chapter 2

Chapter notes

Ok, the next one is here...thank you for your comments...I always enjoy reading them..

Story starts

Vegas looked at where Pete Was standing a minute ago ...and Pete's not there now...

Where is Pete?

Something clenched in his heart....

" Where is Pete?...".. he asked, looking at them...

"He went away" Porsche answered blankly

Vegas could see the glare from Pete's friend....

He wants to see Pete...

He got up but Somchai stopped him....

" Where are you going dude?, you just came."..

Vegas didn't know what to say...

" Don't tell me you are going to Pete. Thank God, you clarified to him. Just stay here "...

But Vegas doesn't want too...

" I ..." Vegas paused....

" I am....I am not interested today...." Vegas said immediately and went away before anyone could stop him....

His bike automatically took him to the Main family compound...

He checked Pete's room, he's been to Pete's room so many times...

But Pete is not there...

Vegas doesn't know why his heart is beating loudly...

He has these conflicting emotions that he hurted Pete on one side on the other side he felt like he didn't do anything...

He has a gut feeling that Pete would be in Tankhun's room.

He went and knocked on the door, it came more aggressive than he thought...

Arm opened the door , " is Pete here?"...he didn't wait to ask the question...

" khun Vegas..." Arm is hesitating to answer....

" Is he here?" Vegas raised his Voice...he is getting impatient

" Yes, Khun Vegas..."

Vegas tried to come into the living section of Tankhun's abode...

" Khun Vegas, I'll inform Khun Nu, could you please wait"....Arm tried to stop him....

Tankhun is glaring at him today more than usual....His eyes scream murder literally...

" Why are you here? Is it not enough what you have done? Is there any balance that you want to finish now ?"...

Vegas gritted his teeth...

" I need to talk to Pete once"...

" No need,Pete already knows what he should have known some months back"....

" Tankhun, don't try to play now...I just want to talk to him "... Vegas is becoming impatient and he decides to barge into Tankhun's bedroom.

" I am saying No ".... Tankhun stood against the door halting Vegas...

" Khun Nu".... They both heard bedroom door opening with a small voice

" Pete"... Tankhun looked at Pete, but Vegas couldn't see from this angle..

" It's ok , khun Nu"...

Pete Said and opened the door fully....Vegas could see the traces of tear stained cheeks...

Pete cried, and it made an ugly twist in his heart....

" Pete , after what he did".... Tankhun tried to reprimand him...

" I didn't do anything" Vegas immediately went into defence mode....and Pete closed his eyes...

" It's ok, khun Nu ..I didn't talk with him at the club and we need closure "....

Tankhun looked at Vegas... No ....glares at Vegas...

" Ok , you can talk to him in the living room, we will be in my bedroom" ..... Tankhun said and Arm and Pol followed him to the bedroom...

Pete looked at Vegas...Vegas wants to defend himself, he didn't do anything wrong...

" Vegas"....

" Pete, I didn't know that you were thinking about us like that....I never said that I wanted a relationship with you"....

" I didn't know about this all Vegas, from where I came from, this is not all there....

I don't know the terms hook-up are fuck buddies. Maybe that's why I didn't question anything...."....

Vegas doesn't know what to say....but he had to

" I am sorry if I acted insensitive, It's not my intention. I am sorry that I made you cry "...

" I am sorry for being clingy , I didn't know I was acting like that ".... Pete answered him...


Pete tried not to break down in front of Vegas, he doesn't want to drag this anymore...

" If there is nothing more, I'll go to my room Khun Vegas"...

Vegas is surprised to hear Khun from's been so long since Pete called him that....

And now it felt so Foreign from his lips and Vegas quickly realised he didn't like the sound of it now...

" You can call me Vegas. We are familiar with each other already"....

" Our Familiarity is not the same anymore Khun Vegas. And I don't want others to misunderstand me anymore. You are my Boss...and if there is nothing , I'll take my leave "

Pete bowed to him and this time he went away to his room...

Tankhun, who heard everything, came and cleared his throat...

