Chapter 8

Alejandro's POV
I slipped out of the front door hoping that my mom didn't hear anything. I needed to clear my head for awhile and a walk around town would help just fine. My brother was being really annoying and I just couldn't stand him anymore. Don't get me wrong I love the kid but sometimes he can be a real pain in the ass.

I decided to head towards the bridge that is right in the middle of town. I liked to go there and sit on the edge and just stare into the sky letting myself relax. As I approached the bridge I noticed that someone was already there.

I realized what they were trying to do and I ran the fastest I had ever run in my life. I took note that it was a guy. I wrapped my arms around his waist and slammed him into my body bringing him over the railing.

M: No! No! No! What are you doing?! Let me go! Let me do what I need to do! Let me go!

I heard the pain in his voice as he screamed at me. I refused to let him go. I had this sudden urge to help him and that's what I was going to do so I spoke to him in the most soothing voice that I could manage to speak in.

Alejandro (A): Hey, hey it's okay... i got you. I'm here to help.

M: No let me go! I need to do it! I don't want to feel anymore! Let me go!

A: No I'm not letting go. Im never letting go

The boy continued to scream at me as he tried to get away but I still held on tightly. I whispered the words "I'm here" over and over again into his ear as I rubbed my hand up and down his back.

He eventually calmed down and I decided to let him go. I cupped his face with my hands and I slowly brought his face up to mine. The sight of him broke my heart. I could see his tear stained cheeks and the emptiness that his eyes held. I noticed that his eyes began to get droopy so I picked him from the ground and put my arm around his waist as I led him toward my house.

On our way there I could hear the pain in his voice as he muttered the same phrases to himself. He kept repeating "I need to die", "I can't do anything right", and "I'm so tired of everything".

Who hurt him so much? Why is he in so much pain? Where are his parents? Where are his friends? Who is he?

We finally arrived at my house and I had a problem.

How the fuck am I suppose to get him inside without my mom and brother noticing?

Author's Note
Hey guys! So ale finally made an appearance
Comment if you're actually enjoying the story so I know if I should continue or not
Much love ❤️
