't come out of his room since yesterday. I have a spare key to his room. Do you want to go?"...

Pete nodded....

When he used the Key he took a deep breath, before entering the room

This room has so many memories of him and Vegas together...he doesn't want to go inside, but he had to...

He opened the door and saw Vegas sitting on the bed with Mr. Spikes in his hand...

One look and Pete knows the situation is not looking good...

He went and sat beside Vegas on the bed..

" You didn't take him to the vet? "

" The doctor said he can't do anything. And Mr.spikes is not moving..."

Pete's eyes glistened...he knows what that means...

He put his hand on Vegas' shoulder...

" you need to say goodbye to him"

Vegas shook his head...

"It feels like all are going away from me these days"....

Pete felt his breath hitching...

" Sometimes, goodbyes are the best, Vegas. And now, you need to say Goodbye to him...Can I take him?"

When Pete took hedgehog into his arms , it felt cold. How long Vegas is holding Mr. Spikes like that...

He interlocked his hand with Vegas and took him to the back yard...

Vegas cried when he was burying Mr. spikes...

Pete didn't disturb him. He just brought some flowers and put them on the little burial...

" you took good care of him, I am sure he was happy with you"......

Pete took Vegas into his room and brought him the food from the kitchen...

" you need to eat, Nop said you haven't come out of this room since yesterday night..."

Vegas didn't say anything but ate the food after some minutes,

Pete sat in front of him this time and he doesn't know what he should do, should he go now?

Vegas looks ok now...and he finished eating...

His phone rang hatling his thoughts and he saw the caller Id...


Fuck, he left Fai there at the restaurant....

" Shit" he mumbled out loud and answered the call...

" I am so sorry...I didn't mean to..." Pete tried to give the explanation as soon as he lifted the call ...

" Where am I ? "... Pete mumbled

" I am ... "... Pete looked at Vegas who was watching him intently...he got up and moved far to one corner in the room ..

" Fai , there was some emergency...." he lowered his tone trying not to let vegas hear him

" shit Fai, I know I should have informed you ... .I am so sorry..."...he whispered again...

"Oh god, I even left the flowers you brought me " Pete unknowingly raised his voice again and Vegas heard him this time....

Vegas who was thinking it was a work call till now , shocked when he heard someone bought flowers for Pete....

And for the first time in the night , he looked at Pete...He looked at what Pete wore...he was not in his bodyguard uniform...

Pete was dressed fancy.....

" I shouldn't have left you at the restaurant like that. I'll pay you for the food,"....

Vegas didn't blink once, his heart is beating fast....

" No, please I will pay you back , I know Chaos restaurant, it is a costly one . I'll pay you back. Please don't say no"...

Chaos, Pete's favourite restaurant, the one Vegas always takes Pete to....but now somebody took Pete to that restaurant instead of's hurting...

Pete smiled into the Phone 

" thank you for understanding me ".

But it turned grim instantly...

" another date?" Pete said out loud, he forgot that he is vegas right now ...

Vegas eyes darkened...he clenched his fists...

" Listen to me, you already know ..."...

" I know Pete , sorry ,I just tried, it's ok Pete. I know you are not interested in the date . you didn't like to know about me. Maybe we shouldn't have forced you into this date Pete

But I like us to be friends Pete. Your gang seems cool"

Pete laughed...

Vegas wants to rip the phone off from Pete, who the fuck making Pete laugh like that...?

" Trust me , you don't feel like this if you spend time with us." Pete spoke into the phone

''anyway Pete, I bought some ice cream and gave it to Tankhun to give it to you. Enjoy the ice cream, I know I made you awkward throughout the date .."

" I'll definitely finish the ice cream " Pete smiled and cut the call in relief

God, he doesn't need to go on another awkward date now.... He smiled to himself

Pete felt a piercing gaze on him....Fuck, did Vegas heard everything?

He shrugged his shoulders the next second...It didn't matter even if he heard it...

Vegas looks ok and he can go now...

" I'll go now " Pete tried to move fastly...

But before he could open the door he felt a grip on his wrist and in a blink he was turned around and got Caged the wall...

Pete saw Vegas eyes boring holes to him in anger....


The next sentence Vegas spoke passed fucking shivers through his spine....

" Finish that date today and see if your date will be alive tomorrow"....

Pete widened his eyes in shock....

End notes

So, next update on Saturday itself.

What would Pete do? What would vegas say?

Would vegas confess to Pete? Let's see

I forgot to ask one thing, If i print a book of any of my story (your choice of story)  and giveaway 3 or 5 books to Indians (international shipping is too costly) for free , would you want it?