" You can go now. No need to act like an abandoned lover " Tankhun snarled at his cousin who was still looking at the path Pete went away...

" Why are you acting like I made a mistake, Tankhun?. I didn't say any time that we are in a relationship. He just assumed "....

"Nothing you choose to defend now can make Pete normal right now Vegas. My bodyguard is hurt because of you"...

Tankhun is done and Before closing the door on Vegas face...

Tankhun wanted to say the last words...

" You don't know what you lost now my will know when it's already late. "


For the following week, Vegas didn't try to think about Pete once.

He tried to follow the routine back when Pete was not mingled with his life.

Pete is just someone who is just temporary in his life right?

Vegas thinks he is doing good not feeling guilty or thinking about Pete and he feels everything is fine for a week ..

He is fine right?...No...

But after a week, he started to feel something different in the routine

The first thing he noticed is there are no Good morning messages from pete....

Vegas is so used to Pete's messages every morning... he always sends cute kitten videos to him...

Today it's empty ..., yes it's empty from a week back...

But it felt like today it sinked on to him finally, that he won't get any funny messages from Pete anymore...

Vegas is looking at his phone constantly waiting for something from morning to night.

It felt weird to see it empty....When it should feel normal.

Honestly Vegas should be relieved that he always thinks Pete is acting more than the relationship they have sex...

But how when the last thought on his mind is always Pete nowadays?


On the other hand, Pete felt miserable when he woke up the next day...

The first thing he did is to pick up his phone to send a message to Vegas....

When it dawned on him that he doesn't have the right, he tried to stop the tears from falling again.

He clutched his phone tightly in his hand, stopping himself to greet Vegas, like daily....

" Pete , you can't "..... he tried to tell himself....

He sat on his bed without getting down from there to start his morning...

He couldn't stop thinking about everything

They are just fuck buddies? he still doesn't understand the concept of sleeping everyone said....

He felt love in their relationship....

But Vegas didn't....

And now he needs to accept that Vegas didn't love him....and he should move in with his life...

He needs to, it's gonna be tough but he has to.... He doesn't have any other choice....

His boss didn't talk about it and Pete didn't talk about it...

But he started to realise some changes in the people around him...

And within a week, Pete understood that everyone thinks that their relationship is Friends with benefits, not lovers ....

No bodyguard in the Main family compound thinks that he is in a relationship with Vegas...

He is the only naive one who thought like this...


Pete is in Gun training and somebody came to train along with him...

He is doing the Gun training regularly, mainly to stop his thoughts from spiralling....

Pete removed his ear muffins to load the bullets again...

" Hi , Pete"...

"Hi "... Pete said while loading....

" Pete, don't think about this otherwise. But it's so good to see you stop acting like Khun Vegas boyfriend Pete ..."...

Pete's hands halted...

"it's so cringy to watch Pete"...another one added......

" What?..."... Pete could feel his hands shaking....

" Yeah... Pete , it was so bad you always ran towards the front door every time you knew khun Vegas came here....

And How you always try to talk to him like he is obligated to talk to you after the meeting ends like he is waiting for you...

I mean you are my friend, but it was horrible to see...

We are glad you stopped it ..."

Pete turned away to shoot, his vision was blurry...He emptied the Gun and every single shot was missed...

He placed the Gun and returned from the training room.

It's one thing you realise you acted out of norm but it's humiliating to hear from another person...

Pete felt humiliated....he just loved someone, then why does everyone make him humiliated?....

He felt pathetic for the first time after coming to the city....


Vegas avoided coming to the Main family compound after the confrontation with Pete. It felt ok and easy for the first week...

Then on when he goes on realising that he is getting anxious and feels like something is missing....

he feels he is this close to losing his mind...

He focused on doing work mostly and now the time has come for him to visit the Main family compound cause he fucked up a deal.

He and Kinn fucked up a major collaboration and he is now dreaded that he has to see Pete in the compound along with his failure.

He doesn't know how to react in front of Pete right now. Not when he is doubting something himself about the relationship they have....

He was seated in the boardroom when he saw doors opening and his elder cousin entered ...

