
Amy P.O.V

Why did Dan and Alfie help me? I would of been perfectly fine!

"You should really watch where you're going." Zoe chuckled, putting a plaster on my head.

"Oh I don't know, maybe when there's 4 dangerous bimbos chasing you, you don't think 'I should really watch out for that rock.'" I giggled sarcastically.



"HOUSEKEEPING!" Luke shouted, while him and Jai collapsed on the floor with their sleeping bags. They army shuffled towards us, then stood up and sat on Ammie's bed.

"ROOM SERVICE." Jack shouted, him and Finn running in and literally dolphin diving onto Zoe's bed.

"I'M HERE - YOUR LIVES JUST GOT 10 TIMES BETTER." Caspar shouted, sitting on the floor along with Alfie and Sam.

"I HAVE SWEETS PEASANTS." Dan said, coming in with Phil.

"Sharing is caring." I said, diving for his Haribo Tangfastics.

After about 3 hours of truth or dare, we were getting really bored.

"I say we get some sleep." Alfie said.

"Yeah me too." Jai agreed. The bed arrangements were Ammie on her bed Zoe on her bed, Sam had called dibs on my bed which left me, Phil, Dan, Luke, Jai, Caspar, Jack and Finn all huddled up on the floor. Everyone said their goodnights, and soon enough, everyone went to sleep.

LOL! Of course we didn't go straight to sleep!

Since nobody apart from Alfie and Jai were asleep, we decided to sneak out of the cabin into Area 3, to get an actual look on what it was.

"We'll go inside in pairs. I volunteer Amy and Dan first." Caspar said, pushing me and Dan from behind the bush and into the road which led to Area 3.

"What are we doing?" I whispered.

"Going to our deaths." Dan whispered back, grabbing my arm and making us duck. I crawled over to the window and peeked above it, to see Chloe and Natalie dancing about to Rebecca Black in their bright pink pyjamas. I fell from squatting on my knees, causing a twig to snap, and lights to come on.

"Abort abort abort abort!" Dan whispered, grabbing my hand and running back to the others. Once we had reached the others, we grabbed them and hid behind the big bush, just before Chloe came out in her slippers inspecting the area. I looked behind me, to see Dan's arm around my lower back, making sure I was low. I looked over to Ammie, who was making kiss faces to me and Dan. I stuck my tongue out at her, then looked back to see Chloe walking over to us with a torch.

"Run!" I whispered, and we legged it into my cabin.

"We. Are NEVER. Doing that again." Sam said panting.

"I agree." Phil said.

"Okay, now we all need sleep." Luke said. Once everyone was asleep, I heard rustling from outside. I got up from my sleeping bag and looked out of the window, to see about 20 teenagers in hoodies - including Chloe - all gathered outside of my cabin. I ninja rolled back into my sleeping bag, and ended up falling asleep listening to their conversation.

I strangely woke up huddled up into Alfie, my head in his chest and his arms around my shoulders.

Aww, he smells of coconut..

Wait what?!

I looked up to find Sam taking a photo, and everyone else laughing their heads off.

"I hate you all." I said, laughing myself.

The entire day just dragged, nobody really did anything productive apart from move everyone's stuff back into their own cabins. It was about 11 at night, when I heard the same rusting and shouting I did last night. I looked outside the window again, to see tons of teenagers with knives, alcohol, the works. I picked up my phone and called Dan.

Dan: "Sup?"

Me: "Look. Outside. Now."

Dan: "... Oh balls."

Me: "What a nice way to put it."

Dan: "Um.. What do we do?"

Me: "Get the others to get their sleeping bags and whatever and come into this cabin."

Dan: "Isn't Alfie's cabin bigger?"

Me: "True. We'll meet there then, see you."

Dan: "Bye."

I walked over to Ammie and Zoe and shaked them.

"Guys wake up!" I said.

"What?" Ammie said groggily.

"Look outside." I said, pointing to the window.

"What the heck?!" She exclaimed, making me and Zoe shush her.

"Dan is getting everybody to meet in Alfie's cabin, so we need to go." I explained.

"Okay, one at a time?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah, I'll go first." I volunteered. I quietly opened the door and snuck behind them as they were facing the road. I accidentally made a twig snap, which made them turn around.

"Hi, um, I was just going to see my friend, have a nice night, bye!" I said, and tried to sprint over to the cabin.

"What friend? Is he hot?" Chloe said.

"Ew, he's like my brother." I responded.

"Then I'll have him." She grinned. Okay that just pushed my buttons.

"Um, no you're not." I said, standing infront of her while she tried to get into Alfie's cabin.

"Yeah I am." She demanded, pushing me to the floor.

"ALFIE LEG IT!" I shouted over to his cabin, which he didn't hear.

"Ugh, just let her go, I'm tired and you'll get the boy later." Kirsti whined. I stood up and sprinted to the cabin everyone was in. Obviously I'd been a distraction for Ammie and Zoe to sneak past.

Huh. Thanks guys!

"Okay, NOBODY talks to them again." Sam said. We nodded and all fell asleep in a big messy huddle in the middle of the floor.


Okay okay, I'm worn out! 3 chapters in 1 night, I'm so tired D: anyways.. Good night guys!:)

