Barbatos's Church

After Taylor's legs got healed, "Your highness do you know where is God of Eternal Freedom's temple..??" Cage ask. "No I don't... " Alberu answer.

"What's wrong Cage..?? " Taylor ask. "God of Death said he will lead us to the temple inside the palace... And Crown Prince follow us too... " Cage said.  Alberu does not know why is he involved.

Cage lead the way to the church. "I never been in this halls... " Alberu said.  "who is this God of Eternal Freedom...?" Taylor ask. "he's the one who's been protecting you..." Cage said. "Really...?? " Alberu look at Cage nodded.

As they walk more they say a church.

"This is almost hidden... " Alberu said. Then a kid walk towards them. "Who are you..?? " the little girl with elf ears ask. "An...elf...?" Taylor said. "God of Death said the little girl will help us.." Cage said. The three look at the kid.

"Are you going to the temple there..??" the child ask. " yes but what are you doing here kid..?? " Alberu ask. "Ooh I'm with my brother and I'm a knight here..!! " The girl said. "Ooh a knight...Can you lead the way..?" Alberu ask.

The little girl lead the way. They enter the church and a Woman greet them. "Klee who did you bring this time..?? " The woman ask.

–God of Eternal Freedom's Holy Maiden..

God of Death said to Cage. Cage look at the woman. "We're here to learn about God of Eternal Freedom... " Cage said. "Ooh... I see.. My name is Barbara nice to meet you... "

Barbara show them a book. "The God of Eternal Freedom is the child of the God of Eternity. The God of Eternity had an affair with a human they said that's how God of Eternal Freedom was created but before the lord I served become God of Eternity's child. People said that he used to be a wind that was called the thousand winds...." Barbara continued. As the three listen.

"Then the Thousand winds turn into Wind Spirit King that was known as the Elf ...But soon and after the Wind Spirit King disappear like wind no one knows where the spirit king goes..." Cage look at the book. "why is god of Eternal freedom describe as a child...?? " Cage ask. " because before God of Eternity die she used to show everyone her child..." Barbara said.  "What..??" the three ask Barbara tilt her head. "How did the God of Eternity die..?? " Taylor ask. "Archon War... People said she die in Archon War where the Six god's go against God of Despair...." Barbara said.

"That's where God of Eternal Freedom's got recognize as a God they said he replaced his mother's position. After God of Eternity Died Some followers of God of Eternity and other Gods comfort the young God...." Barbara look at the three individuals in front of her.

" I'm God of Death's Holy Maiden... Got of Death told me that your God of Eternal Freedom's Holy Maiden.... Can you tell me what kind of God is God of Eternal Freedom is....?" Cage ask.

"God of Eternal freedom is very joyful he likes playing instruments and sing a song...God of Eternal Freedom loves every creature even if it dark attributes or not. He accepted everyone that's why many priest here in this church are either beast people or Dark attributes...." Barbara said made them shock.

A God accept everyone that's new in their ears. Then the kings voice was heard. "Alberu why are you here..?? " Zed ask them. " your majesty you visit again... Ooh young master cale your here to... " Barbara greet them. "Hello Barbara I'm here to pick up my students... " Cale said. "Ooh... I see " then Barbara saw the little dragon. "Oh lord that a dragon..??" Barbara look at Cale. "Yup he's a new part of the family.." Barbara greet and give little dragon a cookie then left to get the two students.

"Young Master Cale i didn't expect to see you soon... "  Taylor said. " Me too..." Cale look at Cage. "did god of Death said something..?? " Cale ask. "yeah he wants me to know his friend God of Eternal Freedom..." Cage said. "Ooh... Is that so...did you learn from Miss Barbara..?? " Cale ask.

"the God sound nice.. " Taylor said Alberu and Cage nodded. Then "Hey Young Master Cale wanna see my Bombs..?? " the little girl ask. "maybe next time Klee.. " Cale said "then can I play with little dragon..?? " Klee ask.
Cale look at the Black Dragon. "Human let me play with this child..!!" The black dragon said. "I didn't know you have a dragon.. Young master cale" Alberu said.

"of course Little Dragon...and your highness I'm just taking care of the dragon until he reach first growth..." Cale said as he watch Klee and the dragon go to the near lake throwing small explosives bombs.

"by the way congrats young master Taylor..." Cale said. "thank you young master cale... " Taylor thank Cale. "Well we will be going now Young Master Cale.. "Cage said. "Well me too... Alberu come on.." Zed drag Alberu out of the church. Taylor and Cage left as well.

Cale watch the two children talking about bombs. Cale saw Klee give the little Dragon bombs.'Aah... What a nice kid.. 'Cale said to himself.