His heart beat fast and his eyes searched behind Tankhun, Arm and Pol followed them and that's it....

He immediately turned his head towards the other side , he was frustrated for sure....

"Let's talk about the failed collaboration" Korn started and there was a pin drop silence...

Tankhun looked at his brother and his cousin's face, and understood that they were sad....

This deal is important to them.... He knows that. And he knows that their fathers don't blame them, but he is agitated because Vegas and Kinn blame themselves too much...

They are just turned adults in this mafia world , they are working not like all the mighty old leaders....they'll learn in the future ....but these idiots....

Tankhun Knows they are blaming themselves

" Is there any way we can salvage the deal?". Korn asked directly ...and both shook their heads....

Korn and Gun looked at each other...

" Ok, we want a detailed report of what you presented to them....we will see if there are any discrepancies and we will modify it in the future collaboration proposals..."...

They nodded and Korn and Gun went away....

But Vegas and Kinn sat there without moving an inch like losers ..

Tankhun sighed...." It's over ok...don't beat yourselves for this ....Uncle and dad did not blame you right? "...

" That's the problem, We didn't get the deal...they should blame us"... Kinn raised his Voice and Vegas stayed silent but Tankhun could bet that his stupid cousin agreed to that in silence......

Porsche came near Kinn...." Don't talk like that , please don't blame yourself too much...." said and He held his hand....

Vegas looked at them....for the first time something sting in his heart looking at their relationship....

It reminded him of Pete and him for a second....

You have a relationship like that too, his brain supplied...

He does not want to stay there...He got up and announced his goodbye....

He does not know what to do..

He doesn't want to go home....

He went to the club and his friends had already started to drink....

" What's with the face dude?"... Somchai asked....

" I lost a deal" ...

" Did your father say anything?"...

" No,"..

" Then, enjoy dude ..your father is chill....If he doesn't scold you , why are you thinking?...It's just one deal.

Just chill and drink daddy's boy, Enjoy your youth. You are already working like your life depends on it...".... Somchai laughed along with others....

For the first time Vegas felt uncomfortable in the presence of his friends...that's not the words he wants to hear right now....

It's not just about one deal. He worked hard for it all these days for nothing. His work totally went into waste...

He doesn't want to hear that it's nothing....

He wants to hear.... Pete

Don't think about him....He supplies his mind, you don't have any relationship with him right now..

He lifted his drink up to chug it down in one go...but he couldn't ....

" Don't drink if you didn't eat dinner Vegas"....Pete would have said the words if he was here....

He couldn't stay in the bar,his mind was restless....

He got up and went away...he bet his friends didn't notice his departure .....

Before he could grasp he was in front of the main family compound....his legs automatically took him to the terrace ..

It's like the same night again....

Vegas lost a deal and he was low, but Pete took his hand and took him to his room...he thought Pete wants to fuck and Vegas didn't say anything....maybe he can do that...

But Pete went out and came with plates filled.with food ....and signalled Vegas to follow him to the terrace...

" Why are we here?"...

Because khun Nu will come to my room if I don't go to his room, tonight's movie night....I don't want him to disturb you....

" Why would it bother if he would disturb me?"..."...

" You are sad, Vegas"...

" I am not"... Vegas tried to defend himself

" It's ok to admit...."...

" I fucked up Pete".... Vegas admitted finally when they reach the terrace

" I know you are beating yourself up , but things will be fine Vegas...."...

" I let down my papa"... he said sitting, leaning on the wall...

" I bet your father won't think like that...moreover he will think you tried your best"...

" No....I am a failure..."...

" You tried Vegas, that's a success...just think of this as a stepping stone ..."...

Vegas didn't say anything....

" Come on eat..."..

" I am not hungry"...

" You shouldn't say that Vegas... I lied in the cafeteria that this plate is for Arm...Arm is sacrificing the food today for you shouldn't waste"...

Vegas smirked lightly and ate the food on the terrace....along with Pete

After finishing the food, they didn't get up...Pete is looking at the sky...

