Chapter 12

Alejandro's POV
It had been a few days since I've last spoken to Mattia and I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about him. I was hoping that with the talk that we had that he would hang out with me more. Now that I'm thinking about it I haven't seen him at school

I hope he's okay... did he hurt himself? I should have asked for his number...

I was knocked out of my daze when I felt someone slightly shove me.

Robert (R): Hey man! What's good?

I pushed him back before dapping him up.

A: Nothing much. Where are the other guys?

R: They're coming. I left them out in the parking lot. They were being too slow.

I chuckled. This was so Robert.

The rest of the guys came in and we hung out by my locker waiting for the bell to ring so we could go to 1st period. I was zoning in and out of the conversation keeping my eyes on the halls hoping that Mattia would just pop out.

My prayers were answered when I saw a familiar tall figure shuffling slowly down the hall heading toward a pair of lockers.

A: Hey guys I'll be right back. I have to go talk to someone.

I left before they had the chance to say anything. I walked up to Mattia and tapped his shoulder. I must of scared him since he jumped up a little. When he turned around I saw the same and familiar emptiness that his eyes held. My heart dropped a little.

M: Hey Alejandro...

It was kind of hard to make out what he had said since he spoke barely above a whisper.

A: Mattia are you okay?

M: Oh yeah I'm fine... um just tired

A: You know you can tell me anything right. I'm here for you.

M: Yeah I know... I'm going to get going now. See you around

I smiled and waved at him. An idea suddenly popped into my head. I ran after Mattia.

A: Hey Mattia wait

M: Yeah

A: I want you to come sit with me and my group at lunch

M: I don't kn...

A: Please Mattia just for the rest of the week and if you don't like to sit with us by the end of the week then you can leave.

M: mhmm

A: Please just for the rest of this week

M: Fine but I'm just doing this because you're being quite adorable right now

I heard him chuckle softly and then he suddenly stopped as if he realized what had just come out of his mouth. I felt my cheeks heat up.

He just called me adorable. Why am I blushing?

M: Bye Alejandro

I shot him a quick smile before I turned around and went back to my friends.

K: Yo Ale who was that?

A: Just a new friend that I made. He's new to town so I invited him to sit with us at lunch if that's okay with you guys

K: No man yeah it's okay

A: Great

Time Skip to lunch
Mattia's POV
I entered the cafeteria scanning the room looking for Alejandro. I finally found him and I slowly made my way over to the table that Alejandro was at. I noticed four other guys at the table already. It made me even more nervous that I already was.

As soon as I reached the table all four of the guys stopped talking and stared at me.

A: What are you guys looking at. Some hot girl

A short boy nodded towards me and Alejandro turned around.

A: Oh hey! Come sit next to me.

Alejandro patted the seat next to him motioning me to sit down. I slowly sat down in the chair as the other boys stared at me. I felt uncomfortable.

A: Will you guys stop staring at him so much. You're going to make him uncomfortable. Anyways this is Mattia, the guy I was talking to this morning.

I looked around the table and I saw the guys' faces soften and they all waved hi and smiled at me. It honestly made me feel better, like I was welcomed. Alejandro turned and faced me.

A: Mattia these are my friends. Let me introduce you to them.

Alejandro pointed at each of his friends as he introduced them.

A: The short asian looking guy over there is Kairi. The other short dude with the edgar haircut is Alvaro. The tall curly haired boy is Robert and last but not least my guy Roshaun.

As soon as Alejandro stopped talking the guys started throwing a bunch of questions at me- "Where are you from?", "Are you new here?", "Why did you move?".

A: Guys chill out. Let the man breathe.

M: Thanks but it's well yes I am new. I used to live in Texas but my family and I moved because my father got a job promotion.

Roshaun (Ro): Texas! I heard that all them Texas girls are hot as fuck. Is that true?

K: Roshaun what kind of kind of question is that?

Ro: What? I just want to know. What's wrong with wanting a smoking hot girl from Texas

The whole group burst out laughing except for me. I mean yeah the girls over there were pretty but I never really paid much attention to them. The guys calmed down after a few moments and just stared at me wierdly since I hadn't even let out a single chuckle.

Ro: You good bro? It was just a question or what you're not into girls.

I immediately tensed up.

Fuck they're going to catch on if you keep acting like this. They can't know you're gay or they will be grossed out and leave you before you even got the chance to become friends with them.

I snapped out of my thoughts and let out what I hope was a believable chuckle.

M: Oh no yeah I'm totally into girls it's just that your question kind of surprised. Getting straight to the point I see.

Alejandro let out a laugh.

A: That's what you should always expect from Roshaun.

The rest of the boys burst out laughing except Roshaun as he tried to put on a hurt face but that was quickly replaced by his own laughter. I couldn't keep myself from laughing as well.

We spent the rest of lunch time just talking about random things. I really felt like I could potentially become great friends with these guys but there was still a voice whispering in the back of brain.

Once they find out your secret they will leave you... you just wait. Good things don't last forever.

Author's Note
I felt like writing more so here is another chapter. Enjoy!
Much love ❤️
