
Amy P.O.V

I was woken up by people surrounding me and Dan, and various whispers.

"Someone take a picture!"

"No way! Amy hates pictures when she's sleeping!"

"But they're so cute!"

"Both of you shut it."

"Aw, is little Alfie getting jealous?"

"No! I just don't want to see her getting hurt!"

"I think he's jealous."

"Yeah he's jealous alright."

"No I'm not!"

I heard phones clicking, and I pretended to mumble and turn around. I opened my eyes a crack, to see my arms hugging Dan's neck while he was still asleep, our legs tangled and his hands on my waist.

"Well this is awkward." I said, making everyone laugh. My phone dinged, and it was another message from my mum.

'Darling, you know the wooden ledge on the outside of the window of your room? The police say shuffle along there and at the end you'll see a ladder, climb down and run to the back gate, then run around to the front. Xxx'

"Guys I have a plan." I said, passing them the phone and showing both texts, one from last night and that one. "Dan, wake up, we're getting out of here."

After getting our stuff and doing the awkward 5 minutes shuffle around the wooden ledge, we climbed down the ladder, when an alarm went off.

"Run!" Jai shouted. We ran the way my mum had told me to, when the gates started closing. We had all hopped the fence before they closed apart from Dan, who got left behind while he was helping Phil.

"Dan I'm coming with you." I said, about to climb back over.

"Don't! I'll be fine, we're out, I just need to sneak around to get to the other side." He protested.

"Nu uh, I'm coming." I said, jumping over the fence.

"Amy, are you mad?!" Alfie exclaimed.

"Pretty much." I replied.

"Amy, you really need to go back across." Dan tried to pursuade.

"I'm not going back across." I said stubbornly.


"I'm not arguing Dan, you would do the same for me."

"Oh fine." He sighed. We turned around, and a gang of about 7 nurses were all armed with crowbars and bats, looking unbelievably angry. I looked over to Dan who looked panicked. He then gripped my hand and led me under and around the nurses before you could even say 'Ninja'. He sprinted around the hospital with the nurses close behind us, and we finally caught sight of everyone outside. There were police, ambulances, paparazzi and parents. One of the nurses grabbed my leg, causing me to fall over and hit my head off the concrete floor and a bad shooting pain going through my foot. My vision became blurred and voices became echoes. I even think I faintly heard Dan screaming my name before I blacked out. I woke up briefly, to see Phil carrying me away, Jack and Finn hitting nurses with their own bats with the police trying to stop them and Dan getting seen to by one of the ambulances. What worries me is that he was crying.

"Is everyone okay?" I mumbled to Phil.

"Sort of, Dan's convinced you're dead so he won't calm down, it's cute really." He chuckled, which made me giggle. He gave me to the paramedics who laid me down on the bed in the ambulance. As soon as they started to close the ambulance doors, Alfie and my mum stopped them and climbed on themselves, despite the paramedic's arguments.

"Do you have a daughter?" My mum asked the paramedic.

"Uhh.. Yes.."

"Well wouldn't you want to go into the ambulance with her, after she had been to a camp and then got kidnapped by some maniacs?"

"Good point. So who are you?" He asked Alfie.

"I'm her brother." He said, looking over to my mum. She nodded and gave him a smile, as if to say 'Yeah, say you're her brother, it's fine with me.' The paramedic shut the doors and injected something into my arm, which then made me go to sleep just 30 seconds later.

Once I had woken up and the doctors had checked me over, I was allowed visitors. Dan and Alfoe were first, who came with a massive bar of chocolate and a massive hug each. After talking for a while, one of the doctors came in.

"Alfie Deyes? There's a," She checked her clipboard. "Marcus Butler here for you."

"Marcus is here?!" His face brightened up. He turned to me and did his famous puppy face.

"Go." I laughed as he kissed me on the head and ran out of the room like a lunatic.

"Are you okay?" Dan asked.

"I'm fine. Are you? How's everyone else?" I asked.

"Everyone has went back to camp, we were told to."

"We have to go back there?" I groaned.

"Unfortunatley." Dan groaned. We looked at each other and started laughing.

"Just kiss already!" We heard Phil shout from outside.

"He stayed." Dan explained.

"I guessed." I laughed. A nurse came in, and explained everything.

"Well, it seems the only injury you came out with is a broken foot, which we will provide crutches for. Other than that, I would advise you all to get some sleep, plus plenty of water. You're free to go home if you like." He said. He handed me some crutches and Dan and my mum helped me out of the hospital.

"Mum, can I go back to camp?" I asked.

"Course you can." She smiled. "You," She pointed to Dan. "Look after her."

"I will." Dan promised. We said bye to her as she went to another taxi, while ours took us back to camp. We finally got back, and I saw everyone waiting outside of our cabin, including Marcus, who was probably going to bunk with Alfie.

"Hey." I said, Dan handing me my crutches so I could get out of the car.

"How did you manage to break your foot?" Ammie laughed.

"One of the nurses grabbed my foot when we were running away from them." I explained laughing.

"Get some sleep." Alfie smiled. I gave everyone a hug, making sure they were okay, and went back into my cabin. At around 2am, I heard noises outside. I grabbed my crutches and hobbled over, to see Area 3 there again. But this time, they had rocks. Chloe saw me and threw a rock at my window, which I successfully dodged, but it woke Ammie and Zoe.

"Get down." I said, and everyone crouched as more rocks came flying through. I heard Dan shouting and Caspar shouting 'Charge' for some reason. I looked out of my window to see the boys running out, bats and Jack with a freaking frying pan. Area 3 ran off, and Dan offered to move my bed into his cabin. Finn also offered if Zoe and Ammie wanted to go into their cabin, when I had an idea.

"How about we use our cabin as storage and board up the windows, and we rearrange the biggest cabin to fit all of our beds in, so they're together like a huge mattress?" I suggested. Everyone agreed, and we stuck to the plan, as everyone moved their beds to Alfie's cabin. Or should I say, our cabin.

"Amy, are you awake?" Dan whispered while everyone was asleep.

"How did you know?" I whispered back.

"Lucky guess. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry." I reassured.

"Okay, goodnight." He smiled.

"Night." I smiled back, and soon fell asleep.


Okay, y'all should consider this a present or something, since I literally wrote this in half an hour.