"Vegas, you said you'd show me Stars, when will you?"...

Vegas choked , because Vegas didn't mean that literally....

He said it sensually to get Pete into his bed the first he met him, but Pete still thinks it's about the stars...

Vegas is flooded with the memories from that night....

Pete came to him before he even realised he needed him...

But now he is alone staring into the sky on the terrace....with his loneliness accompanying him...

If Pete would have been here maybe he would have asked the same question about stars again...

He wants to forget today...he wants to hear that he tried his best...even if he failed...

For the first time after the confrontation ,Vegas could admit that he missed Pete ... his heart and his body both missed him...

He never thought he needed Pete at one moment emotionally. He never thought he connected emotionally with Pete...

He needs Pete now...

But what he doesn't understand is why? Why does he need Pete? Vegas had many people in his bed before Pete, but why is Pete special?

Suddenly he heard a noise from the stairs and looked at it that way....


Tankhun said what happened at the boardroom , and now Pete is anxious for Vegas....

He should not think about Vegas now., he need not to...Vegas is an adult ,he could take care of himself....

All adults can't take care of themselves all the time ....everyone needs a partner...

But you are not vegas partner ...When would you understand that? Shut up and sit down

He would have sat down and tried to control himself , but he saw Vegas coming again to the Main family compound and going up through the stairs...

What is Vegas doing here? Is he ok?

Pete followed Vegas silently....he saw Vegas looking at the night sky...

It's just not Vegas that is flooded with memories today, it's Pete too...

Pete looked at him thinking is Vegas ok? He wants to ask him is he ok?

But he can't meet him right?...

He decided to go back but he didn't see the empty beer bottle on the stairs, when he turned back he unknowingly struck the glass and it made a loud sound....

Fuck....No no....

God, Vegas would think he is a stalker....he doesn't want to appear pathetic in front of Vegas again

he started running back with the words whispering into his ear...

It was so cringe Pete, following Vegas everywhere....

He started to hear Vegas footsteps following him...

And Vegas could hear the footsteps going away....

Is it Pete?...

He ran .....he wants to see Pete ,right now ..

Trying to Avoid Pete the whole week took a toll on him, he now wants to see Pete...

He ran behind the person, Vegas could hear Footsteps but he missed the person...

Vegas reached Pete's room and opened it immediately, Pete's not there....

That means...

Pete ran to khun's room and started panting...

" What?..."..

" Vegas is coming, Khun ..... please don't that say I am here...."...

" Breathe Pete"....

" Please don't let him know I followed him, I don't want him to think I am pathetic"...

" Pete , you are not pathetic "....

They both heard the knock on Tankhun's door

" you sit here, Pete"...

Tankhun opened his living room door and rolled his eyes at Vegas

" What?"...

" Pete's not in his room. He's here?"..

" Why do you need Pete?"...

"Tell me, is Pete here?"...

"No, he is not"....

Vegas glared at Tankhun,

"he is not in his room, that means he will be here in a small time...

He ran from the terrace...."..

Pete is hearing every word, his heart is racing....

" No, he didn't run from any terrace. He was in this room for 2 hrs"...

"But you just said he is not here cousin"...

Tankhun gritted his teeth

" I told you that because you don't have any business with Pete now"..

"I could decide if I had anything with him or not. Now, I want to talk to Pete"...

Vegas tried to enter but Tankhun stopped him...

" No, we are watching a drama. He was with me the whole time. We are in the middle of the episode "...

" Pete's not watching the drama ...he ran after seeing me. He was on the stairs"

" No, he didn't ...he was with's our movie night..."...

" You are lying khun, Pete came to the terrace...and it's not even your movie night schedule "...

" What did you know about my schedule?".. Tankhun shouted...

" Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are your movie night schedules ...remaining days he'll retire early...He does not have any shift in the nights except your movie nights ."...

Tankhun released something....He narrowed his eyes...

" How do you know my schedule?"...

" Cause Pete comes to me the remaining four days every week except your schedules and if I call he would come to me on your scheduled night too... That's why I know "... Vegas shouted back...

