{ 6. Fifty rounds }

It was the next morning and Stiles didn't get a text. He checked his phone every second, but nothing. Even Stiles' dad started to wonder what his son was doing. "Why are you always on your phone? Kids these days." He'd say. "Why aren't you at work?" Stiles would respond. His dad was suddenly home more than ever, and Stiles felt like even he got over his mother's death. Which he found amazing for him, but it was another loss in the 'talking to someone who understands' department, since now if Stiles would ever bring up his mother the sheriff would say: "she would want you to get over it" or even "she wouldn't want you to be stuck in depression". How would he know what she'd want. How would anyone know what the dead would want? The dead don't want anything, they're dead. Stiles went off to school again and he was happy it was Friday. In his car Stiles still wondered what Lydia had said. "No sphallolalia." What did that even mean? He thought he knew a lot of words, but her vocabulary was on a whole other level. He thought about searching it up, but he wanted to have an excuse to talk to her. He didn't know what classes she had, where she sat or where she went after school. He didn't know anything about her, but also everything. The game they played was so silly, yet so interesting. He learned a lot from it, a lot about her.

Stiles arrived at school, and no one gave him weird looks anymore. He was relieved, the school forgot about it already. "Hey, Stiles!" Allison said and Stiles smiled. He hoped it was another girl, but Allison was such good company, he didn't mind it. "Hey, Ally! Where are Scott and Lahey?" He asked. "Lacrosse practice. I thought you would be there?" Allison said in confusion. Ah, right. "Shit. I'm gonna go." Stiles said and he ran off while Allison was laughing. He totally forgot about lacrosse practice, it's been so long. He arrived at the field, completely in outfit, and Scott and Isaac laughed at him. "Stillinski!" Coach yelled. He would definitely get called out. But to his surprise coach was quite soft on him. "I get that you're late today, but if you're late next time I'll spank you all the way across this field." He said and let him go. And yes, that was quite soft. Stiles ran with the rest of the group. "Where were you?" Isaac asked him. "Forgot we had practice today. Allison reminded me and I came as fast as I could." Stiles answered. "No, I mean yesterday. You were trying to avoid Malia and then you were gone. Apparently she hit you real good, your eye is completely black." Isaac laughed and gave him a pat on the back. "Ah, yeah, I told Malia the truth and she just hit me. I left to take care of it." Stiles lied. He didn't want to tell his friends about Lydia, and especially not Isaac. "Ah, I get it. Malia may be a girl, but she can punch hard." Isaac laughed and he ran further, Stiles following him. As practice went on, Stiles started to notice beautiful strawberry blonde hair, a strawberry scent following shortly after. He looked up to the bench and saw Lydia sitting there. She was in a book (a different one than the day before) and it seemed like she didn't even notice that lacrosse practice began. Stiles knew he would get his ass kicked, but he walked up to the bench to say hi. "Hey, Lydia." He said and the beautiful girl looked up from her book. "Hey, Stiles! I didn't know you played lacrosse." She said. "Really? It's quite the thing at this school." Stiles responded. "Hm. I never bothered to look at a game or a practice." Lydia said right before a whistle was blown, hurting their ears. "Stillinski! No talking to girls during practice! Do that when you have an actual cute face! Now run across the field fifty times!" Coach yelled. Stiles sighed and Lydia laughed. "Good luck." She said and Stiles began running. "So, why didn't you text me?" Stiles asked as soon as he reached the bench again, one round done. "I didn't have time. Too busy reading books." Lydia said when Stiles reached the bench a second time. "What book you reading now?" Stiles asked when he reached the bench a third time. "It's called The Mystery of Venice. I'm liking it so far." Lydia said when he reached a fourth time. "So far? You're already halfway in!" Stiles said when he reached again, noticing half of the pages were turned. Damn this girl read fast. "Oh, I must've not noticed." Lydia laughed. "Does that book say what sphallolalia means?" Stiles asked when he reached the bench a seventh time. "It means flirtatious talk that leads nowhere. But this book doesn't say it." Lydia said when Stiles reached for the eight time. "A-ha. You think I wanna flirt with you?" Stiles asked when he reached the bench again. "No. It's just a warning." Lydia said when he reached the bench for the tenth time. "You're on one-fifth!" She yelled a bit louder when he ran away again. Stiles laughed and ran further, he was on half of the eleventh round when the bell rang and it started raining. He started to walk off the field before Coach stopped him. "No way. You'll be running forty more rounds if you want to leave." Stiles sighed but did as he was told. It was pouring and he was soaked already, but he'd better pick his pace up if he wanted to leave. He looked at the bench and saw Lydia still sitting there, reading her book. She must've thought he left. Coach was gone, so he could easily sit with her and talk, which was way more appealing than running forty more rounds in the pouring rain. He went to sit next to her. "Hello." He said and Lydia looked up from her book. "I thought practice was over." She said. "For me it's not. Have to run forty more rounds and only then I can leave." Stiles said. "Then what are you doing here? Come on!" Lydia said and she clicked her fingers. "Coach isn't here, so there's no one to check on me." Stiles said. "He is checking on you. Right there." Lydia pointed at coach, standing in his office, which had a view over the field. He looked angry at Stiles. "Shit. Guess I'll have to run in the rain then." Stiles said and he started to walk off the bench. "Wait!" Lydia said and she stood up. "I'll run with you." She said and she walked off the bench following Stiles. They ran together and Lydia was even faster than Stiles was. They were getting completely soaked in the rain, but there was no trace of makeup creasing on Lydia's face. That was because she had no makeup on, she was a natural beauty. "How come you can run so fast?" Stiles asked. "Because you run so slow!" Lydia answered and she ran further. After what seemed like hours (but was actually just an hour and a half) they ran their forty rounds. Stiles fell on the wet field and Lydia laid down beside him. They looked at the sky, which was full of clouds. "I love when it begins to darkle." Lydia said. "Then you feel brighter than the sky, even though we never are." She continued. Darkle - it gets dark and/or clouds start forming.

Quite a long chapter! Did not intend to, it just went on and on, even though not much time past in the story. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! :)
