{ 20. Loving and Hurting }

"It's not your fault." She said. Stiles looked at her. Tears in her eyes, her face a bit red. Either way, she looked beautiful. Stiles looked down again and a tear escaped his eye. Lydia grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight. "Stiles." Stiles looked up. "It's not your fault." Lydia said. He smiled, the first smile in days. "Do you remember anything from that night?" He asked. "Not really. I heard that I was stabbed from the doctors, they also told me a boy saved me." Lydia said. "D-do you remember who it was?" Stiles asked. "No. Sadly, I would've thanked him." Lydia said. Stiles sighed, why didn't she remember him? "Do you remember anything else?" He asked instead. "Not really, everything is just a blur. But the doctors said that if I took some medication maybe I'd remember some stuff." Lydia said. Stiles was silent, he didn't want to ask anything more. "Are you okay?" He couldn't hold it in, she needed to be okay. "I'm fine. It hurts a bit but for some reason I thought it'd be more painful than this." Lydia replied, with a faint smile on her face. "You should be happy. I mean, that it doesn't hurt as much as you thought." Stiles said. Lydia laughed, it wasn't her normal laugh. It was a hurtful laugh, a laugh that held a bit of pain. It was odd, how Stiles noticed these things.

"Lydia! Lydia, you're finally awake!" Lydia's mother and a few doctors came in, they all had smiles on their faces. "How are you?" Lydia's mother asked. "I'm fine, mom." Lydia said with a monotone. "You could be a little bit more excited, Lydia. You were almost dead but Stiles saved you! Isn't that great?" Lydia's mother said. Shit. Stiles didn't want this to be revealed! Now Lydia would be in debt, and that's the last thing he wanted. Lydia looked at Stiles, still as a statue. "Lydia, darling?" Lydia's mother asked. But Lydia didn't answer. She looked at Stiles, with a shocked look on her face. And Stiles looked back, with a guilty look on his face. It was like Lydia saw Stiles eyes for the first time. They were chocolaty brown; not too dark, not too light. The perfect shade. "Y-you saved me?" She escaped from her silence. Stiles thought for a second, should he tell the truth or act as if it was someone who didn't look like him? And how did Lydia's mother know this anyway? "Yes, yes he did, and we're eternally grateful." Lydia's mother said, as a minute passed of Stiles thinking. "Stiles." Lydia said, a bit louder now. "Did you save me?" She asked. "Yes, I did." Stiles said. It was better to not hide the truth. "Why didn't you tell me? We were talking about it earlier!" Lydia seemed furious. "Why didn't you tell me it was you from the start?" She asked. "I don't want you to feel as if you owe me." Stiles said. "W-why not? Of course I owe you, you saved my life! If you hadn't come I would've bleed to death!" Lydia said. "Lydia." Stiles said, with a soft tone. "You don't owe me. I owed you, and my dead is still not repaid." He continued. Everyone was silent, Lydia looked confused, Lydia's mother looked angry at her daughter, and the doctors were stopping doing their jobs.

"Why do you owe me?" Lydia asked Stiles. She didn't notice anyone else, just Stiles. It was as if only they were in the room. "Before I met you, I was depressed. My mother died, and I hadn't gone to school for three weeks. Then, in the park, I met you. I met you trough Max, and you looked as hurt as I was. Because of that I felt that we already had a connection. I went to school again, and I figured out you attended my school, and then we started talking more and more. And I started to feel closer to you. Slowly you started sharing things with me, and when we skipped school together is when I had the most amazing time." Stiles said. "What are you saying?" Lydia asked, tears forming in her eyes. "And because of that, Lydia Martin, because you gave me hope, I owe you. You saved me. And-" Stiles began. "I'm sorry, but we need to continue surgery, sir." The doctors told him. Stiles packed his bags, Lydia looked down. She expected him to say more. Stiles walked towards the door, grabbing the doorknob. "Lydia, I love you." And with that he left.


Sorry for the short chapters lately, but I wanted to end here and not drag it out. But I do hope you enjoyed! Btw thank you all for your comments, votes and reads, you'r