Now both Tankhun and Vegas realised the same thing....

" Why did you know that Vegas? "...

Vegas doesn't have an answer this time to say and he quickly realised he knows every schedule about Pete from morning to night of every day....

And he doesn't understand why remembers Pete's schedule....

Pete's not his boyfriend, he's just a hookup , then why does he know everything about Pete's schedule...?

Because Vegas even started to call him even on the days of the movie nights, because he wants to spend the night with Pete on the scheduled nights too...

and Pete always comes to him ...every single time and they spend almost every night together for the past three months...

Vegas just turned around and went away...he does not know what to do with the information he got now....

Tankhun came to the bedroom and now he is confused ....does Vegas feel for Pete more than he thinks?....


A lot of emotions are swirling in Vegas' mind , does he like Pete? He doesn't have any answer to that...

But one thing for sure is he is missing Pete....

So that's why , he started visiting the Main family compound in the name of work....In Fact today's the first time after the terrace incident...

He was walking towards the board room when he got a glimpse of Pete...

Pete is walking in front of him with Tankhun....they both stopped...and vegas felt like time stopped moving for a second...

If felt so long he saw Pete's face...

Pete is the one who recovered first....

He bowed to Vegas ,

" Come on, Pete..."... Tankhun took his bodyguard away before Vegas could even approach him....

He clenched the fingers into a fist....

He needs to do something, he did in fact... he tried to make Pete assist him and Kinn in the report making...

But his elder cousin is too cunning... he didn't let Pete stay alone with him for a second....Tankhun sat beside Pete the whole time...

" Why are you here?".. Vegas asked, he was irritated...

" I don't have anything to do. My bodyguard is here right , I am here...and Don't worry my dear cousin...I am here to help you"...

Vegas is so close to losing his shit, but he can't do anything ...

" Pete , could you pass those papers? "...

Before Pete could take them , Tankhun handed them over to Vegas with a big smile...

When it's lunch time, Pete got up saying he would bring food to them...Tankhun got up too...

" I think Pete could bring food, you don't need to follow him all the time, cousin"...

Tankhun glared at him....

Vegas is looking at the door waiting for Pete to come inside with food...

God, he is desperate for even 10 sec of Pete's time now...

When the door opened he saw Arm and Pol bringing them food, he saw his cousin smirking...

Fuck...why Tankhun Is doing this?...

Throughout the day , nothing happened like he wanted...

The second he asks Pete anything, Tankhun starts to disturb them...and then Pete ignores him completely for Tankhun..

It felt like a bitch when Pete chose Tankhun over him now. In the past Pete always chose him...

Vegas is so frustrated by the end of the evening...

He liked challenges, if anyone didn't show interest in him , he liked to play and made them look in his direction...

But he doesn't want to play that game with Pete, he wants Pete's unwavered attention on him

Actually Pete gave him his unwavered attention the whole 6months....Vegas basked in his attention....

But now, if felt like someone is punching his heart whenever Pete averted his gaze from him...

Vegas attempts to hold Pete's attention failed terribly....


The next day Porsche said that someone asked for a date with Pete to Tankhun....

From that moment Tankhun is nagging him who he is....

" Pete, go on a date..."...

" I am not interested, khun Nu"......

" You'll be interested if you go..."..

" I don't want to lie to the date ...I am just not interested in any relationship Khun Nu..."...

" To Tell the truth.....every story is not love at first sight Pete, maybe you'll be interested after going on a date..."..

" khun Nu please, I don't want to talk about this anymore"...

Pete said with a finality and Tankhun obliged


Today is the day when khun Kinn and khun Vegas will submit the report of what went wrong...

Pete was waiting inside, and he saw Vegas and Kinn submitting reports to the heads...

Vegas Is nervous, Pete could see....

He wants to say to Vegas that it will be fine....but it's not his place anymore....

After waiting for 1 hour at the meeting , khun korn and khun gun said it's a good report...They did it right and it's wrong for the others to not proceed with the collaboration....

Pete could see their relieved faces, he smiled looking at Vegas...

