Abandoned hospital?

So this is going to turn into a horror sort of thing, (but it gets better) cause I got this idea from Pewdiepie (Brofist!) playing Siren: The Dead Curse and I was like "IDEA ALERT ABORT ABORT." so yeah.. XD


Amy P.O.V

After everyone had woken up and had breakfast and yadda yadda yadda, Zoe told us all to get a bag with a weapon in (Don't ask.) Our phones fully charged, a full bag of sweets each and a bottle of water each. To be quite honest, I was just as paranoid as she was, so I put a small bat into my bag, a full Haribo Tangfastics Fun Size packet (A/N THEY DO EXIST - I SAW ONE IN ASDA THE OTHER DAY AND IT WAS MASSIVE!!! It's like £3 :O) and put in a spare bottle of water just in case.

"Ready?" Phil asked everyone once everyone had gathered into a small little group outside.

Well, I hardly doubt a group of 12 people is a little group..

"Yep, which way are we going?" Jack asked. We decided to go out of the camp since 'It would be more of an adventure' according to Sam. We walked for like 3 hours until we reached an entrance to a creepy looking car park with no cars, a huge building at the other side, which had a sign on, a sign which we couldn't read.

"I say we go in there." Caspar said.

"I say we don't." Ammie replied.

"Oh come on! Please? Like Sam said, it'll be an adventure." Jai pursuaded her.

"I'll even hold your hand." Jack offered.

"I hate you all." She said, walking with us into the creepy looking doors, with a receptionist with blood on her hat was sitting at the reception. Her eyes widened when she saw us, and she literally bolted out of her seat to us.

"Anything I can help you with?" She asked, eyes wide open like she hadn't got any sleep for a decade and a eerie smile only some old men in the street selling weird stuff give you.

"No thanks, we're looking for a friend." Dan lied, looking quite scared like the rest of us.

"You'll find nobody in here deary! Nobody has used us in years, here, come sit." The old lady ushered. I looked at the others frightened faces, then back at the nurse. Alfie noticed I was scared, and locked pinkies with me. "Aw, a couple here?" The lady said.

"No, she's my.. Sister." Alfie stuttered. Well he wasn't wrong, he acts like my brother anyways.

"Well what the hell are you waiting for? Sit down." The lady snapped, pushing Luke down onto a chair. I saw Jai stiffen, so I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Well if there's nobody here, I think we should be going." Finn said, turning around.

"Oh I don't think so love." The lady said. She went behind her counter and pushed a button, and metal shutters started to close around the doors. I tried to make a break for it, but didn't make it to the door in time. I pulled out my bat from my bag, while the others got their weapons.

"Look, let us go now and we won't go to the police." Phil tried to compromise. Whatta fail.

"No. Nurse, please escort the girls to their rooms." She smirked. I turned to Dan's panicked look everyone linked hands. Zoe started crying and buried her head in Finn's chest.

"Looks like they're all inseparable. Fine. Nurse, take them to one of the bigger rooms." She said, but stopped Jack and Jai. "You two get separated." She demanded. She obviously noticed they were twins.

"No, he stays with me." Luke said, grabbing Jai's arm. It was obvious Jai was terrified, so Luke sent him backwards towards us, where me and Ammie comforted him.

"Yeah, and in situations like this, he doesn't leave me." Finn said, grabbing Jack. The nurse, obviously annoyed as we won't be separated, stamped her foot.

"Fine. But you're on my bad side." She threatened. We were dragged (literally, there were like 15 frigging nurses with blood all over them..) to our room, where there was 4 double beds, a desk with a music box, and some paper and pens.

"I think we should all pair up. Just in case." Caspar suggested.

"I'll be with Jack." Finn said.

"I'll be with Zoe." Ammie said, clutching Zoe's hand.

"I have to make sure Amy's okay." Dan said, making me blush.

"Family first." Jai said.

"I'll be with Caspar." Sam said.

"I'll be with Phil then." Alfie said.

"I wonder what this is." I said, walking over to the music box with Dan. I expected there to be a fricking earthquake when I opened it, but no. Something much worse. It started playing a creepy music box tune, with a little girl singing.

"Hushabye baby, you're almost dead,

You don't have a pulse and your pillow is red.

Your family hates you.

Your friends let you bleed.

Sleep tight with a knife,

Cause that's all you need."

"Okay that's just scary." I said, closing it. (A/N I can't remember who's post it was, but I got it from someone's message to all fans and I asked if I could use it, but I don't think they replied, so credit to them.)

"What time is it?" Finn yawned. I checked my phone, which had one bar of signal.

"It's 6." I sighed. "Who has signal?"

"I have a little." Alfie replied. I slowly walked towards the door and opened it a crack. I couldn't see any nurses, but I shut it anyways.

"There's no nurses, maybe I can try and sneak out?" I suggested. "Maybe I can call you when I'm out?"

"I'm up for it." Dan said. The others agreed too.

"Be careful." Ammie said, hugging me.

"I will." I said. I turned around, to see Dan waiting for me. I opened the door slightly, to see yet again, no nurses. I stepped out slowly, Dan following. We were walking for a few minutes, when a nurse jumped out, blood on her hands.

"Where are you going?!" She screamed.

"I-I-I needed the toilet, and he didn't want me to go alone." I lied.

"Fine. Boy, go back to your room. Me and her are going to have a little chat." She smiled grimly.

Dan P.O.V (A/N Yaaaaay:P)

I ran as fast as I could back to our room, where I shut the door behind me so fast that you'd think that Chuck Norris was pissed at me.

"What's wrong? Where's Amy?" Alfie asked.

"We got caught by a nurse and she took her." I cried, almost sobbing.

"Dan, calm down." Phil said.

"I can't! You should've seen the look on her face, she was terrified!"

"Dan, we'll find her, she's probably fine! What was your excuse?" Alfie asked.

"Um, she said she needed the toilet."

"Well then the nurse has probably took her to the toilet." Sam said. Everyone's eyes went to the window in the door, and I turned around to see the same nurse. I screamed and shot back to the others. She opened the door, and closed it straight behind her.

"I haven't hurt the girl too much. But if you leave here again, there will be more consequences. Is that clear?" She growled. We all nodded, and she left the room, coming back 10 seconds later with Amy, blood dripping down her nose and crying. I ran up to her and engulfed her in a massive hug. Luke wolf whistled, so Zoe slapped him around the head.

"You okay?" I asked her once the nurse had left.

"Fine." She said. After an hour of pacing around bored out of our minds, we decided to go to sleep, since we were freezing and tired.

"What's the sleeping arrangements? There's only 4 beds." I asked.

"Maybe Jai, Luke, Jack and Finn in one bed since another 2 can go at the other side, Me, Amy, Alfie and Phil in another bed, Capsar, Sam, Zoe and Ammie in another. We can just use the other bed to put our stuff on." I suggested. Everyone agreed, and we brung another blanket onto our bed, a pillow onto Sam's bed and another pillow onto the twin's bed. After about 3 hours of trying to get to sleep, I checked my phone, to see about 30 texts asking where everyone was. One was from my mum.

'Baby, where are you?:( You're on the news and everything! There's even paps outside of the hospital cause they know you're in there. The police arent doing anything because the nurses say if they come in, they'll kill you. I can't imagine how scared you must be. I hope you get out safe. Love mum xxxxx' it said.

I decided I would wait to tell the others and plan our escape, so I just fell asleep. In the middle of the night, I could've sworn I felt arms wrap around my waist..
