{ 1. A dog called Max }

Stiles Stillinski laid down in his bed for the second time since the day began. For the last three weeks he had been laying down in bed, looking at the ceiling, trying to find something in it. But he never did. The only thing he saw was a Green Day poster that had been hanging there for so long. He knew what he was trying to find, and he knew for a fact that he'd never find it. The beautiful face of his mother was gone, and he knew that. She'd never wake him up in the morning, and wouldn't smile at him while making his breakfast. Stiles felt so void and lonely without her. His father was never home, work became his rehab. Stiles wished he had a rehab, maybe school, his friends, or even lacrosse. But he didn't even try to attend to school, talk to his friends or play lacrosse. As popular as he was the whole school would know about his situation and he wasn't looking for pity. He didn't know what he was looking for, he just wanted to get over his mother's death. As death didn't happen to his mother, but to everyone around her.

Stiles stepped out of his bed and sighed. He looked into his small and messy room to find something to wear. His dirty clothes laid around his bed as he'd throw them there at the end of the day, only to wear them again the next morning. He'd reek and look awful, but he didn't care. He just wanted to forget about the world for a moment, but he couldn't. The world moves and happens, there's no escaping it. And Stiles hated that. He hated that he couldn't push pause and forget about everything happening.

Stiles opened his bedroom door to find a big dog, blonde of color, sitting in front of it. Max was the name of the dog and it was Stiles' mother's biggest pride. Stiles, on the other hand, hated him. The beast reminded him of his mother and he hated it. He knew there was nothing Max could do about the situation, and that Stiles was just angry at everything at this point, but he blamed all of his worries on the dog. Stiles stepped over it and onto the kitchen. As he expected, Max followed him, practically begging for some food. Stiles grabbed some for it and put it in a bowl, causing Max to eat it quickly. Stiles grabbed some food for himself and ate it. It healed nothing, it didn't fill the void or made him forget something, it didn't even fill his stomach. If not even Lucky Charms would help, nothing would. Stiles heard a phone ring and he picked it up, the caller ID was his dad's and that was the only person Stiles would pick up to now. He even ignored his best friends like Scott, Allison and Isaac, or just random people like Malia. His dad was the only one he could talk to, the only one he didn't get annoyed with. Because he knew his father felt the same, had the same void and shared the same grief.

"Stiles, would you please take Max out for a walk? It's been three weeks since the last time you two had some quality time and going outside may be good for you." Stiles was wrong, he could get annoyed with his father, as he was right now.
"Dad, quality time with a freaking dog? And I don't want to go outside, I'll see people."
"Ah, humans, those freaky things. Stiles, if you haven't taken out Max when I'm home I won't pick up Lucky Charms." Stiles' dad knew how obsessed he was with Lucky Charms and the box that was currently in his hands was almost empty. Stiles moaned but agreed, then he hung up. "Come on, Max, we're going out." He said with an annoyed tone in his voice but the dog stood up enthusiastically and followed Stiles out.

Stiles was sitting on a bench in the local park, as Max was sitting on the ground next to him. His tongue hung out of his mouth and he looked at Stiles with a satisfied look on his face, but going outside didn't help Stiles at all. Luckily there were no people that would condole him, since it was school time and he was the only one in the park. Or he thought he was. Suddenly he heard Max pant and he looked down. A girl petted his dog with a smile. She had strawberry blonde hair that you could spot from miles away and a floral dress hugged her body. The girl looked up, and she had the most beautiful green eyes. "This dog is the cutest!" She had a soft voice, sounded happy and no harshness was to find in it. "Is it yours?" She asked moments later. "Uh, yeah, yeah, it's mine." Stiles stuttered. This was the first time he spoke to someone else than his dad in three weeks and he needed to get used to hear another voice than a male's one. "It's adorable! Do you have a name?" The girl looked at the dog again and asked it the question, not expecting a response. "His name is Max." Stiles told the girl, and she smiled at him. "Max." She mimicked. "You know I don't like that name. One of my ex's is called Max and he was the worst." She added and laughed afterwards. "You're way cuter than him." She said. She stopped petting Max and stood up. "Sorry. I just have a huge love for dogs." She apologized. "No need to apologize. Max hasn't really gotten a lot of love lately, so I'm sure he loved it." Stiles said. "Why?" The girls asked. Stiles looked at her and stumbled on his words. "Sorry. I shouldn't get into people's business like that." She said and looked down. "It's okay." Was all Stiles could say and he hated it. He wanted to start a conversation with the girl, like why she wasn't at school, or why she loved dogs. But he couldn't bring it up. "Can I sit down next to you?" The girl asked and Stiles abruptly nodded. She sat next to him but Stiles didn't even feel the weight. It was like a butterfly landed next to him and he couldn't stop but stare at it before it flew away again. "So, why do you love dogs so much?" He asked. The girl looked at him with a smile and then to Max. "I don't know. I just love to cuddle them and hold them and pet them. Dogs are what people aren't: loyal. Other people can pet them but you'll always stay their number one. People aren't like that." She said, her eyes never taken off of Max. Stiles nodded and smiled, breathing in the cool March air. The sun was shining but the cold of winter was still there. Flowers were growing which made the park more beautiful and enchanting, yet there was still it's mystery and secrets. "The park is beautiful isn't it. Especially this time a year." The girl said. Stiles looked at her and saw that she had no makeup on, revealing a bit of freckles. "Exactly. I missed this park." Stiles mumbled more to himself than to the girl but she heard anyway. "Don't you go to this park everyday?" She asked and Stiles shook his head. "I do. Every day at fifth period. Then it's the most sunny so you'll see every mystery and secret from this place." She said and looked at the park with wonder in her eyes. When she realised what she said she looked at Stiles again and laughed awkwardly. "Sorry. I must seem weird now, uh, I should go." She said and before Stiles could say anything she left, leaving him with only a strawberry scent.

Welcome to my first fanfiction on this account! Thank you for reading. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, leave a comment if you'd like, and a vote if you've liked it. :)