When Vegas lifted his head up , Pete averted his eyes immediately...

Look at me Pete...

And as the meeting was dismissed, everyone went outside...

Today His boss, Tankhun, didn't come to the meeting....

Pete stayed inside as he had to clear the files on the table and place them in a safe rack...

He finished the work and went outside and saw Tawan standing beside his boss Tankhun and Khun Kinn was livid....

" Why the fuck are you here talking to my brother?".... kinn shouted at his ex boyfriend...

Tawan is khun kinn's ex...

Kinn threw out Tawan literally from the compound ..and now they all witnessed it and at present All bodyguards are standing in front of Kinn and Vegas

" How the fuck would you allow Tawan near my brother?"

"He said he came to talk to you khun kinn"... one answered, most probably the one who allowed Tawan into the compound....

" Would you allow anyone inside if they say that? You are here to guard, guarding is the only job you have ....what are you doing if not that?...." Vegas shouted at them this time and no one tried to justify their mistakes this time ....

"What would you do if Tawan harmed Tankhun. Don't you know the basic rule that no one could enter the compound without permission? What are you even working for?"... Vegas shouted again....

All hung their heads down...

Pete is looking at Vegas With some realisation but Vegas didn't see him...


After everything is over....Pete sat in the Tankhun's room watching some drama with his boss in the middle.....

" Fuck, how dare Tawan enter the home?"... Arm mumbled and Tawan muted the television...

" We are sorry to leave you khun" Arm and Pol asked for forgiveness at the same time...

" You didn't make any mistake ...what are the guards doing on the lower floors?....". Tankhun rolled his eyes with an evident frown......

But Pete is just looking at the TV even when there is no sound...

" Pete"... Tankhun shook him....and Pete jerked off...

" What are you looking at? It's muted"...

" Nothing Khun, can I go to sleep? I am tired".... Pete said avoiding his boss' gaze...

"Is everything ok?"...

Pete tried to give him an assurance smile..."Yes, I just felt exhausted today ...that's it"...

But that night Pete didn't sleep..... he just laid on his bed thinking about something only he knows ., something he did...


How do someone realise they miss someone?

Ask Vegas, as he is realising that now again and again...

He is missing Pete much...

" Hia, why did P' Pete not come nowadays?"...

What should Vegas answer? " He is busy"...

Macau mumbled " But P'Pete's never been busy for you"

That statement hit more than it should to Vegas...Pete's never been busy for him...never...

Vegas never played that cat and mouse with Pete....

Now when he is trying , he absolutely hates it...

He wants to spend time with Pete, the nights become more and more lonely....

Pete would sleep at random places sometimes and Vegas is the one who carries him to this bedroom and tuck him into his bed...

Now his bed seems too lonely without him.....

All these months there are rare nights that Pete didn't sleep beside him ...

Vegas is so accustomed to it , so much that one night , Pete didn't come to him and Vegas was already restless at that time...

He couldn't sleep and it's midnight and he got a call from the front guards that Pete is here...

Vegas checked his call log, Pete didn't call him...Pete always messaged him before coming after the first time....

Why didn't pete call him ?

Is it an emergency?...

Vegas never ever was scared like that night , the moment he saw Pete ...he sinked Pete's form in his eyes...

Pete's fine....

"What happened?, you didn't even call me"... Vegas placed his hand on Pete's cheek...looking into his eyes...

" Sometimes I can't sleep alone, Vegas ... It would feel strange....I want to cuddle someone to feel secure...".... pete said with a low voice

Vegas hugged him tightly....and cuddled him all night...

Vegas is reminded of the memory of how much he was scared that night...

He didn't understand how he felt then, even now He doesn't understand his feelings...

But one thing is he wants Pete's attention on him....he is getting frustrated....but he needs Pete's attention on him right now

and he needs to find out his feelings...or the extent of the feelings ..He definitely can't find out if they are away from each other...


Pete got called to the conference room and Tankhun came along with him...

Pete bowed to the old heads of the family...

" Khun korn"...

"Khun Gun"...

