Barbatos is tired of everyone's bullsh*t

"I, a God who is tired of human's nonsense..." The Great Barbatos said while he lay on the bed.

After what happened the servants had treated Cale differently, Cale doesn't know why. But when he came at the capital every servants is giving him bad looks. Cale knew what's on their minds 'he's going to make a trouble' or 'what is the count thinking.. sending a trash in the capital'. 

Cale hate those eyes with full of judgment and hostility. That's why choose to children because as the children grew up. The cleanliness souls of the pure children will soon be ruin by the adults manipulating the children.

This makes the children grew up like Taylor Stan's siblings and Zed's children and more noble children.'All Human I wants power now days' the Archons once said to Cale.

But this days was different, servants are acting weird. They all admiring Cale and praise the god. And Cale heard people start to call him 'The great master of wind Arrows' which annoys him more.

'they act like I wasn't a trash for years  now they act like I'm been a great person just because I used my powers in front of them.... This is why Humans are indeed fascinating to watch... They are all siding with once with power and high status in society they are very pathetic...' Cale's thought.

And what annoys Cale is when he went to annoy the knights of Favonius. His student Kaeya introduced a girl name Rosaria. The girl keep mispronounce 'Barbatos' In front of the Great Barbatos himself. Cale can feel Kaeya still laughing his ass when he got back home.

Cale want to smack the shit out of him. If Diluc knew Cale was a god he will sure be proud of his brother when he found out about that.

And that not all Zed also found something to annoy Cale. Zed send a letter announce that Cale will be awarded. Cale immediately called Zed but the king didn't respond. Zed knew Cale doesn't like awards.

And also red mage Rosalyn also bothering Cale by following and convincing him to teach her magic. But Cale also knows that Rosalyn listening while Cale teach things Raon, Hong, On and his students.

Not just that the old butler also starts to giving him lemonades every f*cking morning.

And the swordmaster who keeps asking annoying thing like 'why you didn't fight back that time I beat you..?' or 'what are visions..?' and 'where did you learn to use bow and arrows..??'.

Cale couldn't have alone time to rest at all. "I'm indeed tired with the human's nonsense... There just full of bullsh*t " Cale said before falling asleep.
