The Unexpected Guests

At the capital

The children and Cale spend shopping  while the two Bennett and Razor went wondering around the capital. And Cale teach Bennett and Razor things and the three children for three days in capital.

One night suddenly Cale and his students got awaken at night. The two went down stairs and Cale left without any of the three children awake. When they got there it was unexpected guests. It was Choi Han, father and son duo, the Red head mage, then wolf children and the unconscious Lock. "what's happening..!? " the butler Hans ask. "Hans clear the knights arena..." as Cale knew what's happening to lock while Bennett and Razor are alarm they new what is going. They now lock is going to his berserk as this is the same thing happened to Razor first berserk that happened only last year. "Yes—but why..??" Hans ask again. "just follow what I said Hans.." cale said.

They went on the arena and laid lock in the middle."Razor we will help him ok..??"Cale look at the half Wolf "Razor.. Lock has no lupical so we will help him.." Razor understood what cale saying him and lock was raised by different Wolves. Razor is raised by Cale, Andrius and his pack and his material mother Lisa Minci. So he wants to help lock.

"What's happening to lock...??" the red mage ask. " he's going berserk.." cale said checking lock "but none of the books about berserk told about heating..??" ."It's because it's his first time..." Bennett said to the mage. "but this little wolf had no one to protect him.. " Cale said. " what do you mean..??" Choi Han spoke glaring at Cale "well how to say this uumm.. When a young wolf is going berserk they lost their minds and go rampage so the parents or siblings usually take the attack of the berserk wolf but...this kid... " . "his so young... " the mage spoke "we will take hyungs attack..!!" one of the wolf kids said.

"That's cute of you but no let the adults do this.. Razor wine.. let's warm up and Bennett and miss mage please set the kids aside.." " Yes teach..!" Bennett follow Cale's order while Razor give cale a bottle of wine. Cale take four gulps of the wine as him and Razor got attacked by the wolf kid. "Hey don't hurt him just take the attack..!! " Cale shout as three individuals helping them.

Cale use the shield he got from the man-eating tree before he got in capital. The shield is combine with strong winds while Razor using his vision. The three individuals are surprise on their abilities while Bennett watching them." Lock wake up..!! " Choi Han shout as lock attack Razor and Razor headbutt Lock enough to knock the wolf out of his berserk. Cale and the rest are shock at what happened. Cale and Bennett didn't expect that to happen. "Where did Razor learn that..!!? BAHAHAHAHA" Bennett luagh Cale try to hide his  laugh but failed. As the four individuals look at them and the children look at them dumbfounded. "Did Razor did great...??" "yes.. yes.. You did I'll tell Hans to give you a delicious steak.." " Yess..!"

Cale heal Razor's forehead and lock but unknown to him that Rosalyn noticed it. As she about to ask cale had already left with the two teens as Hans help them.