" Yes, Pete.... Vegas is asking for your assistance for a deal he wants to close....he said you worked together on that collaboration previously with Mr .lee"...

Before Pete could say anything Tankhun objected...

" You can't assign Pete to him, papa. I don't agree. Pete's mine ."...

" It's just a 2 day deal Tankhun ... .you'll be fine"...

" Papa, Vegas is doing this know ...."Tankhun glared at Vegas...

Now Korn has become mad...

" Pete, You should not affect your personal life with your profession... I don't expect these kinds of things from you " Khun korn raised his voice....

Pete looked at them gulping ...

" Khun korn, I don't have any objections Regarding this work...."...

"Pete, No, don't listen to Papa".... Tankhun tried to object again...

"Khun Nu, it's my work. Khun korn , nothing will disturb my work. I'll do as you say..."..

" Ok, then need to stay in the Minor family compound for 3 days .... You can pack and go with him"....

" Now Papa?"... Tankhun shouted again....

" Tankhun , you are acting like he is a child. We lost one collaboration. We shouldn't repeat that again ".... this time Gun tried to reprimand his Nephew...

" Ok Khun Gun, I'll go and pack now..."...

Pete bowed and went back to his room... with Tankhun following behind him...

When they reached the room , Tankhun shut the door

" Pete , you shouldn't have agreed , I could have talked to my Papa.. you are still hurting. It's just been 2 weeks......"..

Pete stopped and turned towards him...

" khun, I am happy you are thinking about me....but can I avoid working with khun Vegas all my life? ... he is my boss and I was the one who thought it was more than What it is.

You tried to protect me all week, but the truth is I have to face this.

Maybe I'll be strong and forget him if I face the situation myself this time. You can't protect me all the time Khun Nu......"

" Pete, I don't get a good feeling about this..."..

" Khun"....

" No, I won't allow it. I'll talk to Papa"... Tankhun opened the door to go back to the boardroom..

" Khun, Nu"... Pete stopped him...

" you can't convince me Khun Nu, I decided..."....

Tankhun narrowed his eyes....

" I will allow you if you agree to my condition ...."...

Pete is sceptical but " tell me, what it is"..

" Fai asked you on a date right?. I observed him all this time. He is a good person. If you agree to go on a date with him, I'll allow you to go"...

Pete widened his eyes....


" Yes"..

" khun, that's absurd..."...

" It's not Pete need to move on"...

" Then, Going on a date is not the solution. I don't have any feelings towards him"....

" Go for one date, Pete....if you are not interested after that i won't force you"...

Tankhun showed his puppy eyes....

" Khun"...

" I want that promise, Pete. I don't know how you will return from the Minor family compound. "...

Pete sighed...." Ok khun ,Promise "....

Vegas is waiting for Pete, but suddenly he is scared that his cousin would do something...

He walked towards Pete's room and heard Pete promising Tankhun....

" What do you make him promise for ?".. Vegas asked Tankhun....

" None of your business cousin".... Tankhun said with sass....

Vegas rolled his eyes and looked at Pete , this time with longing " Shall we go"...

Pete nodded...

And Tankhun followed them down....

When they reached downstairs, two cars came and Pete knew the drill...

Nop and vegas in one car and remaining bodyguards in another one....

Vegas opened the door to get into his seat and thought Pete will sit in the back seat with him like every time....

But Pete went to the bodyguard's car....

And Vegas just stood like that clutching the opened door....

Tankhun shook Vegas....

" Things won't be the same Vegas. I don't understand why you are not getting the memo...

I don't know what you are playing, taking him to your home but if he is crying while returning from your home ...You'll see what I'll do. I won't spare you."....

Tankhun words exactly sounded like a warning...

Vegas didn't say anything to counter Tankhun, cause he understood it's not the same anymore....

Vegas and Pete aren't the same now...

Now, Vegas is the eldest heir of the Minor family and Pete is the head bodyguard of the Main family...

End notes

I hope this chapter is upto your liking...

I can't post this week at all, that's why early chapter

Which character do you like in this fic so far?
